Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Jan 1932, p. 5

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of Wilmette is tirat ot the irl Scouts. Whatever else happens, that mnust go on. So declare Mrs. Ralph 'Mould- ing. chair.man of the Scouts ini Wil- Mette, and ber co-workers. Vigorous is the word. There is njo deprsio i i scouting. For .the Girl Scouts, business. is good. Altoget.her there are twenty-sevei, troops.in the counicil area, whch covers, Minette, \Vinnetka and GlIencoe. Thiere, are- Aime troops iii ýthis village aloiie- mlore than double, the number a year ago., Two of the -newest are those ot ýSt. Francis Xavier school. and High-l crest pul)liCs.chool. SIsh Expenses The Rev. David Kilb le,. prof es- sor of Bible inr tie Chicago Lu thi- LUI Bilhcsolas beesi called to beconié pastor of tiee Wilnrette flsg- lishIrLtiseriin ciiurch. I)riiqtire past, severa ,mvontzs .Ireliras bee'L' Nearlv ail the work of supervision ~"~WO Cigpsr a d organization is voluniteer effort.. The expense budget for Wilr-nette' ' The Rev. Mr.. Kabele Nvas educated ti us ear has, been pared (IowI to at Carthage college and at the Chi- ofiv $2.000. It: would'.ble ittie- shot t cago -Lutherai semnary.' He fornmerly. ot a crime, say the leaders,-for such served as assistant-pastor ini the Northi vigorous progress to b)e suddcnly Austin Lutherant church. whiÉlh is thel checked for*lack of. a cotise rvative largest Protestant churc i in the Chi-I S uin like that. Characte r-bulildinig cago area. He cones of a line of dis- .tgeniicë,. were neyer mnore iiiiporta-,,- titnguished Lutheran ininisters. his ffth-] * r eyer more flourishing thian they 'er being the Rev. George P. Kabele ot are righit ow. Nledîord, Ore. TheGir Scuts lie tse oy A special comimittee of the cliurch j Th ilScouts, arAlogrin the Boys counicîl las been actively engaged iii se-j munjtv Chest. Their irited reqûirie- lecting ant outstanding Lutlierait preacher ments inust i)e met by an iindividuiai 1 or the church,and members are enthus- camtip)a igiu. The oie in Winnetka haps matic over the choice of the .Re%. Mr.1 alreadlv takeni place-and ivent well Kýabele, \vho is considered a brillianit1 ove it quta.youingminan of exceptional ability and Meet Next Monday expérience.___ Th'e Wilmictte drive is about to M sncG o lst begîi. A meetinuglhas been Lalled foi- s o'clock Môndav eveiiing, Januar P norC r P ry1 at te lletlç )ist hurli fr a] Acard part, the first oi a series of parents and friends of the Girl entertainments sponsored by the \Vil-i Scouts. the workers in th.e drive, and mette Masonic Temple association, will al' .vio are interested in their suc- be given at, tisetemiple. 1010 Central. ces.s. The official organizatiion -lia', avenue, Saturday evening. January 30. beei. ormlaed s fllos:Thse program is in charge ofa general MWilnîlette conrnllt tee; M Rs. alph1 comimittee comaposed of representatives Moulding., chairrnani; Mrs. flnoëlSte. fth ou asnc bodie-s holding their" ýc rta ry; Mrs. George Wi-ighit. tl:e:tss-ýo tefurMs tirer.1 meetings in thse Masonic temp.1le. Nvhich Aclvisory board: Dr. il. . Siirlu. F, includes Wilmeétte lodge No. 931. A. F.' A, Wilson, F; Dewey Ander'son, >H1enry and A. M.: Wilrnette chap)ter.,R. A. M.; G7eneral ch.-tirian of d 1r ive: Arq. Order of the Eastern Star, and, the E~ Thaleg. True Kindred. Vioe Ahairman : Mrs. F. W. Burpeeý. The cornmittee, whiich is working un- *' dvnc gfs harîan is (eog der the direction of Mrs. May Wood- Treasurer: F. Dewey Anderqon.. head as general chiairman, is comEposed Publie uitillties and ch.ain stores J1- of \V. E. Richmond, 0. G. Daily, R. B. Local store';: F. A. Wilson. Swigart, Clifford E. Ives, Scott S. C. ist -ey, m n ' s E o h Ste . Sm ith , Jr., Fred !3ro uglton. M rs. M ay» Introduced to Milady of thse No rt/s S/hore for t/he First Time. THE Super C..urline Steam' PERMANENT ýWAVE MACHINE' The greatest edvncemnent in, the listor'y of permanent Waev- ing. îA genuine 100%/.al steaim permanent waver.-ab- solufely no electricity us.d on your headu-no pads. no tub.,s.. or cheap supplies.. if wilI re- wave any permanent at eny fime with perfect resuifs. Large or small natural wave. For your next permanent phone for an appointment. ALBRIGHT BE AUTY SHQOP 1. J67, Wilmette Avenue WilmetI, 45,17 GOT liER! Nip Coryza (comm.on ecold) in ýthe bud.' And if you have a heavy cold, don't take uer andi sheriff. i ne srthrs shave q..usimuau IUmet 11r. Orr' has held the office of W;1- and have been untiring in their eî- mette Village clerk for tise last six forts to keep tbe beautiful homeé of vears. In addition,, he is prominent thse Delta Gamumas in perfect. condi- ii civic and American legion affairs. tion, and have been- giving occasionâtl b)eitik'past commander of Wilmette teas and programs for bridge parties post 46. of the legtion. He is well to raise funds for their vari'ous e1.n- known throughout the' north shsore. deavors. Serviug North Shore Residents for more thon 28 years Wilmette and Central Aves. Phones: Wil. 400-401 O-pen Stindays until 10 P. M.

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