hoped to have the municipal plant iii operation bv the iall of 1933 or not later. than the early spring of 1934. .NeaiNwhIile, \Wilmette xil continue to take -water froni Exanston. Fail t. Agree, A conference w-as held last Thurs- (lay between XVilmette Village offi- ciais anid, representatives of the> Ev- anston water departmient. at which time the miatter of \Vilrnette's 'water supply in the intervening period w'a- disciussed. The understanding is th.at Evanston xii continue to .supplv xva-: ter to Xilmette at the -sanierate niow chargeilunitil, such time as this Vi!- Iage's municipal plant is erected andc in operation.' A letter m-ritten january 21, bv \Vil- lage Presidenit Dubhs to T. S. Par- son. chairman of the. livanston water c oummttee, expiaie(, the niatter ini detail. The, letter, in part. follows:. .'Conflriiing. the understanding -had ,%ith you at. the meeting this. afterl- noon, it ile understood- that Wilinîette ,%%Il proceed - ith the eeto of its n wn Water Works and we are in hopes- o'f having ht in operation by the late l'ail <f 13 or not later t1-iin the early -spring of 34. -In the mneantinie, it la underst(od that Evanlston xi i ntie to furnisýh Wiimettt. with wvater at the saine rate as you now charge us., except that ail such tilne as you nay eiect you ilviii chang-ýe the nîethod of billng, sendln1g the bills monthiy instead of every thr(ee months, as is now belng dlone. -We understand that int& (le- e'jalon to build its own Water Worksý Iwiii affect the irnproveinents your city I xiii instali, but that ail reasonabli efforts xviii be mnade to give us as adeqiuate. a sppyof -water as is pos- .cible. "In this regard' the chairmnan of our NWater comnîittee, who is an outstanding engineer, Nviii get in touch with you later. with the idea of being able tte maie suggestions that will be nîutua1ly beneficial. "If this Fs not in acceordan ce vith j y our understandiing, Nvii you please let neknc.w at once.- Wilmette Singerý Wins Acclaim for'concert M rs. 1E«dgar*A. Fellers of 1514 Ceni-j tral avenue, presentc(l a soigý recital al ieno rial aucitoriuni iniSrngil ()hio, durinig the liolidavs. The Coni cerF vasgl- for tuehe lefit of the unenmloye(1 of Springfi eld and in con- luinction with Preident Hoover's re- Mrs. Gebel, our Seventh district di- rector, is stili quite iii and we ail hiope for lier qtuick recoverv. Doni't forget the Rummage sale. Date. and place xiii be announced later. Febrna ry 1 is the date set. for the, Plunket luncheon to he held at St. Joseph's school rhall, Ridge and Lake avenues,- at 12:-30. o'clock., Fveryone is, cordi al ly invited to attend.. Phone Wil- mette 3457 tiot later than Frida3e, jan- uar% 29, f or reservations., M rs. H. J. Gary,, 714 Centrai ave- nue, left by, motor for M iami,'Fia. last. wèek. She was accompanied by her son, Hobart, and her sister. 'Mis Jane Nxstrm. ,,and her aunt. Mrs. ÇGeorge Peaice. of WVllhiitte. k-J ne 1w straws for sma rt. .mill'inery 1hk , enchantin g ittle, m*del feature.s: the -ne'w high back and - urned back- cuff- of soft pliable strew-veýry. smart to to off the high collared icoat orafeon dres .Speially p iced $5.iOO. M S S MCMAHON* AT WORTHENS 1148 Wilmette Avenue f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~é -.dm -ýA .A .A A ~A .A .A .k .A .A .- .A . A. A AL A , abd A SCILOE S§ER's t WINNETKA 718 Elin Street- Winnetka Si WILMETTE 402 Liaden Avenue Wilmnette 151 ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvis Avenu. Rogers Park 0118 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway 'Buckinagmn2m Food Econoômy Consists In Buying Wisely As WeIl As Cheaply There is no ccononiy in buing anything merely becau se it is priced Iow., But there is constant eçonomy in iniying the best foods nt a saving. The products from aour grocery and meat depart.ments are always the finest S.O.S.obtainable. They are sure to satisfy and p rices include S. O. . ~ -delivery ta your çioor. - Pprs A 1 ,%-a y s aluilmnm Not lia rd handeamdý wxith palis., the best onthe 2 for 39C Jumbo Prunes Il e a il y the very, largest grown. aflî(l a.s goeod tq;cnt. as the 3 ari te look a t 3 fè.85C MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Fresh Lake Trout, bake and serve witli Potato., Au Gratin and scalloped tcipatoes-aii prepared2c Fillet of Sole, a real, delicacy when fried in. beef broth and served with Tartar Sauce, Fre8h 4woindrfully, tender, weighing 8S to 20 Sdressing prepared like bread 1901 WOKa ,OUOaUI]IýIerSlAAI ISS lhI eaa DTZV6e Ls iatrom dJan. 428ftoPeb. 3. 1932Z ,Miller' gradua-ted f rom New Trier last une_________No carryi ve to do-we deliver to yon Mr.. and Mrs. William G. 14odwick, 28 Essex road, Kenilworth. are motor- FROM THE LOOP TO ,GLENCOE ing to. Flo)rida for a few week<svaca-. tion.' :I F ' V V 'W -V 'W V 7 !."ýV ' 'V V V 'V v 'W ---- , ---- AIl fine quaiity fruit. Especiaily h a n d'y size for the simal famrlly. 3 for 25c Sweet Cider Prifced very 10w. Bring your jug or send it over and le-t us MI1 it for you. .29c