Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1932, p. 14

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in beeurnd îounuC Matches ini the second round of the chiess tournamient conducted by the Piayground and Recreation board wiil be started at the weekly Ip.lay- off tomorrowv evening. (Friday) at the Stoin.schooi library, beginining at 7 o dlock. Since ,al the first round matches were îlot finished, during the first evening of tournamient play iasf Fn-m day, thèse matches will, be llayed pior to the opening of the second round, of the -tournanient tomnorrow. tJnfinished matches left to, play are between Hcnry L. Beach and( Richard WVrightson. 'Lawrence Skcwes and David Harper, S. V. Morris and Bill Kats, Tom McCanni andi C.H. Ma%'- er, George Stone and. Bill Voung- quist. G. -A. Reiiihardftand Johin Leuck. The list of winnens ini the first matches wlio are eligible for furthe r ,completitionii i the tournament are: Engene Hildebrandi. George Lusk, Charles M.%cCann, C. HeIrbert Joncs, X-Valtcr H. Hildeb.rand, L. V. Stopka, Montgomery Major. [.osers-in the first and second rouinds mîiil hav'e ifr- ther conpetition ini the "ladde(r*" tournanient to fletermnine thie winnen of the boz nî<a.Gold 'andi silver nife(ais. wili .he awarded .nespectivelv to the qchamp)ion iof th1e,:eiiniatioli tournaînent andl the rnunnier-up « * Thirtv-one contestants registereti for the tô.urnlaienit. Almatchies. in. the totînnainent are open1 free of charge to the public. SporaCalndar Friday, January 29 7 p.ni. Second round. Chess andi Checken tournaniients. Stolp lihrary.. 7p.mn. Basketbal for mien. Junior league. AWest Siders vs. 8-R.cks. 8 ppnî. Baskethall for i. B League. Terminais vs. Ramiblers.. T-oard 8 :15 p.mi. Ping Pong. 'Stolp gvmna-, 51 it)n. 9 p.mn. Basketbail for mien. B Lecague. Hoffrnans' 1 vs'. LyniauiTexacos. Howard iyninasul. mark in the Playgroufla and Kecrea- tion boarti's program1 of aduit activi- ties for the win ter season. Ten of thie twentyv weeks of the pnogramn have gone a'nd each week day evening of the ten weeks bas crowdet i ffteen different activities .ini the two school gymnasiumis, Daniel M. Davi s, di- rector of recreation announces. 'Mr. Davis lias arranged the programi to include some forin of necreation for every age ,g roup. Four baskethali leagues. one volley bail league, four., gymn1ri1asi uni classes for womien and girls, 'an aero ýclub for boys. three ning, pong touirnamients, and a chess an(! checker tournament are, somne of the activities alrea(lylv eit i o no, M progness, at one 'of the gymnasiunis. Several hundred . péopi e par ticipat e ini the aduit prograni each ýN-cek. Mr. Davis estimnates. H-Ioward gvmnasini. 8 :05 pl.nm. Basketihall for girls. Brown- les vs. Schultz'& Nord. Stolp gyil- 9 :05 p.ni. Bsub for girls. Wiid 1Indians vs, . I, B. T Stolp gvmna- Wednesday,.,February 3 7 p..Gymnasiuni ciass,,ftor girl. Hlighicrest 'sclool.< 7. p.pm. Basketlhaliformni i. .A !Leag'ie. Shaàmrocks.- vs. - State, Batik,. JHow%.- arti gymnasun. 7 p.m. Bas ketbail for men. B3 LeagUe. "Elites vs. Ridige 'Plarnîiacy. Stolip gvmniiasitum. 8 p.m. Basketlhail for men. A Leagile. Preshytenians vs. Irish. Hoivard gvninasium. 8 pjii. Basketball for mien. B Leagiie. H1offinans Il vs. St. Johns. $"tolp gviasitumi. 8.P.n. Ladies' .gmas îcias. 9 p.m. Baskütball for ni en. A Leagiie. Hawks Mvts.tiss.1-ovard 9 p.m.' Basketball for men . A Liague. Blackhawvks vs. K. of C. Stolp g'vinnasîuini Thuriday, February 4 7 p.m. Girls' gymnasium ciass. How- ard gymnasium.1 7 p.m. Basketball for-. nen. ' 1unior Leâgue. Aces \,s>.Elîtes: Siolp gymi- nasium. 8 p.m. Lad ies' gnmnasîunx class. T-TtTrrn1 vmtiasiiinm. Blackhawk.5 Ed Hor Howvard 1Hi Ray Steffen- Tony Sehin]ý Jake Hoff ma VOLLEYi D.AJI. (13, 4) P. T.. A. (15, 15) Howard. Ray Robinlson offillan HIenry M~iler s Art Seddon er Joe Converse ýa jolin Baughinan1.1 Martin Lynch Drewves. referlee fiolynian Florist 1 (S,'1l) Baptist (15. 15) Alex Hoffman Earl McDow Jaines Hoffman* 1AI Ctrtthn- Jake Hloffman. Walter Haas Ben Thaliniaini George Williams 1E.11-1 iller AI Heerens Ed I'illiiips Earl CarIson Ander son, referee Art (G.urîiss AI Tucker B yePlat WAarren, Fifer Ted 1 aberkeni s t (ne, Wililette TailorsS. ,1 Ed Seh ildgeni I1.ay Anderson Ernest Thalnai n i Williamn 'Ihalînaiîîi Adani. Bauti', > Methodist (15, 15) DLew,%ey Aiidëersoil WValter Liriblad Otto <iepIJrt Carl Geppert Leslie H.-lanflavait e ree lit ffnma n Florfist ]11 <6. 1;-.'15Y Rlay, lioffia nl wlbert ]LvaUls WilliamîS'hne Leonard Uoeli refere Cvm Ridge 4'ls 1,15, 13) Pharnjacy. (15, .1,.15) Nt la;ckeî '1ony ehinler Walter DJ)mose Adami Bauer ("an rFGeliV)elt IHary Ietei's WViliaini SehinflerIhnW ne Stone, referte Teani standinigs in volle y hall' league: IV.' L. Pet. Methodist. I.81 Rlidge 1harnacy..........3 .6~67 lHoard 1'. T. A . .5 4 .556 Hoý,ffman Flor.ist Il....... ....444 Gym C(lass -.- :,6 .333, t'ongregatiolni1 ............ 1 8 .111 XVilnette Taîlors 1 s .111, "A"111BASKETB %LL B]aukhaivks (36) thdt (20) I'atil JnC harles Vavney James iver-son R lobent Pence~ Stanfluy Siiiith Jamws Reinboldt Ru l 'I m . Fred Waidner Ilobert Bernd sten Milton Boyajian, Ceorge Jones ,.. Fred Lundberg- Todd. refere li1lvh-S (34), Don Langdon Bob Bjork GereStoîîe T'atiniing. Shanîrox (20) 1(Claude 1ill1 *Winfield Rogers Carl Nordlberg Tom Sullivan Vernon Wyle .Ioe Berol' H Ioward Winberg referee, Si-xteen contestants competed iii the first Wilmette chec.ker tourna- ment ini the first round of play at thic 'Stôlp school library last Friday evé- ning. The tourpament is being spon- soreti by the Playgr'ound anid'Recre- atioti board to determnine. the checker champion of the village- Six of the eight matches iii the ~mination round Nwere playetý i and the following wimne rs remained in. the compnetition for the second round :. Albert. Schaeffer, Robent Blastieli. Willarti Lttenreuthen, . G. A.., Rein- hia rtt Walter Felke, anti S. V. Mlor- ris. Tîvo matches remnain to be plaveti in the first, round between C. j. Cur- rail anti H. _L. Beach, anti P! Schmiiidt and '.Marcel Kneip. 111, the two games. in the second rounidalneadyr playeti AI Schaeffer (le- feateti Robent Blasticil to enter the seini-final matches mvhich wvlll tiot bc piayeti until the first Friday of Feb- mîary anti G. A. Reinhart iefeaieti Walter Felke. Thei public is inivitedi by the Recrea- lion board to attend -the matches. Bob Leechner' .John Zopp me Dvînns... teve 1<ei Ilemniard D empsey XWalter 1Iiawkinisoni IHlarold Schletiter Kannreferee Hoffnian .Ridge Florist 1 (32) Pharmacy (22) George , larriss Anthony, Schinler H1aro.)d Johnson . Ray Ste'ffen!s- Jini 1offman , John Jordan AleX Hf fnr John-Miller R*av 11offrian . Ed Schuett Jini Bagnali Hlarry' Peters Aluglut WaIloNvitz*. Adani Batier Robertt flnitî Kannîng, referee Tv t tandings. iil P.B. eaigue: W.> Li Pet.. r, 1 i t e.. 6 2,.7 50 Hofnins 5 2 .714 Terinis.............6 4.600, Lyînall'm TexaePs .. .. . . 5 4 _5 7)6 11ia in1iers............36 .332, ItilgvJ'amncy........1 7 .125 St. iJohn.s..... ..........O900 TUNIOR ISKETHALL S -1,ocks <18ý) Junior AI"C.(39 C"ha rles Moreau Bob Watersý Ludwig Skog John Jolinsop B.nlh MekerSteve Keil rueMeaker, Walter Hawkinsonl Rlav Man.n . Henry Spei CGeo rge Green I)onl Anderson Kaning, referee v1. i. Stolp gymnasiuni. Tu.sday, F.bvuary 2 7 p.m. Aero club for 'boys. Howardi gymnasiumi.. 7:15 p.i. Busketlball for girls. Six Bits vs. ýMallinckrotit. Stolp.gym- nÉasiuni. ,8 p.m., Basketbali practice for men. ana gynmnasum. INVITE PING PONGERS Aithougli the ping pong tôturna- nients are over, the Playground anti Recreation board annotinces that the tables wil libe availàabletothe public for play every. Friday evening at the Stol.p gymnasium after 8 o'clock. Mclbodst .. ..... 9 .100 "B)" B.4S1ETBALL 'Teminls(38) St. Johns (12) Bob Lechner. Adami Bauier 'M. Deli Herbert Marquardt D. Deli Art Cr-amer Joe lDempsey Fîed Asch1bacher Bernard Denipsey Hlariy Peters Todd. referee Terminais (27) M. Deli D. Deli. Joe 'Kraft Matin Sensendorf Ksanning. referee Team ýstandings in Junior basketball league: Epast Sidlers........... 7 'Spoioe......... ...... 4 W est S ier s .. Widcts ................... 4 8-Rocks..... .. Elîte.......... ........i . P.0 9 1.000 0 1.00 4 .500 4 .500ý 5 ' .444 7 .125 8 .111 j

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