c n iii ~~tiflO lU today-, Thursday 28 : Olde2': SERVICES Plrst-4 :30 p). m.-MTrs. Cllfford Odr Sexageslrnma Sunday% 1026 Elmwood avenue q :15 a. ii.-Fiirst service and sermnoj Second-10:30 a. in. - Mrs. Robort E. 9:30 a. n. udysehool and Bib)le .Wooden, 4'.4 EIder lane, Wlnnetkî classes lrd-1 :30 p. m.-Mrs. J. . Lemion, Il a. -ecn seve and srnî 1627 Wllmette avenue Sermion: "The Ch urch's One Founda.- Fut-0;0a.,m-r.S H. Darst, lion"-3 eta avenue. - The Fifth division will have a PProg'res- METI<essive dinne Satu'r-dav cvenjing. Jaiiu.try Sundy, lanury i at3 :0 p.ni.Nortt 3, the fliust course beîng f4erved at 6 :3, Shore zone o! ýWaItbcr league at, ne- at 1015 Wilmette avenue. deemier Lutheran church, Highland The WVonan's Aid zociety- will nieer ParkThursday, Fehruar3- 4. Theé wlll hé an M.Nonday at 7 :45--Chotir rehrearsal 'exécutiv'e comitteé meeting and geni- Tuùesday. at 4 p).nm. - CIasttes for cliii- erai sFwlng at,10 o'clock. Lnho wiii dren .be ere at noon hy the First division. .Tueqday a . 7 :45-C.(hurch council At 1 :30 the business meeting and pro- Thurisday% at 2-Ladies' Aid and Mi1s- grlani -will take place. Mi.ss Jesse A r- slenvory .. buekle, of Lake Bluff orphanage, will Thufrsda%, at 7 :45;- Senior y.- p. q. and si)èak. WaltherLeague . The Philathea, cîa.s wIlil uot meet a Friday at 7 .45-.Juniot7 Y. p. S. andi the 'regulair tirne but' wiil hold its Febr*u- WalherLeaue-ary meeting Frida F'ebruary 12., This- Frlday- at 8-Sunday Schooi Teachiers' Nv-ll be i hentre o! a inner for' Inqtitute- at Highland Park the miembers of thé clasm andi their hus- Saturday at 9 -a. m-lassfu'r cb.ildrcn b a nds- Members of the class ask mothers- The visitor and the stranger Ini Wil- or young ochiltiren to. rémeinber that they mette irili alwva3s finti a elconiie,,at can; attend the ssiosof the ciass this cburcb. While the liturgy andi thv,' while the ebildren are in the NZursery congregational and choir, singing ai"' or B' Itiners'departméents. tiesigned to increase thé spirit of 1or- A group of young people ,Ire- rehlei'- slhlp, the climax of the service is thlt sing the three-act plaN- entitied '*The sermo&n which. we. hope and belleve will Nut F.irn."T-his. ,wIll hé .lresented Fr1- benefit ail who hear ItL day. FcbruarY 26. The first quartcrly meeting o!f te yewi'r'The Aokiya class of voutng jwon1e11wili xvill be belti by the North Shore Zoinc' of meet Tuésday evenlng. Februarv ï-a ' theé W.lalthier league next Sùnlday afteî-- o'clock at the honme t>! Lillie Mac, Humii- ixoon andi evenlng at 'Redeemer* Lutheran pIhiie,2a5 Wood coii-t. church, Central avenue, Highland. Park. the afteî'noon session ill11 begin at 3 *:30. Supper wlll be serveti aI the c-hurl* *s rsb9oren hall for, a srnall suint. Thé. eveiting ses- . Woiinan's club 1-'mis' sIens hegtin at 7:30.'Seniiors .antiJui'îs Textî sreet andi (beenleafiit'in of Wlilmette, picase take notice. a-T.VeklsnittWt:r . Our chureh. Is about' to instail 'tîiî- Jae T.Vnkantnîci teen new pews vîso.TIhis wili prob- f'Tho Naine Aboyé Evory N4tie.-" k abij atn sqýefigive adequate ètigspc fi tt ubjeot of theserinon hy the pasto!' the incréaslng- congi'egation, andim-111 at the .norning îrouship at Il &lc elintinate the noisy and disagrecable Sunday imorning. -\%e. 1inle you 1 carrying andi placlng of chairs. until- we worsbip -with us,. aire ready te enlarge our church. The musical program i will he aýs fol-.ý The -North C'onférence of the Synodic- lows: Prelude, ."Patoralt.," by Scarlatti - ni Cnference Churches of the Chicago fero. 'n.Wthout Words' N0' area wlll meet Tuesday and Wdedy 22, b1w M\endessohn; Postlude, "Postludc, Fýehruary 2 and .1, at St. Jobn's, Luthi- in A,- Y -Tei b. oos IDo cran church, M.Nontrole; anti LaVe'gne Not Ask, O Lord" by Spross. auîd "Senoi a 1venues, Chicago. .1 OuIth'11wLlgbt" hy Woolet-.. isErai. Trhé reuler ridwýeek Ieniten seéri es Rounds is pianist ant dwadOi.i wlll IIagain hé héi t ISt. John's begin-slîî nlng on the eve-nln-g o! Ashi Wedesýdayv, Our Junior church forioy andi girls February 10, anti continuiing évery -Weà-, mleetN during thé moî'ningwrsp antd es4ày until Holy WNeek, In whieit there pr-o'îdeà care anti interest for childrenî will be.spécial services Wth the celebra-, lile their par'ents attend cbu'rch. Miss, tion of thé Lo'rd's Supper on. Maun dy Ebor'tlhy Wehiner is la charge. Thursday and Good Priday evéfllng. .()u r, .Sunday bo is a part of oui Thé Rev. Hlerman W. Mlieyer Will. de- chtxrch progi'arn, being, the chtîrch at livér a serles o! sermons on the "Ps tud t imeets at q :20 Ila aldépart- qion of Chris t." Thé s-ubjeecîs areas foi- ;inhý t»î. lows: .A uew chis bas 1ben ori-'zed. foi' '%Vennncav. Feru,,arv 10i fli;'t nvillI x1--- i- --,-A - eme? A Fatal Bargain. 'Matth.. Chii7rch téApniýn'v' 1 retgiouUs autLion "Xew Appralsals" ks the tieeof the sermon by the pastor at the mornlng worship sorvlce at 10 :45 next Sunday. The Senior choir and quartet wiIl sing. The Church -school wlll nieet accord- i ng to the follo*ing schiedule: 1 Beginners department (age, 4 and 3)- .10:46 to,12 Prlmary departmnent (ages- 6, and 7j and .8)-9:30 to 12 Junior department (ages 9, *10.. and 11) -9:30 to 10,40 .. Intermediate department (ages 12 and 13)9:30 to 10:40 ý High* School. department - 12 :1.5 to 1 (classes) The. union, service> la the Baptist churchli for ail* hlgh school and coilege young.folks wlll begin promptly at 6 -30., John Burdette, the famous Negro singer. willl* give a haîf-hour concert. ýThis willl be over iln plenty of trne for those to attend the Sunday Evenlng club who wvish te do so. Branson, DeCou wlll present bis farn- ous "Dreamn Pictures" at the meeting of the Sunday, Evenlng club next Sunday at 7 :30 p. m. ln this cbureh. Allparents of Intermediate and high school y,,,oung people are' asked. to re- menl)er.the meeting onMonday night at 8 o'cloôck. T1his should be, an inte re'sting adprofitable hu o'al Tfit board of trustees %vîll hiold it,,ý trgular inièètng lit the chtirch oftlct next moniday at 7:1.0 1p. m. A review of the religious Bo-f the,-MNonth, Dr. M1%offet's "Grace in the Nevr- Testam-ent." will be given at thte Mid-eekmeeting next.W'ednesdav- at 8 p., ni. ini the church pariot'. Mr. iid- ley wilI lead the service and givé the A luiicbeon mieetinigto!the Cozy Cor- net, Circle will be held Thurtsday. Janu-, ary 4, at, the home of rs Ijonel E. Blush, 1200 Elmwood avenue. %rs '". A rocker is chairmian of' the luncbeon ~Ô~ The aniual meveting andl election Ofi qffici'rs -was held on Tanu-,ry- 20. The niajority .of our officers earrle4 over and are teîvghie balanlce o! their respec- tive. ternis. The' foiiowing -were elected at this meeting: To thte board o! deacons: Warren Darst, Eldon G. G<ode, WN. (.. Glover, W. D. Norris, Arthur; H. Seddon, L. L.ý Perry, Dr.c George D.. Upson. To the board of trustees- 'r. .C. Hildreth, Mrs. R. E. Pa tti so iiKIî!ne, C. L. Darling. To the board of d'econiesses:. Mrs. Ed- ward H. Burge, and Mrs. Frank Wilson. To the board of 'religlous education:. mrs. Frank Adams,- Mrs. Rodney N. Perrill, John W. Fishe'r, J.. To the missionary commnittee:, Dr. D. J. Davis, Miss Esther *Dunshee, W%. H. SheIlman. To the nmusic coinimittee: H. B. M,%ul- ford, -Mrs. C.~ L. Darling, A. L. G.arniss, Mrs. C. S. cICOY, J. W, Fisher, Jr. The Cubs will have regular Pa(k The choir nmusic for IiCxtL cUnua.Y v-a-. The pro-tJi wIl WIL Uan(uIIuqua1l Ul ,4U U UUOAýtMCIM 3108,rthe UC vUîing noi'ning will hé as foIIows: "Lord- o! fine cone, a rare treat, wit'h the spécial service in song. We a.sk everyone la Ail Belng." hy Andrews, and ",Seé Ye emphasis on national missions. Lunch thé church te feel hin-iséIf- a pubiicity thé Lord," by Roberts. *wlll bé serveti. Réservations should be chairman for this meeting. We want ta- 'Plie Bible Reatiérs leagué wili ré- imadé wlth Mrs. Bartholomew by Wéd- assuré Mi"r. Burdetté: an audience- weîthy, sumé l- sessions next Wédnésday ère- nesday mornlng. . of the fine program planneti for us. niing, Thé ýreadlng asaigned for that This church %wlil launch eut on'a great Thé prograni *111 bégin .prôomptly aI ,6 nlght fiq Isalah 55 to 60. Thé Interest In LoyaIty Crusadé béglnnlng thé week o! o'clock ln order te avold any confiict. tjai movement groWs. Even, If yeu .ean- Fehrua'y -.21. andi contlnulng until ApY*Il with the Sunday Evening, club at 7 :30 net read thé. chapters, plan te 4ç présent. 3, seven great wééks o! spécial Intereet o'clock. TPhe Couples club o! thé church will âhd effortNar'eh 6, 13, 20-Chu'rch membershlp ile classes at 9 :45 and morning- pray- er, with sermon, at il a. mu. -The convention -oflte diocese of *Chi- cage wil hé helti at St. James' church. Ohicago, Fébruary 1 and 2. At thé an-. nual meeting the following.were elected delegates from St. Augustiine's echurch: Mr. andi Mrs. Royal D. Smith, '. andi Mre...N . Wade- and Mrs. Joseph Con- î'e'sé, wlh thé fellowing a&§ alternates: Mr. anti Mrs. W. G. Shea*rér. Mrs. S. (Continued oii Page 3i2) the enta-en, whnîcu was postponea ro January 20, wili be held Wedne'sday éve- ning, February 3, at 8 o'clock. AIl mni- bers are urged to be lp'reseflt. It is au this meeting that the ludget for thi, newý year, 'May 1, 1932-April 30, 1933 Is toôI)e presented for adoption. A Church party, sponsored hyv tht' Aduit class, wilI. be givetiF'riday eve- ning, January 29, at 8 Welook.lit the' Junior' roornl. A -*.*fille evening of -radioi and television broadcasting i.9 planned. Be sure. to miake %-eservàtitoîuzwlth, Mr'. Scott or Mrs. Sutherland if .vou art, planning to corne. The Fehruary Meeting of the Woniani's society is scheduled fol* Friday. Febru- ary 12,. at 12:30- o'clock. Plan niow to attend. .Founder's, Day -at the Balptist Mis- slonary Training gehool, will be oh- served 'Monday, February 1. wlvth a diii- ner. at 6 :30, and to be, followed bý- a P'rograrn' in. the chapel, presentlng the' Giee club ln grouxps of songs. and a play, "Hfer Second Choice," wrItten by Ms P. S. O.sgood.- Get in touch w-,ith Ms Phelps, if you wish to attend., On Thursday, February 4, the C'hi- cago Baptk-t Sunday schooli union is planning an excellent prograrnta llf, given, in the Englewood Baptist chureli. Dinner wili be served at 6.-à-0. Richard Holiland wiil speak on tht- subjeet. "T'lt, Relation of the Young people's Society tn .the Sunday Sch ool.*" Huglitffn will sing. Tho young people of the., Englewood cliurch wilil present a ont': act modern religlous d'raina, "M'ha t Men Live B."AU memibers of the B3. Y.ý- P. 1,.. Sunday school,. and Buard Of Rë- ligius 'duatli illfind this nîiet- ing most heipful. Get ln touch with Ms Hoéô'e now if you can be there;. PrWIONEER S ociETY PROG-R.%MIs Boysandgirls, ln the Sundav schooi enrolled in the Junlor-Interniediate de- tpartrnent are organizd loto' a Society of Pioneers, each of, the èeight classe, in the dlepartment being a"hp in the Pioneer "Fleeýt" and ea inemiber f a choss 1k one 1of the ship's re. Followlng is. aanIniioii(,ell(nt of thiw wo'rstbiîîprograms .,to Ibe gix-en j-,-the varous"pinees"durlng February -and February Thieme : "'rsinCtz shIip." Ushers: Fourth 'rade Creiv. Ftcb. 7-Subject: "The Cbhild as a Chiris- dianCiie. Leader: Miss Hoose. Assistants: David Kendick, Betty- Dubbs, -Junior Choir. FOl). 14--ýSubject: "Alralinm LIncoIn ýa.î a Christian Citizen." Leader: .Arthiur Youngbe'rg. Ass;istanjts4: j anice Guth- ridge, Junior Choir. -Miss Hoose. Peb. 21-Subject: "St.' Valentine as- a C 'hristlan ýCitizeni." Leader: 'Ruth Sutheriand. Assistanits: Ellen ,Joncsý, Junior Choir, Miss Hoose. Pet). 28-Su bject: "ýe(orge 'WashingtOti at a Christian Citizen.," Leader : Bol) ('àruhn, s-stnt:Ail Sixth 'Grade, Boy. Crew,. BruceCrsoJunior 'INIomen , both inarried At-td:.unmar-' --A 4L-