Foreign Countries to :Have Share .in Memnorial Awards. Six foreign couintries will slîare' W ith-this country ini thé distribution of the. Juliette, Low «Meinorial awards this year, according to a decision ol the national board of directors. The' awards will providé for tw o Girl' Scouts and one leader, from tlis country, and, the saine nuinher1f ro;n the other counitries sele'cted, to visit next August the World chalet at Adelbodetn, Switzerlanid, gift of MIrs. James J. Storro*. of Boston to the * World- Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Czechioslovakia. De.iniiark, France, GCreat Britain, Husngaryand Norway are th e counitries tthich have been' selected to sharein the awards. Fuli- .land will be included if, at the tiin that the interest onitte Memiorial fund is disbursed, the exchiange rate proves to be ýsuch tlîat there is, enough mûoney leftover to cover the~ extra expenses. Girl Scout councils ini the regions which are eligible for the awards tli, year are remminded by the Initerna- tional committee, of whichi Mrs. Lymian Delano is chairmian, that ali names must bc submnitted to national Girl Scout headquarters, 670 Lexing- ton avenue, New York City, by Feb- ruary 1. Eligible Girl Scouts in this counitiy include Golden Eaglets or First Class Girl Scouts, exceptiîig those girls liv - ing in the Region:Three, Big Tree -or Hiawatha. regions, whicli partic-. ipated iW the first awards made in 1930. AIl namnes must'be passed upon by regional committees before tlhev are submitted to: national lheadquar- ters., Final decision will be made bN the international commiittee.ý * Weclnesday, Januarv 27, wvas tliŽ- birthday of Lewis Carroll. the author of "Alice in W\onderlind." 'Many oi the Girl Scouts had planned to read and act parts of this book at trooip mneetings in celebration of tbe birtli- d.ay. This is a fine chance for 'VOUw scribes to get to work. Troops Listed for Ne T. Township VI'ie xolio w I ug coni Ilte list of Girl Scout troops iiine Trier tow'nship gives their nmeeting 'places.,(Iays. ot meeting and the naines of tlîirW lead- ers: Troopý 1,1 Wilmieite M11c t h o dli*s t hurch, Tlhursday evening, Miss Hum- phries, Il i s s Pcnnington. andi Miss Stiles; Troop 2, Christ Church Parish House, Wedniesday afternoon, Mrs. Sieck; Troop 3, Christ Churclh Par- ishi Ho, Wedniesday afterniool, Miss ýRicliardson and Miss Peterson; Troop 4, Wilimette Methodist cburcb, Thiursday a àfternooni, Mrs. Oenloyer. Troop 5, Wilmette Methodist church, Tuesday afternoon, Miss Humjnphries and M is s Norah Pa)mer; Troop 6,. Christ Chiureh Parishi House, Wed- nesday afternoon, Mrs. B. Rockwood. Troop 7, Xilmette Baptist churcli, Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Chiurch and Mrs. Anderson; Troop 8,- Comninity House, Tuesday afternoon, Miss-G. Gordon; Troop 9, C h r i s t Clburch P a r i s h 1flouse, Saturday morning, Mrs. Baker; Troop 10, Conimunity House, Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Bull and Miss Alley; Troop 11, Wilmiette Ba.ptist church, Tuesday. afternoon, Mrs. Arden and -Miss Mitchiell; Troop 12, W i 1 ni e t t e Episcopal chiurchi, Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Orinsbce and Miss Taylor. Troop 13, Christ Churcbi Parish Houise, Friday a f t e r n o o ni, Mrs. Siraub); Troop 14, Glencoe U3 n i o n cliurch, Wedniesday afternioôn), Mrs. Hypes anid Miss Swan ; Troopl 15, Glencoe Episcopal ciurch, Monday afternoon, Mrs. Grant, Miss Shippen and Miss Kimibail ; Troop 16, Glencoe Union church, Monday afternoon, Mfrs. Hypes; Troop l7, Glecncoe Meth-. odist churcbi, edniesday eveing, Miss Grobben. Troop 18, Skokie schiool, \'iinnetka, niesdav afternoon. M rs. McKewen; Troop 4, Glencoe Union church, Mon- dav aftertioon. 'Miss Goss: Troop 5, WVilnmette, St. John's Luthieran church, Mondas- afternoon, 'Mrq, Poi.zin and M i:s s Palnmer, Troop .6,., innetka, Christ Churchi Parish Ho.use: Thurs- dyafternico. M'rs. -Low. St. Francis Troop Has Drill in Requirements At, the third meeting of -thiel>St. Francis troop on Friday nighit, tî1e girls began in earnest their Tender- fôot' work. After patrol corners,, during whiich we voted whether, or îîot to:have dues, and attenided, t other business, we worked on n, the: square and' the. sheep-shank; motof us mastered the, square knot, l)ut found the sheep-shank a littie more difficuit. Next. week %we vill learn,,môreý knots. XVe also learrncd a new song. called ",Old -King'. Cole.. *.hich wvas lots. of fun., As Usual, wvc closed the meeting with "Tap)s." North SoeLeaders'.. Studying. in Wilmette An advanced training'course' for all unrth shore leaders is beirig of- fered at the Wilmette Miethodisi Church on -Monday evenings at 1 -.30 o'clock. This group will be conducted as a regular troop meeting and all classes of work will be donie. Téender- foot work will be covered if, there a re any ne-w-foll< 4ntei-ested. This course is open to Girl Scout lèaders and ail persons interested in -learning more about the Girl 'Scout prograni., Girls Will Attend Meet to Earn Hostess Badge Saturday morning, February 6, at 9 :30 o'clock in the pari4ihbouse will be the first meeting of the group of girls who wisli 40 earn the Hostes badge. Mrs. Webb lias kindlv con- sented to hielp with the project. There will be three mecetings, onet of general instruction, a luncheon. andi a tea. If you wish this badge you, nmust sign up, at-the. office, Winnetka 3147, or tell your leader., KENILWORTH TROQP Troop 1, Kenilworth, met. Janua r 20. After inspection and the electio.î of scribes we plaved signaliing gaines, rAzbi C AbSWO.IAC The Saturçlay morn 'ing group of girls doing First Class work is imgk- ing fine headway. Last Nveek many new methods of judgiixg heighits and distances wvere studied. jean. Clark of 'Troop 18 'completed ber Firstc Class signaling and is ini position tof help) any girlsNwith the Morse.qcod,, for she uses -the flag unusuallîr well. Troops Arc Busy Making. Plans and ,Cotnpleting Duties- Troôp I1 .Strap 3-our pack ta your back zwith a sand-nich lor a sniack And.zo'e'iI take t thie road wpith a song. Throuyfî the 1'ruish-, tlîrouigh the brake, wzïhein the day' is.first awake A1ud the Girl Scouénts are hiking along. Ji'Vhetheir Spring oùr fulli you'll Izearthie Jighrooid calt, Conie out, 'Upu' up your littie $011g, So take oyur pback and strap it to your bock, For the G:rl. Scoutsý are hi'ki)ng alon g- collie Out likiniy For the' Girls Scouts, are /rikinzg along- hike! T1his is the spirit that everyone should have on the bike this Saturday morn- ,îng. It is to be a lunicheon. hike instead of a breakfast hike as, heretofore plaîîned. W:e shall leave the Scout ,room at 9:.30. The' price of the, lunch wilI be twenty-five irents. 1NMost of the furniture bas been painit- ed. The girls. wbo worked on it last wveek deserve a lot of credit. You will. be notiflied whent the. rest i s to be doue. At our meeting Thur day eveningw plaved a number of gaines, one of whicli wvas a ogame using the Morse code. We did sonie work on First Class and thený had our campfire service. Cap)tain Hum- phiries read a story which wilI be con- tinued this week. We closed the mneet- ing with "Taps.- Let's have everybody out next meet- ing !-Nsabel Haskiin, scribe. Troop, 3 On11Monday, jaaryr 18, three girls in WViunetka Troop 3 com-pleted their ,SecoCilass rI.Thse Scouts were awvarded the Second .Class badge on Januaryv 25., bavi ng showvn thbat they are Well prepared useful citizens. The girls w ho ha ve been. working bard for sonie. tiflie t o comj)flete this requirement are Katheritie aud Barbara Sieck, and, Alice Bishop. There will be four meetings.. If ,,ou wish to attend this course, caîl the office, Winnetka 3'17,otelvu leader- 7 rteiyu Th innetka Drun i ad- Bugle corps ill rehearse MondaNy evenfings, fromi 7 to 8 o'clock at the ' parish house. Girls., please. trvýe to remeni- ber this, group. L Il