the stuaents. vve tuce to De lntorinedý Tcnlwrte rheé,r'." a ,Nvr i il Hugh Fleming (to druggist) : Ci you recommnend 'sonxething to keep f alling hiair in.," Mr. Bee: "Sure. A cigar box." Betty Dostal: "It's ail1 over school! It's al o0ver school !" Mary Fowler: "W hat' What Y' Betty: "Thé. roof,, sil ly, the roof.- Bill Racine (at the Hub):w *'Id ike tsee something cheap in a fali bat." Clerk:, "Try this on. The mnirror is at.your left." Jack (calling on girl frieind),:"s May in?" Maid:. "May who? Jack: "Mayonnaise.', M aid: "'Mayonnaise is dressing.", Prochnow had a little dog? He fed it kerosene, One got too near the fire, Since then it's not benzine.-Oh! oh! INTH ~E CLASSROOMS Mfr. Reiley: -W~hat makes vonl think the Greeks practiced disarma- ment" Dick Joslin: "Look -wh-at'thev'didl to-poor Venus,". o L. neGiL g «arouna ine s.,WJL', - - -1 -.--"- and the activities of our clubs, teamns.recipe for a good chieer : and advisor rooms. Tt gîves us, as a Two or Three New~ Trier's or Teanis group, a feeling of importance to Several, rabs (according to taste). know that we. are well enough or- Onie strong dose of Pep ganized to inntaiin a school, paper. e inhso rvhn ,t is a thing, of which to. be proud. Mix well and serve while. sill hot. Tt shows'our school1 spirit *is not Iack-ýý COME. ON! GET'BUSX' WITII ing entirely, and there is a g roup oî SOME ROUSING ýCHEERSI1 students eouhinterested. to keep, the citizens infornied. RESPONSIBILITY. Secondly, our, parents. are inter- Newv Trier offers us a great deal of ested in the development Of activities. responsibility. But what are 1 e doî.ng Thev, are proud of their .childreti (we with it?. Nothing-absoluitely noôthinig. hope) and the high school thev atý- W~e havre-.complete responisibilitN tend. Tt fuùrnishes them with the, lat- over ourselves during thelunchperi- est news and furthers an added ij,i- ods.. We surely showr up ini a bad, terest. A page is. indeed, a decidcd light In taking care 'of these, privi- benefit. leges. We'break chairs, tables and Thirdly. during a situationiisuclh as dishes; throw- food on the floor; make- the present prospect of closing school. a lot of noise; parade through the the town§hip, as a whole,. is inter- halls; wreck equipment in the -field-. ested in ail of our activities. The bouse; and waIk ail over the front more interests about. which thé-, are. lawn. informeti, the morfe stronglv will the%- We cani't act like ladies and gentle- feel about, keeping the schools opil, meni in the halls. There is always Ti. they know tiothing about them.i somieOne running in the corridors andl they do noi realize how highly ben - endangering other students. The audi- fiilare the avocational activities. toriumi and gynm were closed-during Bv.keeping them informied we lieu uc eid bcuetomc theu .nd urslve, to.propertv was destroyed them .sa*this anve, tao. to take careo ourselves? Will we- have al Our AND NOTER TINO privilegeés tàken f rom us because w New Trier studetis.. afier niuc! i act like a bunclh of,,kids? XVill there evident thought and. careful consid- haveto, be faculty supervision in th.e, 4eratîin, hav e taken. it upon tî n ess hall, ini the.corridor, and in thei selves to, contract the expres*ision gyhi x Let's. get: together and shovm Mess hall imto just pliVmss i1le that %ve. are beginming to grow t Up. building that' used to be a school pride, that used to cause fav-oral!e SCHOQL "SPIRIT"ý comments ironi visitors on studeir We lheard of a boy who cali scarce- self reliance, has become a nut house iv wait till Febru'arv first.. Gue:.. of etiquette experts. why! There isn't anlthiing vwe cal, Mr. Gaffney's overseeing during do about etasiuiobtwI lchperiods__met with disapproval., don't think much of the fellow \vho but can it be; supposed that he. pre- i is rejoicing over it! WVe have alo fers',watching peoples' bad mianners[Lheard a lot,,of girls mnaking a tus. to eating bis own lunch? because the econony of light inakeý;, lii the home dîining roorni.onie does it difficult for themn tosee.ili thîeir ii- not thro w banana and Orange peel-] rors. We Joi think they're very ing, toss apple:cores, clutter. the floor broadminded té worr-v over Such a %vth lunicheon r emai ns. nior even kick i trifle. do youTif e cani't strike a in the legs of the tabl'e. causimtg a happy -medium between grunmlybling general collapse and precipitation oi, and inappropriate hilarity, perhap.s food on some luckless lap. At schoel we'd do keep quiet. One is under public observatiôii. andi there, even more tl-an in the homie, ADVISOR. ROQM NOTES should good breeding be evi'dent. 1 OPHOMORE GIRLS Eating is one of the most impor- Every Ft'iday those of -Miss H-ainîl- tanît functions of daily hife, 'and it Ln j...Q,,-.'. lavesee a Order !". anid >egg-S,1 Mr. Edwvards: "Has absolute ze-ro ever been reached ?" Wizzv Collyer: **Yes, it w-as reached in mýy:.ast ex am." Here Is the Story Thsof Paul Dela porte Thsis the first of a series of arti- cles about the teachers iwho are comn- mencing their first year teaching, at Newv Trier. Paul G. Delaporte ofthe scîice de- Partment is the first new member f the faculty. to' be introduced. He coui- duets classes in general science at p hysiology. Mr. Delaporte attended cùllege at Compulsor3y Unemployment Insur- ance," and, front ail appearancés,. it looks as if they will corne out ahead ini their approacbing engagements with Morton, Maine, and Roosevelt hi gh schools, This year Coach Mac- lean bas rather cbanged b is tactics by training quite a Ënmber of de- baters instead of concentrat ing, bis efforts'upon a. few as bad been bis customn before. In this way be'plans to give more studen opportunity to obta in benefit froni the foreënsic organization. The' scbeduhe for tbe co ming de- bates is as follows:> Morton-Fbruawy 19 Affrmative Negàtlvc Gladys Pancoe James King'ery Anne 1Lupean Jamjes Donahue Bruce Ellilson AI Ackermann AAira tîve Neguative Aune Lupan. William Doty TmAt lm WiIIard. Hopkins. Bruce Ellison Glen Walk er Rtowvet-"Uadegcsd Aftiraativ, Neffatve Gladys Pancoe James Klngery John Griffith Greenhalgh Ellison Maguire Walker Toeppan NettertrornDonahue Nelson Maguire Intraul SpiortsJ Lt was announced that the annua: swimtning tournament wi11 begin dur-. img the next month. This wilI ii n n way interfere with the other intra- m-uraJ1 activities, as' the scbedules have been arranged to permit a student to take part in ail tbree sports at the sanie tirme. IVEEK'S BASKETJILL SCORES Ax'am, 14 ; Nag "A," 12 fleiley, 8; Edwards, 7 Sehurnac ler, 22ý; Christensen, il Shearerý, 13;1 Condon, 15 (Two overtimes). Oaks, 1'9; Jones, 6 Lightweigbt W. S. Brýown,,14; Varney "A," 4 Edward. 31; Funkhauser. 1-7 But, -alas and alack! Where lias this desire for bigger and better cheers disappeared. Apparently evýemyambitious student in New Trier I1as sat back comfortabhv in bis; chair an(! thought, "WeIl, now isn't that nice?. -omebodv will' write , &few new' cheers. Now weli get :sonie good ones." WVe won't get any good pnes i Once a .week the regular i)rogra1Î1 committee of Miss Senitnev's rooin i.; relieved by .having tivo different girls in charge of the prograni. Last Fi- day Vivian Grigsby played selections on. the-harmonica, and Carmneil Vil- son told of lier trip ývest taken hast summet'. piayed at, Nev Trier andi a capacitv cro'wd is expected. Thle unbeaten Frosh-Sophi quimtet iviIl take on Morton Fridav, too. Newý Trier's Frosh-Soph team pulled,a close onhe ont of thé fire astWens day..trimming Evanston, 28-24 .Thev trailed 16-5 at the, baîf but staged à miigbty in the hast haîf, Now, clon't misuinderstand us. Ini the gym we mnust have light and heat. If ve.didn't have light the boys migbt mnistake the hall. Think of all the re- serves that. would actually freeze if there was no heat. After ail, if you'ré up and: moving you can keep warm, but the reserves, wel, let's. not. go it0, that. By. the way, theibrary is closed at 3 :30.. Miss'Payton: 'Order!l Rav "Kinibeýll: '.-éail please."