January 28, 1932 WILMETTE LIFE 35 Phone Building Projeci Boosts Winnetka Record An encouraging feature, in build- ing activities in Xinnetka duringthv: first thirty days of 1932% was the tact that tivo of the four perînits issued were in connection witlî important developments, in the business, section of theý village, represcnting improve- ments costing upwards of S000,000. The larger of the twvo projects wvas for the preliminarv wor k neccssarv, for the erection of ftic new* Beil Teleéphone conipanvý\ building at tile souithwest corner.of Oak and L.indeîî streets, which, together %withliche ite. represents an expenditure of ap- proxirnately $580,000. Thepermit issued in January. %Yaý for the remnoval of the 01(1 )u*ildiîlg-, on thic site. A permit for the. new -baddmg isý to be taken ot iin the niear future, if is annotinced. Thé other imp)rovemnt iin ilth busineéss section for wluch a permit asissued last mionth aûid for whiclî *grouîîd as broken -Mond(ay,, ivas for the one storv b)rick addition, 44 b, 55 feet, which is being arectedl at the rear of the 1reseflt plant of the(- Abel Batterv & Ignition service,. 7P, l~~street, at a cost of $5,000. The other two pernîîts îssued (lu- ng ftie past nionth: amounted to oni $600., One was for a $400 addiiion iii- the residence'of Pet er'R. Selzcr, 1493 Aslburv% av enuie. and the other \%as, for a $200 porch on1 the I-Herbert 1. Zipf re.sidenýce, 596 Arbor Vitae road. Only two perînits wvere issued in Januarv varag, 1otll ofVi'( wvere. for remodeling jobs5, represent- ing a total expenditure of onlI_; 'Build Structure for i By, C. E. Drao (Vice-presidenit, Bills Realty, Inc.) Indian Hill Estates (XVýilmette) is a] Comiunîity of individualized bouses. I'lie reflect afl of their owners prefer- ences as to design, materials, arrange- 1ment and] cquipnment. No, two are alike. A list of Indialiî Hill Estates owners! is an impressive array of business, pro- f essional and l.finiancial leaders. Restric-1 tions as to people and buildings arc quite rigid. .Nearly two years ago we learined that the Homie Construction. Division ofý Sears,. Roebuck: and com.pany had beenl organized on new lines-away f romi the ready, cut. cottage idea-and m-as now attuned to construct the sort of homes being buiît mi Inidian Hill1 Estates. W'e immediately begani a thorougbi and open ininded sttidy of thieir program. in tbe various stages of mental bouse Fbuilding to corn(>e and see. The bouse is not for. salc-it wvas bu lt for an owner to bis own specifications. Its exterior appearance is told by the pliotographi in this issue. Lt contains threc firepaces-in the living, recreation and master bedrooms. Thle tower con- tains two solariums ini the finest nmean- ing of the word-one on each o)f the floors. Thle picture witb this' article is of the rear, elevation-not often sbowIl of bouses because rarely. except in parklike Indian rHillI Estates,' is.,the rear elevation developed.as beautifully as tbe front elevation. In the recreation roomr will be an architectural exhibit duriîîg the time &4%e bouse is open conta ining plans of French, Englîsb and Colonial homes of different types and designs and other Exhibit House for Inspection Wilmette Shoi of the Abel building at 714 Elm street, fornerly occupied by the Quinlan & Tyson real estate office. -Tbe Franklin. North Shore Serv-ice company is no w located at 897 Lin-. den 'avenue. Hubbard- Woods, the change to tbe more,-1commodious quarters being made îiecess ary hy the increasing' business which the company is ënloying on" the north, shore. ence-in short that would say, "you - can bave your home buiît by these folksDRPI EMT the way yo.u want it." That meant find-DRPNPE M S ing a cùstomer Nvho would accept'Sears Building permits in 577 cities anîd Home Ownersbip Plan whole heartedly. towns in the United States amounted The more, individualized and exacting to $55,279,157 in December, 1931, ac- ideas- this prospective customner bad, the cordingto officiai reports maâde to S. better. W. 'Stratzs and company. This total The answver is in the houise' at 1014 is 57.8 percent less tban that of De- Pontiac road, .picitired ab)ove. It is an cemnber, 1930, and 17.2 percnude "Exchibit House" for those *ho -are Novemnber, 1931. ch etiner iBusscher for alterations in, a resi- dence owned by Joe Busscber at 1421 IWilmette avenue, cost $150, and a third to Mrs. S.- B. Wax for tbe con- struction of a new framne garage for S. B. Wax at 511 Greenleaf avenue, cost $400. November to December compare& with 'a normal seasonal expected in- crease of 6.5 percent. Hme RentaisNow Unusually Active, Re E. Board Finds According to info rmation gathered f rom, members. of the North Shore Real Estate board, home renitais areI unusuall.11y active for so early in the season in- the villages of Wilmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glencoe, North-field and Highland Park' and many leases have already heen, closed for Mayoccupancy. According to President Arthur. Lee of the North Shoreboard; this, activ- ity is due in part to the mild weathcr of January but more to the fact, that the tenant realizes that the number of bouses available for, rent bas beeîi decreasingý each year and: now ïs comparatively few. With no buitll- ing for three years, the demand now exceeds the supply and particularly in the $100 to $125 a montb grouo- There. are approximately three ten- ants for, every desirable bouse in this racket., Last year' at, thiS' time tenants. Were lookers. This year the battle over price is sharp but short and owner and tenant find a meeting ground rather easily. The tenanti is- eager to close and some are trying for longer than the usual two-year terni. Thle tone of the l.uying mnarket for single bornes is tbetter. Houses pricei to toçlay's reproductio n çst find a more ready sale. A canvass of spéculative builders, however, finds tbem unwilling to venture yet. Sev- eral'responded to the offersof choice vacant that tbey will flot build spec- ulative bouses tbis year. Tbe chief hindrance .to *speculative .building,. ho'wever, is tb e iniability to finance homes- for sale.