In clu ding Mo ney OPEN. FOR INSPECTION NOW Admission By Card OnIy (This hbogse, built for an ouwner, is not for sale) If you would like to bu> a, home with your relit money-visit this Exhibit Home at 1014 Ponà1tiac Road, Indian -lli Estates - 0pen,,,every, after. noon to, and including Sunday, January 31, You have' heard of 'the millions of capital and thé gigqntic, faciIities being turned to building fine suburban homes. You know. in a general way of the most liberal, long t erm, Iow, cost financing. second series of four reai estate in- stitutes to be conducted ini January at the n niversitv ivili be on "The Property Br ief an Aid ini Selling."ý The unik-ersity announces that the brief vas selected for this.course be- cause of ilie nmaiv request froin real estate nMen that this su bject be 'cov- ered. GuY W. E1llis. extension lec- turer and coônductor of sales confer- ences for the ýNational Association, w-%ýho lias spokeni before theé North SoeReal r.state board. devotes one of his talk5s to the property brief in the cities th roughôut the country where lie speaks, and reports wide- spread interest in and greatly lu- creased t'se of this 'sales aid. 13UILDING AT STANDSTILL If there is anv trutl ini the old sayîng that -a pôor beginninig often iiidicates -a. good ending,". th.ere should 1)e somie activitv j h ul- ing line ln Kenilwortii thIlis vear. Not on1e permit Nvas issuced lu that village during the first thirty days of 1932.. In comparison with Kenil\vorthi build- ing activities lu januarv1 1931, the record,5 show- that four perinits ,*vere i'Ssited for iluprovenients totalling $7,700. ()ne of thiese w-as for a newv oil filling station, costing $3,000;* two, for remodelling Jobs anmotnting tot $40.and one' for a priv-ate-garage costing $3(.' REAL ESTATE LOANS Have funds to loan on North ~ PERMIT-LESS MONTH siorbe res. eoaus»oneryet wa j Ilitstrikinig contrast to the ulamner Also mortgages fbr-sale. iii which building. activîi es In Glein- E.G.Palig ~ fcoe started off earlIv ln 1931, the rec-, E G. alingt. &klCo. ords show' that not unle 1ernltI-Is 10 S. LaSalle_14_Frankli._7740 *ssued during the fir.,t thl*irty- days oi 1932. lit jatuary-.1931l. two per mits R.adth"XTa' dsvere issued far qucew. iresýideinces.>Ol custiig. $17.00)0 and the 'other S18.,401. through the concern's ciepartment of suburban homes during 1930. accord- ing to Stewart B. Matthews, mari- ager of sales. He reports an increase f roin the E vanston office of, forty perceut in- the number of deals, and,tiventv- îer- cent in .volume. -In the--Glencoe and Highland Park. offi ces he re ports an increase li the number, of deals of forty-six percent with an increase oft t en pýercent ln volume over the 1930 figures. This. it is said,. may 'be.due to a number of causes. one of .%7iel .Mr. Matthews cites ini his annual re- port. 6"6We have been preparing-and have on file a library of fine. homes. ln with phiotograph.s of the, exteriors and floor plans and'cÔmplete descrip- tion," says Mr. Matthews. ~hs have been rather widelv circulated throughout. the north shore, and have resulted in - stimulating interest, lu home purchases., Along %vith this. it has been obsered inipatyer*ta as a depression reaches its limiits Il) real estate the acti%-itý- begins first of ail ln the suburbani sectionis, It is ap- parent fromi the activity noW.exýistIIng in the suburbani section that the 1PU;)- lic considers it an excellent titme tu secutre irorth shore hom es ilo-w-. aîd. lu viewv of this fact. we belie v' a this vear w-lit show.ati increased. acti- vit- 'aiong the line of homne owner- shii). iii hute ith general buisi gess conditionis as flte becomie more ýstab- ON 2703 ASHLAND AVE. Wilmette 2792 Greenleaf 3144 1649 SHERIDAN,- ROAD - Wif mette 3740, MI BAIRD) 528 Davîs St, REAL TORS Greenleaf 1855. Evanston