Faculty club of New Trier gave littie ~ulde ,worth, n. N. Wade and S. K. Jorjorlan. visited each representing onie foreign Reports given at the annual' meeting )and. showed that the parish lias h ad an un- Guests for the aiternoon were Mr. usual growth, during 1531, having add- and Mrs.. Matthew P. Gaffney, Mrs. ed18bpie eSn,$ 65 confirmtnd persons and 80 comimunIcants to its roil. Ralph Varney, Mrs. Frederick Z~. The çhurch, .schoo. lihas passe&d the 300 ýClerk, Mrs. Cote, Mrs. W. L. Brown, mark and. the Women's gutild, represenit- and Mrs. Janet Gordon . Music played ing the wçbrkof, the women in the pallr, hw- more than doubled its mmber hip. its part inithe sketches the cofltinuhit\ Amoecomplete account of the an- for, whiich w-as W-ritten bvMiss Eliza- nual meeting and figures presented there beth, Stanwýood, and ail sorts'of -lini- wIll be found In another columfl In this ens, jewelry and other- relics from ise<fWLET IE foreign lands were exhibited during -n1L th the afternoon, at theconclusion of E .&Slh ,u ,eranl w'hich Russian tea, Swedish cookies. (ire enleaf avenue at Seventh Street. French pastry,, and, Germnan candies ~ Wlnte tlpoe Reý. f)vidKabéle. pastor, tlpoe werie served. West 4063 Those, taking part. were Miss Eh- :_May Bele ifagenow. Jack,-on. zabeh Paker Mis Caterie Mu- .organiet and director zabth. Pc.erMJsVatherissesu- S aSuntday, January 31. phy. Miss Emelyn \atMs e- Sudysehool, Bible and t-atecheticai sie Sentniey, Miss Irmna Moschel, celas-ses at 9 :45 a.m. Miss {,aura Fultoni, Miss Mary Helen lMoring seroria i . FaIt, Miss Helen,7Davidi MissWinni- ]Prelude-Rhapsodie............ ..Raif fred Mickey. Miss Frances- Bredin, Anthem-"0. Thou froni Who(.m Mis VrgniaDohan. 'îî .3s A.1l Blessings cone*' ..Tschaikiwsky ý.MssVigiia Dohai.an MssOftertory o-'Aie Shine. FOr' Eleanor Robson. Miss Adelaide Jolies 1'hý ÉLkht Ls o '. Mfemd and Miss Peggy Hühschi provided the Frank Dorband mnusic. .Post 1 ude-Md (de rato.....ý... -Cappelen At the annual meeting, the followlng were 'selected miembers of the- churcûh Mrs. dvad Mese,31 igt councîl for a terni of three yecars:, Ed- ,F,.d%'rd.Miilseii3ýEg'th wip B. Knudtson. John T.Peeo.an street, hasý as ber guest. lier. sister, Svott S. Smith, Sr-. Miss Cali sta Gednevý of Minne.cpo'his. Mis Gdneyis maing a brief visit A CORRECTION with bier sister beforeý proceeding to i 't %was stated ini Iast weeks NVi.- St. Petersburg- Fia. by- motor. -mEFTTE IEta r .P -o-ias opened a new office at 400 L'in. Mr..LeisB. Springer, 430 M1apie 1-den avenue. Dr. Perry lbas opene'd avenue, entertained lier lunicheoi, this new- office but is still i naintainling bridge club on Tuesdav. . is othier office at 903 Ridge avenue. Wilmette State Blank A TRUST COMPANY of INilmlette, Illin ois. at, the closeof. business on. the 3lst day of Decemiber, 1931, as.shôovn by the annual report vaeb thé said bank as a trust company, to the Auditor, of Pubic Accounts of the State',of Illinois, pursuant. to Iaw,,and filed,.in, thé office of, the said Auditor o f Public Aeccounts, on the Seventh. day of January 1932. 43,,493 175,186.05 Total Resources...........235814 ~apia1 SockLIABI LITIES Suptlst....... ................ Undivided Profits <Net)......... Time Deposits......... Demand',Deposits............. Dividends Unpaid .............. R.eserve Accpunts, Other Liabilities...... .......... 321,172â7 7339020.61 40000 1,797.37 Total, Liabilities..................$2,325,,831.41 Par va-lue of securities depo.sitfed with Au-ditor of Public Accoùnts, Springfield, Illinois, as required by law-, to. secure Trust Deposits............................$ present home for this new ho mei BAIRD &WARNER 628 Davis Street. Evansfon 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive. Gis«.« HoýIycourf. 1855 Subscribed 1932. (SEAL) No. 222 and sworn to before mne,- this 7th day of january, ýNotâry Public My commission expires N ovemÜber 6, 1934. 50,006.00 lequire about. trading aod investigale sur o RESOLJRCES Loans on Real Estate.......... ....... ...$ Loans, on Collateral SectritNv............. Other Loans............. ........... Overdraf ts......................... U. S. G-pvernment Investmlents...... Other Bonds and Stocks.................. J3anking Flouse... .. . . . . . Furnit ure and Fixtures -.............. Due f rom Banks, -Cash and Other Cashi Resourees:..... ............?,........ Federal Resernve Bank Stock....... Bankers. Acceptanle.................. Other Resources.... .......