ieridan ei -ltc WINNETKA AT'rRAC. 7 U1IL, 2 BATHI iESIi. ON wooded, 80 ft lot, nr. transp.., bloük: from echool 011 burrer. $17,Q00. $13 Davis Street, Evanstoni Gre. 1617, 72LI'N39-lti. MUST BE SOLD TO CLO SE ESTATE. 7 rm. home. ln Orlando, Florîda. 100 ft. frontage, ýgood location, aIl lmn-j provements ln., Sacrifice at$40, Rosenow 718 9th St.,.Wilmettei2272. j 78W"NTED TO nuU-HoUSES Real Estate Wantecl. CA.N PAY CASH FOR RIPARI.AN 'rights home, location, Kènllworth U) Lake Forest. House must bemod-, ern, Artistlc, and contain at leAst six bèdrooms. Must be an 'exceptional purChase on this market. No agents. Addrems,: A-106, Box 40, Willmette, 111. 84 REAL MSTATE TE NORTH-SHOREIAND have pitchied their bat i the rigwith Hoover, Dawe.s. WIII Rogers' and the other GOOD- TIME BROAD)CASTERS for: a 1932 Activlty, spelled> wlth a capital A, and mieasured Iwlth *1932 PRICES FOR 1932. BUY- *ERS le our slogan-Activity ln ail dêpartmients ls our method- and the spending of xnoney thie. year le but ai part of our pro- irram. You want to Rent or get a Real RentaI, or perhaps you have Vacant or Imiproved that woùld look better to you now hýi your CASH BOX. Watever your quest be. Watch These Columne weekly and IIEAD FOR HTEAD- 841 ELM% STREETt WINNETKA,> ILL. PHONeE 3250 es EXCHANGE-R EA L ESTATU EXCH. ROGRS P1. 2 APT., HIGI-! class $155 per mo. flat for N . S. im- proved or vacant. Addres.s A-104, box 40, Wllrnette. 85LTN39-ltip es FOR'SALg-bHOUSEHOLD 0OODIS BRAMBACII BABY. GRAND PIAlNO,' Good condition. à6 key boarid. Dark jfish.Cah only, $200. Winnetka 79 86L39-ltlp SELLING AT A SACRIFICE. COM- plete f urnishings. of. a. 6 iini. apart- ment. >1Phi. University. 6685. ORIENTAL,, 10" FT. 6 IN. BY 7 FT. Il ii., $25;,Wilton, 9x12, very reason- able. Winnetka 2007. 86LTN39,ltc' 88 FOR pALE-MISBCELLANFEOUB FOR SALE-AT VERY LOW PRICES fori.niediate sale. Porcelain lined Alaska Ice' box (cork walled), 3 dressers, ecostullier, bra-ss bed ivif h double oli Simmnonis eprings, alniost' new. .Also iawn -mower and garden tools. 1022'Elevýenth St. Phi. Wfl- fiette 1505., 8T 9-t 09 WANTED 10 UUY-MISC. WAýNTEI):-- CLEAN WHITE 1-AGS. Se per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Vil- fiette. 8LT3tp Paul Robeson Awaited; Winner of Many Honolrs The vogue of Paul Robesou, the negro singer, famous actor, scholar and Aitmericani college athiete, NYho is to ap- pear at Orchestra hall .2Moinday eve- iiîg, February 1, at 8:310 o'clock is one of the most sensat jonal in the musical world., * To few ien is given power to achieve pr onimience iii more than one field of endea'-,or,, and it, is* safeý to say, that there is nio othér.Americain negro whù is as gifted physical1ly,. culturally and artistically as Paul- Robesot. Bornof a School-teaching mother and a Methio- dist inister lie as educated first in the public schools of Princeton, 'N. J., his scho.ol record.won hi a scholar- slip at Rutger's college where lis aver-, age of over 90 percent in A his studies gained- him a Phi Beta Kappa kev, Coi-. eai coceepavemnt ow iln place ln Ridge Road and the east lune of 23rd Street, tngether wlth Kenilworth 'Ave- nue from the west line of. 23rd Street to the east edge of the concrete pave- ment now in place 'lni Locust Road ,and Ashland Avenue from the west uine of 23rd Street to the concrete paveinent now ln- place at. Loeust Road and' 11h- noie .Road, from-the, concrete pavement now in place at the north line 0f. Iro- quole Road to Ashland Avenue and Grant Street, 26th Street and -Cleveland Street, from . Ashland Avenue .to the north line of the 'Village of Wilmette and 25th Street. Dartmouth. Street, 24thý Street and-Colgate Street fromAshland Avenue to Kenilwortýh Avenue, and 23rd Street from .the south line produced west of, Elmwood Avenue to the eaet of .23rd Street to Beechwood Avenue, includlng aIl street Intersections to the outer ijne of said 23rd Street and 2lst StrOet from, Elmwood Avenue to, Beech- Wood Avenue, and Elmwood Avenue of 23rd Street to, the West lité of Cherokee Road, by grading, includ- ing parkwayc, paving, curbing, -adjust- ing manhole covers, building catch bia.sins .and connecting same to, storm sewver, building necessary brick mani- holes and valve chambers and other- Wise improving, the same, ail, in the Vililge of Wiimettew, County of Cook and State of. Illinois, Spécial Asess- nient No. *277. ln the' County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICt I1$ HEREBY given to ail persuns il'nterested. that the Board of Locallinprovemeints.of eaid Village bas heretofore filed in said Court,. in said cause, a certificate shOwlhg the coet 0f the improvement. and the amfount re- served for interest. leaving seventy-fou 'r thousand four hundred seven dollar$ and three cents ($74,407.03) excese to be, abated lni réduction of said aesessment, and also that said improvement bas been conpleted in substantial con- formity to the. requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has ap- plied to sald Court to consider and determiné whether or flot the facts stated lin said certificate are true, andi that said court bas fixed Monday. Feb- ruary lSth, A. D. 1932, at. ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit, at the rooin of said County Court lni the County Building. ln the City 0f Chi- cago, in said Cook County, as.the tinie and place for the .hearing, on, ýald'ap- pflication. Ail persone . deairing m fay1 file objections in sald court before sald day, and may appear on the hearliig and makeé their défense. I)ated., January 27th, 1932. C. ýP. DUBBS STACY C.* BENNETT W. W. DeBERIARD ALBE~RT W. FROEHDE --%RTHIUR ,LEE CARL C. RENNEC1AR RIUTH HURD SNYDER Board of Local'Improve- I mente of the Village of 1 wiluiette. L39-2tc HAVE CLEAR VACANT, HIGHLAND 9" O DAUS REU SIE Park, lantiscaped, vlew of lake. Worth tUa G D W $170. moWlete, enilorh or ln Co 817,000. Witleev en forh oa lxi ufp Sa BLAKE Co Indian HilI worth àbout sarne amount, 5608 N. Western Ave, Chiceo riot over five years old with four Opposite RohilI-Weam.rn Ave. entrane bedrooma. Muet. be clear of lncum- Tel. Longbeach .1161 1Free booklet brane. Write A-10, Box 40, Wil- Aloo opp. Oakwooda & Mt..Hope ont.1 mOtte, IlUl . 8L9lc Lonp orces: 228 N. LaSalle St. .,.,. ra',ira. i wo sU1iistswIII UC hieard; Henry Jackson wiil play Rachinaninow's second concerto for piano and Agatha Lewis will sing Bach's beautiful solo cantata "Praise Goti in ail Lands." Tlie concerts. are given under -the auspices of -the, Civic Ifusic, associa- tion anti the orchestral association., xi jeopardy: it cannot ' if you tinider- stand the iruth of be,*g VIENNESE PIANIST Robert Goldsand,. the, phenomienal young Vie.iniese -pianist,' will-b e heard in recital in"Chicago, Sunday.afternoon, january 31, at 3':30 oclock, at the Playhouse.- 4 qv I Christ, Scienitist, lin"Bostoni, Mass. Not long ago, aftçr deljvering a lecture somnewhiat liké this oîie. 1 s tood watchiing the people, leavimîgithe auditorium. Presently. a >woi:an, iin 'middle. life came along.IShe. wa, rather more than walking. She %vas so fuit of vigor. that she ivas stridiiîg. As, sh e plassed me she said, 'This is the -fi rst time, I have walked out of the church." She had'beeni helped into. the, place, she had beenhepd:n of it, I do flot nany ttues. b)ut on this occasion she walked out on lber ownî power. ý,NVhat liad happtned Sonie of the fear' which hlad heen l>eariiiglier dowvîî ilito, l*Ielssiless la(l heen ifited and dissiî>ated. Her thouglit liad heen, claritie(I and upl ifîed. Ail a resuit of the trutit she had hecard. And %vit! the -trans-formiiig of lier î nid- came the. renew..-ing of lier body. For the human body is what the huinan, mii' I pna-kes it,' \Vhendthe Ïhuman immd is, depressed or confused withi fear, ht can scarçely bc exp)ectedý to construct a normal b)ody. But when this irîifl> is clear, ,buoyaiit, anîd confident. it, constructs a better, a. heaithier, . a. stronger body. You may recaîlUflic words of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer andi Foumîder of Christian Science, in this connection. She says: ,consciousness coiistructs a btter body when faith in matter hbas beeui conquered. Correct mnaterial belief 1)- spiritual understanding. andi Spirit Nvill form You aniew" (Science and Heaith, page 425). Treatnent of Diteas. Taethe time occasionally to rea- son along these ltnesý: That God, ini- stea'd of beîngý a kinglike: being off ini the ciouds somnewhere, Wis Md aind Life.. That He i s here and now. lil-: visibly here it is true;- he makes H.itui-. self visible or manif est through spirit- mial mati, establish'ing divine intelli-1 gence andi irrepressibie, life in. each idividual, for 'man is consciousness rat.her..than corporeality, existing In> Mid not matter, out of reach of the perils of mortal existence. ,As youti