Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, p. 12

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North Shore As biology has actually dis- cevered the cause of sickness, i is but natural that this eminent and precise -science should devise' a treatment to overéome near.!y evèry formof disease visited upon humanity.. It-is iii Magrik Health-- Builder that biology, has ,cou- tributed one of ,the ontstanding nature-remedies. This preparation is. based upon, the fact that organic weakness and disease arve due to a lack of enough of ,oRiC or more minerais .in the blody, resulting in a weakening of the body-structure and siowing (Iovi of the vital forces. The formula of Magrik, Heaitlu- Builder was devised hy one of the f o r e in o s t european biologists. Thlousands. ôf tests Made with this preparation oni men, women and childrenïý afflicted with innumner- able diseases and ailmnents werc so satis factorv that it was placed on the market in a horne-treat- ment form. Magrik Health-Buil der uowha, a country-wide sale in the United States. Its great success- is 'be- ,cause of the, fact-that it is more of a, body ceil or tissue food rather thna niedicine as it contains ilI of the mlinerais required I)v iifc'.s forces to build strong. healtlv.. disease-resisting tissue. It is a well known fact thiat not enotigh calciunm in the body causes rickets. An instifficient atiloutit of iron resuits in anemnia. A lack of phosphoruls us re- sponsible for nervous disorders, antd so on. The truthfulness vf this bas been (iemonstrated thon-ý s.ands of, times. It iîaturallv ol lows thata body rceèiviing au ample supply of, the nleessarv iiieraIls daily is strong anid healthy.. l'le iitierais cotainced, ïn Magrik Health-Builder .are chiein- ically pure. of full strcnigth aiid ii 1 a forin easily appropriated by- the digestive and vital forces. It is becatuse of this that sticb pleasing - &tIt...i.l- -....I-A-- ,1 troai Japan ang the women of ne froin China. AI! imette are invited1. mrs. John M7. tochran of Win- netka has returned from a trip to ',,Tshjigton, D. C. Her daughter. Mary Alice, who attends Migs Ma- d-lira's sch ool. in. Washington, and lier son, Jh Robert, Jr., were with, ýcr between semesters. 7M-rs. John Marshall Roberts, 32à \Var-,icek road, Kenilworth, enter-1 tained lier Tuesday 1luncheon bridge club tliis week. specials this u'eek Fancy Milk Fe. BROILERS 1932 Stock Lb. 28c PRIME BEEF RI B ROASI Sta nding Lb. 25c BoneI.ss RI. ýHAMLETTS Lb. 17C MckeIberry Bonels MOKED BUTTS Wermutb, attorneys, Chicago, Mr. Costeilo was with thé Yellow Cal) company for 18 years as a miember of its legal counsel and thre years ago was elected assistantý secretarv. He was graduated in.1912 f rom the University of. Notre Dame and iii, 1929. hée was presidentý of the Notre Dame club of Chicago., At present he is a di rector in the group sponso- ing thé Rockne Memorial. founda-. tion. During the war Mr,. Costello serv ed as enisign in- the V. S. na.VY and was cited:for meritorio us service. He. is a member of, the Chicago Bar association and The. Chicago l,aw [ustitute. DIRECTS, PING PONG MATCH' Hugb Foresman of 515 Essex road, Kenilwortb bad charge of.anà exhi- bition. ping pong match between New' York and Chicago. champions at the [idian Hill club.on Fridav -evenliuîg. January 29. It is hoped to create an interest ini this gamê -at the club. Nir. and Mrs. Foresman entertaiaîed the Chicago players at dinnuer at tlîeir home before the game. Mfiss Peggy Knight, 51 KeniilvO'r th avenlue, Kenilwortb was at home fron Peloit college -for the week-end va- cation after nmid-year'examiinatiotîs. Mirs. Raymiond Roth of the Kenijl- %-vorthlaxîxii entertaiaîed lier club at lîincheoîî and bridge on Mfonday, Feb- muary I an international authority on the modern theater, wiil lecture upon the subject. "Mourning Becomes Electra, and Its Predecessors," throughi the courtesy, of thje Theatre Guild of New York.* Allan Scott graduated froni AAin- berst in~ 1928, is a Phi Beta- Kappa. and wer.t to.Oxford on1 a Rhiodes schoiarship. At. Oxford: lie was a gradUate s'tudent in Engiisli Litera- ture -and. worked there on sevente en.tl. and eigbteýenth cçentury. draina under the direction of H. F. B. Brott-Sanith. the* great. Restoriation schiolar. At Oxford lie wrote a brilliant series of essays on e ighteentb cen.tury conmedy. inspired by. Granville-Barker's pref- aces to Shakespeare, doue froni the point of view of the plIaywright anid theater man. At Oxford lie also.. directcd 1vl)avs- adattracted considerable attention. QOne of bis plays, "The Las.t Act,." was. produced iii, England and latiotiier,I "Doubloon," will be produc ed in- this country during the , present scasoi.- H-e is also thxe autlior of -Pierrot Is Dead Againi,", a fantastic, philosopliic satire, soon to i)e published l i this country. A cordial invitation is extended 1w the Sisterhood to everyoiie initerestedt. Mrs. D. 1, Taylor anid lier two S0111. David and Gerard, 849 Miclîigaii aave- iue, left last Suundav for Phoeniax, Ariz., wberc thev expcct- to reuiai for seve<ral months. Heéalth-Builder is carefully pre- pared and nom, cani be had at tht- BOULEVARD DRTJG CO. 1101 Central Avenue WlMgMT1, ILL.. MA il.K amuf ct ured by. LAUOArmy, IC.,CIC AGO' 1109 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE TI-IEGREAT ATLANTIC a PACIFIC TEA CO Middle WesternDviion alle W.Wme Wlnbe,' Prescription Pharmacisi * since 1898 - - - Phone: W'Ilnmete 4m0< 7 LiadenAv.. Wimette, . THE. DRUG STORtE.EN THE MIDDLE 0F THE BLOCK 411 -I x4b-

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