begin a new cycle of bis pitured stories Georgian notel, r.vanstQn, îinurs'aayj j of travel to extend over five Wednesday evening,. February Il at 8:115, under the andi Friday evenings and five Saturday auspices of the North Shore Travel a afternoons. Service.a The annual appearances of Burton The speaker will be Howard Brentonà lHolmnes bias long been an. event in the «MacDonald, F .R. G. S., characterizeti amusement season of our larger citie.ath "picofrae entertaùxiers," People seem to get a -great deal of cul- it is said,- knows the. world as do iew tural enjoyment f romr these vividly pic- other men. on the, lecture- platform today. tureti travel tales andi one is no lo#ger He bas been' twice arounti the globe' calleti upon to justify one's attendance and' traveled f rom the town farthest with that olti excuse for going, to ýthe south. past 'the town f arthest tiorth to ircls.-"lIrn doing 'it fpr the young- within -571 miles of the North. Pote. He sters." bas visiteti Scandinavia four ties and This time Mr. Holmes comes to tel, cr ossedi the Unitedi States nine ties. am!oflg other intèresting tings, of the Europe, the Mediterranean, anti the!i climatic andi scentic fascination s of Holly- islanis 'of the West Indues hle knows Wood,. The world knows Hollywood well. On bis first world tour lie visitedl largely by naine, and by- its not too Japan, China, -java, tbe Philippines, anti enviable. reputation. Pictures niade .i romantic India only to return to ahl of Hollywvood bave, delighted - or dis- these p laces in addition to Australia. tre,5sed, the peoples of ail landis, but the New Zealanti, Tasmania, 'anti New (Cuini- real Hollywood' bas neyer yet been e nbsscn irunvgto.As truthfully presented on the screen. bie bas been completely arou nd ,SGuthi Other topics in the Holmes', course, America andti tbrougb Alaska and the ail based. on tbe leture-traveler's oh- Hawaiian islands. Reëcently lie returneti servations and impressions during bis to Icelanti for the tbfrd time. Witb the recent extensive travels in Europe, are exception of South Africa (wicb lie as follows; "Beauty Trails 'n Switzer- .plans. to visit soon) there are literally. landi," "Berlin to Sweden, Denrnark andi few places on tbe face of the earth Norway,," "AIl Over Italy, f rom the %%bere.lhe lbas nôt been, for in ail be lbas Alpsto be ntisof iciy' ati Do-visiteti exaetly sixty-six different coun- :ng Paris anti the Colonial Exposition." triesat ertre n oeeiatota BAHA'N LECTURE,, distance of a quarter of a, million. miles. l'le regular Sunday lecture in fli. Bahia'i ten: .plce Lindeni avenue, near'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Sheridan roati. Wilmette, will take place "Spirit" %vill be the subject at thec S;unidav., FebruiarNy 7, at 3 :30 o'clock. services in First Chiurch of Christ. The s;peaker,,,ill be Mrs. Ruth Mof- Scientist, in WN1ilmette Sunday niorn- f eftt who \vill speak on "The Healing of ing, February 7, at Il o'clock. Suni- Nations." day scbool convenes at 9 :45 o'clock. ob ,The Midi-Winter Fo0tw e a:r NOW At Pool&P' With all Infi CHILDREN'S l6o8 CHICAGJO, s ALEl -until Sat.,. Feb.. 13 iper, a Sale means real Value. SHOE SPECIALISTS AVENUE +EVANSTON i sFdVi inIuraay eeU3 ii ; cuualJ lu at the te mple in Glencoe. Dr. Bradley's address will mark the f ourth of a séries of evening programs sponsoreti by the '.%,el's club this season.. 1143 AiburY Avenue Telephone Winnéea2M>9 WINIFR'BD TOWNSEND CRE .E Teachingz Violin. and! Ensensble- EL'anston and Woman's Symphony Orchestras Solos, Trios, and 'String Quart ets ETHEL B. 'LONG Studios 'ETREL B. LONG BERNADINE LENZ MARION HOPKINS, Teachlng Piano Classes in Rhythm, Ear Traininlg,, Appreciation, Harmony OWPRCHESTRA HALL BURTON HO0LMES Pictured Travel Advpentures FEB. o10:1-13 RE VEA1 LING PICTURIZA TION THE «REAL HO0LLYW OD-1 ATRA'VEL JO Y-RIDE 1 AMONG THE STARS . DON'T MISS IT Tickets Now 8.11h14 Prices-50c, $1.00, $1.50 When You Dine At The ORRINCTON -you may epc menus, inluding. dishes -not *e anywhere, service. competent and not extravagant, en- vironment appopriate to an establish- ment that adheres to-bigh standards in ail tbings. The foodi1 If. js scarcely. necessary to dweti on. this: at length. Folks who appreciate the bout corne and keep, comingi The enfire farnily wilI enjoy the whole-' som.e food, 'deticiously prepared and served in "fàmily helpings." ORRINGTON AVENUE AT CHURCH STREET 7UCU -q 9