Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1932, 2a

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J.Exchanige of properties between * the Village of Wilniette and the ViI-. mnette Park district, which would inove the site of the proposed WNil-. mette miunicipal water works f romn the foot. of Lake avenue to the foot of Forest. avenue, ivas, proposed Mondav of this,.veek at a conference bettween the two bodies. The propo- > ai. ît was pointed out, was made ini th* initerests of permitting comple-ý tien of, the Park board's long estab- lished P)lan ;to provide a continuous- park and beachi frorn Washington avenuie on the South to Forest ave-, nue on the north. In a statenien concerning the Park boar&s proposition, President Louis K. (;illsoii directed, the followîng- tien of the Park board*s plan long statemient te the Village board: Ask Cooperation *1 )ehialf of the Board of Coin- mIissioners, of -the Wilmette Park, dis- * trièt 1, lesire, to say that we are and aas'have beeti desirous of co- * Operating with 'the Village author- 1ities for the public benefit, anid trust that the Village board will under-, * take to ,co"operate With us %vith the saine objects in viewv thoughi ini the past this, has, not seenied te be the case at aIl tinies. -You have asked cur co-oiperation in belping, you Solve yorprollC of relieving the streets .111 thle vicinity of congestion due te the parking of ýautomobiles. -The Park board asks the Village auithorities to co-operate Nvithi it ln preserving our will establishied and popuilar bathing beach and ini estab- lishing and prcserving the conitiniilty (fa lake front park. Planned Many Years Ago io pwaýrds fi twventv years %N havè é 'èe engged in, the devNelop- nient of parks on the lake frontL: starting withî the çstab)lishmllent (if ,iiall gark exten(ling foiLk.ac nlue to a p)oint 75 feet ,îorth oif Forest avenue, and à la.rger îJarkcx- teiiliig.fro-fi Washington avenue to *the drainage- canal -utiIizing thec mIade land due to the dumpfing of thé spoil takenl out' hY the Saniitar.v dis- trict. It lias aiwavs been Our pur- p)ose to connect. these t-wo parks by acquiring the intervcning î>roî>rty, andI we h)ave alread.y acquired the larger part of it. keep the dates in mind so that they may take advantage of the unusual values which will be offered by Wil- mette merchants. -These. semi-annual sales events are sponsored by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. and the retail committee of that organizationii i i, charge'of ar-1 rangements for the Dollar days. John K. Hughes, of Millen's Hard- ware store is chairman of this coni- mittee. Other members of the commnit- tee are Ernest Griffis, Carl Kaurneyer, A. C. Pearson, Jr., and John Schneider. Members of the conmittee, Promise that Wilmette inerchants will have an unusual arrav of stock for the coming sale and that. the merchanidise will be sold at record low prices. Days for Getting Acquainted Tfhe business men 'of Wilmette are not trying to make handsome« profits on Dollar dlays, but rather arc interested ilu havinig residents of the community visit their stores and becomne better ýac- quainted uith their stocks, accordiuig to B. T. Clark, secretary of the Chaînber of Commerce. Consequcnitly, villagèrs will .be offereil unusual, bargalins. Sonie of' the merchants, Mr. Clark savsare.gtting in newv stock especially for .the Dollar days., They are tiot ini- tending to use these sales ays for. un - loading last year's merchandise, ieî as- serts, Bu;sineçss men .'of this Village feel that, no community (oU similar. size and location. cati boast a hetter, more coi- picte or more reasonably priced line of merchandise thani is offered by \Vilitette mnerchants. .Next week's issue ofWI.ET lxI will contain Dollar day' advertisenîents, and shoppers NNill have an opportunity to studvl the offerings on the week-end prcediiîg- the sales daysý. Wilmette to.,Disconti"nue Operating Booster Pump The Village of -Wilmette will discon-ý t-mue operating the enîergency b ocster piimfp statin t -Prairie avenue and Isa- blastreet. IIbis was decided at the regular. meeting oi the Village béard 'fucs;day niglit, when, oit recom-mendaltl"io of Trustee W..NV. DeBe(,rard., ehairmani of the sewver-and water commîttee, the b)oard ordered that the montlitononth TXEACHERS ARE WORK- ING WITHOUT PAY. WILL YOU TOLERATE. S UC H A DEPLORABLE SITUATION? 0F COURSE NOT! -YOU CAN NOW. LIELP RIGHT CÇALL Wl LMETTIE THAT'S OFFICE. 1618. YOUR SCIOOL VOLUNTEER 'rO CI-ASE ONE OR TAIX ANT IC TION AWARRANTS. 'PUR- MORE 1 PA- DO TT TOD)AY. KEEP THE CHILDREN IN SCHOO.. DON'T FOfZGET, TEACHIERS ARE ING FOR YOU.ý T:H E MWORK- I KE P 'I l E S CHOOLS OPE'N!- J Wilmette Men Active in Optomnetrie Session Thc 24th. annual convention of the Miinois -State Society of Optomhetrists, %vil1 be held.at the Paînier flouse, Chi1î-' cago, February 7, 8 and 9.: Dr.H. E. Piîîe and Dr,-.,,. H. Bersch, both .of Xilmettc, are taking an, active part ini tlhe prograin. Dr. Piiîe is president of the state (reaizaàtioll, and Dr. Bersch, third.vice- More thani 500 optometrists.are ex- pecte(1 to attend the conventioni. Drastic reduction -in cost of operat- ing the Village goverument during the balance of the fiscal yeai, or until May 1, 1932, was orderé'd by the Vil- lage board Tuesday of this wéek in the adoption of a résolution setting forth specific cuts that will aggregate approximately $46,593.88.. Heading the list of speicific reduc- tions, is -a 10 percent slash in salaries and wages of aIl officers. and emi- plo)yeesof the Village, effective Feb- ruary 1. 1Other reductions are to be mnacle through the following expedients:, Curtailmnent of -street lighting to reduce the bill at'least one-third. Ash and garbage collection tol)e, made once a week in place of the. customnary twice-a-week colleictions., 1Abandoninent. of snow removal froixi streets and sidewalks. Reduction, of Villa'ge payroll «it least $1',200 per miontb. SAUl expenses. except those ab- solutely necessary to. be dispensed with. Alil current bills, where possible, to be paid by,.tax anticipation warrants agai st the 1931, levy. :This order,' the resolution reads, is to bei effect until 'such time as monies mÈay .be ava-ilable through- the sale. of tax warrants, or otberwise, and the change then only to -bee!- fective through the order of the Vil- lage board'.. Brings Good News From Convention of Tailors A. E. Nord, of Schualtz and Nord, tailors at 1152' Central avenue, Wil- mette, attended the national conven- tion of the Customn Tailors associa- tion hield in Cincinnati last week. 1, .Reports brought-to the convention, particularly from the eastern states, inidicated a decided upturn in business Mr. N\ord asserted.. Latest models of mnen's apparel that, wlIbe popular this s pring. featured the convention exhibits., These Mr. Nord has broughit backc for thebeneý-. Ci t ý-ôf Ihis discrimfiinating north shore, clientele. "The Park board therefore sug- "If this exchange could bë made gests the advisability oe exchanging the Park board -would be willing ta for the 200 f eet north of Lake ave- set apart for parking purposes a nue a similar area, more or less, as piece of ground. north of Washinigton the Village authorities may find de- avenue, extended, ample to accoin- sirable, at the nort'h end of the park, modate several hundred automobiles;- that is to say,, from a, line 75 fecet providing the, Village will. bear the north of Forest avenue, and including expense of ilspreparation for such the vacated stub end of. the avenue, iluse (such as resurfacing), inchtding and so much of the land immediately 1 drive-ways .leading to an from i. n WILMHTTIELI Bon voyage! Cal! Wilmette 4300 A skfor A d-Taker good work. We need men's overcoats and warrn gloves for those who work outside and bedding for the children.-Mrs. Henry Cutier, chairman. Noe:Eonomy Shop la conducted by -the àma aClub of Wilmette. Proceeds are directed to eharity.i

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