ho editor by Tuesday mno current issue. lolexice, cardae of hanks, obitu- ertainments or other taffairs charge is published, will be Ivertising rates. Grade Separation WiIl Save Lif e Let-'s Hasten the Day! Alniios,-t" everv Oîie of the 96,972 Nort h Sho e e rais that ran ii191 eace itsý destina tion "Punctual As a Star". on the (lot. lTO 1e very exact, 98.5%-C of the 1931 iNorth* Shore lune, trains arrived on time. Hereý is a shining exan-ipIe 1Of praise%.vortl)iliipucttality. If piUictualîty 15 liot iniclu(led infl the tistal iist of virtue.s it certainlv ought to be incluided. If it's good to be honest an.d just. it's als.o good to l)e punctuai. .,Oiie miav reasonablv douibt that it isl)etter to. be honest and just- than to be on timie.. If a person'arrives. w4en b fe, as saidlie. wil! arrive, business is transacted much more speedily, and pleasantly than if lie wvere 'tardy. Punctual arr ival ineans a' quicker dcearing. up of trouble and a .broader. spread of chieerfulness.' If one desires to appreciate the great value of punictualitv, let lmi imagine the distré'ssisg results 'of tardiness' in a con-, cert or a play. Ma'nv amconcert pr a play jias been *ruiuned hy .a player, a sing er,.-or. an act or. who bas failed to corne iin at just the rig4t time. I.nschool, tardinesszis uOfteni more, open to. censure than absence., Tardliness often. undicates a -slovenlv character, a whig ness to let other people w-ait. lUstiallv a very slighit extra effort wvill get a puI)il to INorth Shore trains cap be is reallv' no ex.%cuse for tar the conviction that' orily by devoting onc 'self to the vvelfare of one's cotintry ca that cotintry's s afety and hAppiness b .gained and mhaintained. Je- North shore Girl scouts halve a Song, ".St ra-pt.r jpack to Nvour l)ack with a sandwvich for a sak"w-hich thleyrSin9 to the stirring tunle of the IliingCaisson Song. 'lhle words and tunle.Sung whole-hearte(1lv are bOUn(dlto iiiake everx- hearer, 110 nnatter hoNv- stiff bis joints or short ]lis N%-]d. iiin to start on a hlikeof almlost a e n'gt li Eve.ry Sunda-v îiornin9 w-e eonteîuplatc -%vith, m-uch -' enflt.s-iasnî a niiddle-aged. Scotebmian taking bis con.stitutional,.head .p, shoulders back, canle swunjging. We are teini)edto go and(do ikcwNise, buit the Do îlot infer thiat our flesli is weak. W7e cou1l do ýit, a.nd soinieday w-e shall. Xalk--. ing is fine, exercise- and onie of the fe-x fornîis of exercise that 'cannot easilv bje overdone . We' (W, homwever, believe that twventv ,-an d t'hirtN-rile h-ikes are,., like- lîîarriag-e. not to l)e entered inito lightlv.* Five miles is a muitch mûre senisible pr*oject. We're prettv sure that ife will be a pl)ic to the girl w-ho on a .crï.sp wîniiter- inornhngi starts off onI a 'hike vvith lber sister' scouts sitng*i, '"Strap, *youtr pack to 'vouir ba ck." 'Ui the ýpreseït tax iiiuddle does nothing' moethnilecessitate the inivention Pt, varîous and effective wvays o f raising nonev- other ta'1 tax c(> llectinig, it will not; have been entirelv eévil. Whlat hia s to0 soPile seemed hopeless niow seerns i a Aineasture quite hopeful. He rShore towvns shouild 011 110 nol avung Ii = I'f nuritn, ,tç ,'-ivr u ,5vitt4 oiaas jS't sn init And choosing sweet clay"jroni out the brrc, 0f the nnexlwnsted [West 1f'ith stuif 'untainted shaped a 'beio nw WVise, steadfast iiithe strenflth of God, au iti e. Hozc. beau tif ni to sec -Once more ai'slhepher-d.of ,,zankcind indee'd. [P7h>o- loved bis charge bt nef r ozied toea Qure whose inek flockthe cpe ioii,,odlto 7y; Xot lured by aiti, ceat of birth, Bu<t bj? lis Cel-<J'iedbma rh. iuid hbrave aid zwisdo iii o!.sin ceîit'v! Gre<îat captain.ç. zc'-ilb Ihcir quins anîd -uins. JI)isttrb aur jidgîpnent foi- hhi bout-.. Butt at last silence catîtes; ,iese.ail are gone and. standing likc a -toawe-,, (')u bidrcns-hall, behold, bis failli" Thte kiindlv-carinest. ha ',fore*(secIt, mn n Sagacious, pa.tient, drcaidiinq lprais<'. fotbNaine', ec'birlth ofai aunc esoi!, the tirst .'Aeerican. -James Rt'ssél J .owell. 1Fi-oni the ode recitcd at the Harvard Comméemoration Jtih- 21. 1865.) 'w ost 'ie t'eregomg wpie versýe,sz are taken f rini lames kRussel!l o(w-ell'.qOde, recited b1»'hirn at the .Harvard Commemoration on JuIv 21, 1865. Wheni one recals the fact, that Lincoln. died ûîîlv thrte innnthls hefore this ode ývas written and that Laovell himSelf 'lost eight relativ'es 4iii the Civil wvar, onie readjlv appreciates why the .ode glows with a patri- otic -fervor 'that' lias neyelr heen surpassed and perhiaps iievcr equalled. Almost seventy years 'have passed since the nitteririg'of this miagpificeiit trib)ute to our martyred I'ýre*si(Ieit, anid stili lus faine, staîüds. ike a tower. IN GOOD FORM As xvas to lue xpccted, now that the villages of' the .1-ortJi shore-sone of 'e M, at least-h-lave' put thro'ugh rigid economv progranis, the uistal delega- týion of yelpers is lieard, totdeplore the absence of siiow plows, curtailment of street ig'iting.adote e vîdenices aof rctrenchment ini fi natices. lTérribh', they say. Itfs great to hec a muniiicipal daddy particularlly iust no~vw lien'tbe habituai faîîlt-finders. are iii better bori than -Ziegfeld',s chorilles. If <>u doi<'t belux\e it,ý ask some 0f ' u r (lulv elected officiai. wh c obligehyslb hngtheir: owîî isa lar ies. het-u te (Iint get aîî\'. lkigabout tI e depres- storni long enoýugh ta )icl'î is ai fille display of soie splenldid exercise.. inspire ini the rank.and file' of Americans willingness to unite ini a forwvard move- ment North shore people, old. and ypung Notwith stand ing 'a couple of zero days iii» late Januiary we still believe that this is a unique winter. With February here it's hard for 'us to imagine that -vinter cati niake much of an impression before niext December. muent of ed, if you' dog, license At that', we may he able ta achu ing-rnot ta mentipn, sien). r ) '()r-11on-pay.. ansieread-. -MIQUE. à ai rt fler