mette for thebuiling tund, thi nights of February 18, 19, and 20, en~ tertained the mrernbers of the cast at sup per at bis home, 1504 Elmwoôd avenu( after the rehearsal Sunday evenirig The cast is, being rnuch feted.. Thi menîbers, are working bard, but thie -are, enjoying the Iast weeks of re hearsal and the attendant parties. Miss Rebecca-Fitch is ini charge o: the ushers for the three nights. The: are members of the Junior auxiliary Irene Baehr, Bertha Bersch. Con. stance Bersch, Dorothv Bersch, Mar- ion Born, Medora Bright, Mrs. Ken. neth R. Borgenl, Marion Cook, Ger- trude Copelandi, Josephine Cressy, Mrs., Fred, J. Cyfer, Ann Davis,- Caro- une Davis, Dor othy Durham, Helen Ellis, Lilliàn Fitch, Patsy Flentye, Mrs. D. M. Gallie, Jr., Vrera Hoerber, Ann Lawrence, Mary Elizabeth Mar- shall,. Florence Melbye, Aima Muehi- berg, Louise McGoy-, Ruth Rice, Ruth Sheilman, Jean Upson, Betty Weber, Bessie K. Weiss, Mrs. John A. Young, an~d Ruth Youngberg. The green room party between Acts 2 and 3 is in1 charge of M-ilss Florence Branson. Two wve1I knowni local orchestras are donating their music, for the. benefit of the building fund. Thurs- day and Friday nighits, the Rag Pickers of Northwestern, will play. The memibers of the orchestra are Marshall ling,. Robert Klemm, joseph, Marshall, Jr., Curtis Tatham, Charles Forrest, and Charles Southward. Sat- urday night. the Melodeons wil Play. Ruce, and ne ltt rorter. The two memibers of the cast whose pictures are in this week's LWE ,a re Mrs. Orville G. Daily and Fred V. Lippen-. Mrs. Daily who pleys the. part of MolIy, works in "cahoots",'With Sam, the doctor's man,, played by Mr. Lippen. Mrs. Daily will be remnembered 'for, hier clever singing and dancing in the part of "Zazu" in the Amnerican Le- gion'-s "Rainbow. of the Rio Grande." le 1- e 'y )f Fred V. Lippeitof I1220JLake avénue and Mlr.. 0ville G. Daily of 618 Tentlz sireet, as Sain, the doctor's man, and as M'olly, imake an intriguing tram as they wvork togcther ini the schene of the plot of the farce coinedy "Be-ware oifV,id07('S," which has ils preiniere. Thursday eve;îiitq; Febriiar3y 18, and is repealcd FridaY and Saturday, ecbrtarv 19 and ý20. as, a bene/it for the building fîtnd of the WVo,,an's club of Wilitctte.- News Members to Be Guests Garden Club Changes Hour at Reception and Pro gi-ar of Meeting; Selîs Tickets Thie board of directors of the \omi- The WVilmette Garden club)lhas an's' club of \Vilmette will give a re- changed the hour of its meetings ception for new memibers on Febru- from 2:30 to 2 in the afternooni. ary 17, at 2 o'clock, in the lounige of The next meeting 'on 'March 4, at the clubhouse.. the homne of Mrs. J. P. Young, 1030 Each board rnember wvill have two or ýAshland avenue, will be the first onc more new niembers as ber particular at which the Ilour wilIl)be 2 o'clock. charges to the end that ail miay become At that time, Mrs. Clav Harkness of acquainted, 'and as each new nember Aurora wvilI give the second of frer accepts,ber invitation she will be as- series of three .garden talks on prac-' si-gned to a hostess. tical gardçening. As an innovation, instead of the, usual Mr.JonF.Xeedon m-lo isii card party, the members: of the board charge of the Wilmette Garden club's and their new-imember guests W-111 gath- ad vance sale of tickets for, the 11hi- er, around the- fireplace and be enter- ni adî lbsFoe hw tainedý bv Mrs,. Harriette Widmner of April 2-9, 'at -the Navv pier, points. La Grange, in bier quaint, artistic pre- out that' tickets bought before thle sentation of what she calîs "Chim-nev, show through the garderi clubs, cost Smioke."' Her programn is an intiniate estathadiio fecard intepretation of the racial beaty vof the lessthan teadmtlfionrfeecare le duos ex-s tImerican Revclution wuli meet mnthe home of Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes, .1426 Chicago avenue, Evanston, Mon- day afternoon, February 15. A buffet luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Charles E. Herrick of Chi- cago, vice -President general of the National.soqciety of the :D. A.,R., and wois also president of theAlumnae association of R ockford college. will 1)e a guest of. the chapter and tell the members of her work. for patriot*ic education, bringing. si)ecial informaý- tion, concerning mùountainý and soutli- ern schools in which the Daughters of the Amnerican Revoluition are es pe- cially interested. Mrs. Edwin' Hedrick of. Kenilworth wviI1 read parts of WashinRton* s "Farewell Address," and Miss Shirlev Ross, also of Kenilworth, vili be heard in a group, of, piano seIections,. The Illinois Daughters, of the American Revolution broadcast over Station WBBM every Monda%- and WrednesdayTafternoons at 3 :30 o'clock. On.- February'15,. Miss H-erma Clar k will present the subject, "H-istoric Il- linois." On February 17, Mrsijuia Goodhue's subject, will be "George Washington ýat Mount Vernon and Coiimanàider-Îin-Clijef of the Armnies." ,Kenilworth. Club Plans WashingtOn Celebration A Colonial bail and dinner Fridavý evenïnig,,' February. 19, withMr.J Tonm Dix and M rs. Williami W. Sears as host esse s. 1 s the plan of the (laflue cominittee for members of the Kcen-, ilmworth Club and their friends. In this manner.the Committee celebratesý George Washington's, two-hurtiidredtli birthidav anniiversary. "A trip to Mounit Vernon,, a, beautiful partv. with decorations in keeping. a real* surprise" is what the conimittee' > offering. The third of the -seao's 1rte for the.young people,ý "and all others 37OUng in spirit,," theKenilworthl club anniounices, xvill take place Saturdav eveningFbra -20, from :9 unitil 12, with Miss Mary Fowler, Thomas-ý XVhite, Miss Prudence Johnson alri'I Roger Barrett the llosts anid host- esses. l'ol> Joslin and bis North\wes[ý erni Çollegi1ans, will provide the miuIC for dancing. ~v i. -- --le Mrs. Ralph C. Wes sel of 216 WVood Court has left on a cruise of the Mediterranean. She 'is flot exqect- ing to return home uintil April. play* selected. T1he dramatic 'corn- mittee of the club consists of Mrs. Harry A. Oin, chairman: Mts. Dean Hole, Mrs. Harry G. Zander, Jr., D. Scott Campbeil, Allan T. Gilbert. Harry P. Harrison, and Harry E., Weese., suror"Ly w1ii UCDeîila at te Alpha Xi Delta bouse at 710 Emerson street, Evanston, at 2 o'clock, Friday after- noon. The affair will be both a so- cial gathering as welI as ani oppor- tunity to play cards. Mrs.. William, Cage of Evanston is president of the club.. igan avenue. Mrs. Harper E. Osborn of7 den avenue will play at the i of Miss, Marcella Laàtchaw anston aîd, Carl Learyý of1 Obl'o,. Saturd«ay afternoon. Mfich- 715 Lin- wedding of Ev.- .Findlay,