Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1932, p. 35

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and thie naines of those giîng them: Sonate. for violin and piano ..............................Cesar Franck Allegretto ben Moderato Allegro Caroline Harnsberger Dorothy L. Pound Hushed the Song of 'the Nightingale ...................retchan inoff Before M-Ny W!ndow .. Rachmaninoff A Legend >ý....Tsýchaikovsky Love.................Bleichmnann 4 Madeleine Vaughan Serenade..............Auer-ýDrigo. Eç--rellita ,Ponce-Godfrey Ludlow (erts iu 19*..... .....N't'eniawski Bertha Chatley Dubbs lJ'lie Snwrp....... Gretchaninoif 0i 'lhou I-ilxvHarvest. FilId ................ ...ahrni ninof'f Fii-ods of Spring....... Rachmaninoff Tib >Stay at H",nit- Is Best. .......... ..iNicolai Mlednikoff Carolyn Fuermann The Musicý Box......d4 w Fairy Talés............. ... Medtner Frances Anderson Acconpanists: Birtnda I-i.ter ý -%Mrs. Miles Geringer1 Electa Austin Gamroni Valentine's Dance, at Vista del Lago Feb. 13, St. Valentine is to be honored at eveining. ircUn 8 :30..ôo'clock util müid- night. -luf keeping with the ,old:-, fashioned, spirit, of the day the cluli wili male of its celebration à pro- gram dance. The vientine colors, red and white. xviii be'.in evidence asi well as the varlous motifsý xhich the years havet connected! wiith thie-cýel- ebration for the patron saint of loVe. Miss Malriani Keeney of Winnetk'a 1%1i11 dance,. the orchestra .will play i scinie old-fasIioned, music, and thiere wi Il appear soesongfull "Vinie of Y'esteryear.* The .entertainmnent is fil chlarge of rs Johni C. M',\ar- s hall. .Circle Meeting Ail Day Mrs. Aima T., Caîkins, 400 Eighth Street, wvill be host.ess' at an al-'day meeting of the Crescent circle of thei Congregational churc'l Tuesday, Feb- ruary, 16. Liincheon xvii be served at ,12 :30. -r.Charles 1,.' Hoskenl ?s to bc assisting hostess. Infant Welf are Meets The \Vilmiette Senior Infant Wel- fare board met at the hone. ,f. Mrs. T. BT. Potter. 007 Forest av-enuie;, Moniday. February 8, for its regular business and seigsession. .Al SHORT Photo by Grinsted 1 Il iss Tiieodor-aWagncr ,»is tb be- co>;iie the bride. of GitiSanders Osbornt, Jr., ofý Keyffl1worth. The annoîccenient of. her bel rothai ho 3frli.,Osborir, 'ho es -the soit of lte Gîiv andrsOsboris of 330 Cii- ilor road, zoas iiode bv lier 'a rénits, I>.aud .ll+s. Chai-les Bren;tanio Wanrof ChIcag,4,o. nJi ur 0 Announce. Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson of 2205 Mission Ridge road, Santa Bar- bara, Cal., and of 801 Forest avenue, Wilmette, announce the uiarrige of their daughte.r, Muriel, to Samuel Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'S., Chester. Williams of Santa Barbara, which took place February 1. Mr. Williams attended Stanford univer- sity and the former Miss Wilson was atteftding Santa Barbara coliege be- fore lier, marriage. in Sorority Bene it Mrs. Lloyjd Faxon of. Winnetka-is ,ivig a revieW of Egn OXii play, "M.\ýourning Becomes Electra" Wednesday afternoon, Febuary17, under .the: auspices of the Evanston, Aluninae chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. Proceeds fromn the lecture, which vvili 'begin at 2 o'clock, il go to the national scholar-ship fund of Kappa Alpha Theta. J A c K E T Silký Crepe Lined LyonsVelvet $1050 Chiffon Velvet $650 The smartest jacl bave ever seen! W over yoiir hostess over your bridge .i Aý7.. -1 Arden Shbore Hostess Today The Wilmett'e Arden Shore board is ýmeeting at thç home of Mrs. F. A., Cushing Smith, 431 Central ave-] nue,. Thursday, February 11,. for the usuial al-day sewing- session. Contract at Shawvnee A course of six lessons on contract bridge will begiven every Tuesday evening at Shawnee Country club by Andrew Mouat of Wiimette. There wiil be instruction, for both.be- ginning and,,a dvanced s.u4ents. The lessons will stat next Tuesday. IarA.$teusInc, oi.zr4 RRNQTNAVENUE ~~~'l 'nra r c: Lyeua' VoIout vYou

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