A 'igrotup ou b»uy ýcous upeneu the meeting by posting- the colors and leading in the pledge of aliegiance to the flag. Anl. appropriate sketch, directed' by George Bersch, shoNved how the 11f e of Geirge Washington exemplified cvery quality that is re- q i redofý Scouts inthe Scout Law. sucli as, loalt\. obedience, revèrence and 1braverl%. * The musical section i.of the, prograli included community silnging led h-Y Dan. Noland. a ýdrum demonstration1 and xvlophone nubes y Haskill Hoar, accompanied by Miss Mr MIcKay, and a violin. and flute trio coînposed of Bill and Bob l ora and Lloyd Hillshury. wt Virgia Oison> at the Pianio. Louiise Schreiber -vas te quaint-i Colonial maid andl Betty '_1a e Dodd,. the 19)32-very imodemi-miss. vho ste)pe1 fomtheir icture framies at the "witcing boui" and shom-ed tIie, contrast hetwveein tle Colonial anld the mnode rn girl. Anfnotincenments werc inade1y NM1a r ' 'JaléNe Volie anld Firances. Rapp, both attired in Co- ionial costilule. Mothers oit1third grade 1pulpils évr hostesses at the.'socia or w'hen thie nothers chattefi over their *coffee ciîps, or vieNved the exhihit. o-1 antliques (,ildisplay in the library. 1h Biil<Frieidly socetV 'IS me1cetinlg tjsa iterilOmn at the homnei 1fN rs. R'alph Fauipel. 719> Tenthi Tickets torlthe J'adîo Revue to bc presciitud l)vthec association (-oi April 8 wilhl go* on sale next veek. M rs. S. \'anilnw.agen is in charge oft the ticket sale. Mrs. 1.V.St. il talent cliaîmian, and is being. as- 'iste(l 1w the Maple Citv. Four, who; cntertained so engagingly at the jýan-_ iuary meeting. r ebruary 3.1 Dr. .-Hubert Carleton the Admirai hotel, 909 Foster ave- read the niarriage service. The only nue, at the lake. Mrs. A. Newar wil attendants *were the bride's sister, give a review of "Job,-" and Miss Grace, Surganty, and the bride- Dorothy Klass ivili sing. Refresh- grooms brother, How%,ard. After ments, are to be served. 1571 Sheman A va. UR. 2MW 1 NLa Salle St COMI.lm <CL imortance ofJnitic I Pi. Beta Phi Alumnae to Hear MayW. Simons$ The North,Shore Alumnae club of Pýi Peta Phi will have another of its iuteresting and unusual' prograi nsI Friday afternoon, February 19,' at 2 o'clock, at the Chapter house in vi anston when Mrs. May Wood Siins (if the econoniics* department - f: N To help BU s NE s s y ou in the important pro-cess of knit- of your anston, and Mrs. Wallac( Niles Center, as hostes Katharine Biggert, is in reservations. -e Craig of 5ses. Miss charge n Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207. Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth en- tertained ýtheir evening bridge 'club onl Tuesday., Vet this constant aid is inexp ensive. Use iti -It is. o.ur aim to. help you tospedk cleôrly, quickly f1 fI now cossIest ta add extension tele-ý .n nxpniey to anyone, anywere, anytime phones far your com fort an.d co nven ience