10 :45 a. m ~çri s n ,--. com t nti,.i- 11:0 a- -'r ctnd s'ý r - r j",i Sermobn:i The PF~..xt~..~LIE'EP. LENTEN SERVICE Wenr-tiday E ~tîing at Eîý.i Serm(-,n . Ar, rcth4.;u j,.-r f H. - - MEEJINGS~ Mortd.~.y At E p. rmt -2,ýî -rî.. Tued a 4.-C1-'s.-, for rrL th.-- p List .g -Pr first .ucn r,',.ndýal with rh- *)U Jeew'. Th'~-r.->,1 t -- -s ý- '-- dental. What x'*--rt...p.k Jesu- .' Mu.. ..d.îr' '..... that wli. ý,m- t',h.m -t . -r. à-1 pondérrs th. t.' i w i,: . ' in th- -- ný.xt rr-. t--r. . Y,»u t your r.ii rI:-,h, -:- wt r ,u.utI ç,,-r .t . , i r r-'.. tory inrvtg r-g;.il ... E A Aent eire. r --'-.r.- t p..k:cr, :'i;sr Christian have .bjerr ânn..unc-dAfj The first srm lI t~~ .ntih, i c~sentaI ofa 'rme f 'hrL'.tw.tn -whi'r. thatt ire rnuzzt braBIVt,-i Jr-r". Christ. H..,mu.-r ' r-tj.-u" 'hi' " Jesus r'rvea(1-d'rrt-r ti.-. Bible. Unler- tir. j>hlf -th:ct . -, h:t. rtght tv, rP trr , r--f l'ri .r- of Christ and '»i .t. i hrr t1 ;t.-'*,, t .Everyone. wh'-t. .r'..-.-.i<-à' attend'.lthr-v-e-C' ' - b ai., tý- ,tv t L : t ý tr- 4 ab.uut 'ib: dred mor, el rc rx rl'l '.C. car-fully f',rce'rt'r r.i.oi n.wh -be heard 'ti p.rb rI 1'j1,w wteetkda'y r-rrlttu-- wiIk also sng.!*. ')- f rr 1 '-tn servýices, Mr-~ ,'- A.Nut;n- ~.ir)t - v y-ar !Zný r rng,. c+- '--- Keilworth tUnio n L r . rjIV. . .4g,' P- k 1 d-,.~rrr.- -- - . rr .i rd.'.,7 1r Fu 1'r, pu, - . Ur rt"g First Presbyterian l -i ,rrrr u :- , - r;ci:- - 't.... - T FiYu iv s :us i ss>t., '-î.»', -t--S .trrtr,-cI ' h t- '4 ;ur Lc'.-a~'-'.- Cr~1~dA a~ a iU'-Ch~- Thur~day. F ruar" b ~,r 1' '.'<n;ral Y M C X.. Chi a~ Th.- whc< 'càn ~tc- ~d a - urgr-d ~ . - ~ b P J E-r~ r d ~.y. h - gih. 477r..r-iýw .- . C: n d.-- ..h 'i 4 1 C :';.r. E.i:; -.4 W'-rmar. S -'cr. ,, .ar - Fran .::HH -'" n-. 'n: u-t. -- Xtt.t F .IIethod ~ist'Chrc'hP *' h -7v u::kn v r 1 . .a. 'haof-H-. r ~ ospl '4C'nr~r -r H u- 1 -" ta M, -rt - ' r ,r-- . b -- 'A. Churs-h ha; C~rr.tt f'.r w-rship and 1rw-rh H:.s -~r~ f-r che rc-rra.d.- '4F-br- '--t as ows F-~r~r'ary 14 - ';.-. ' --- F--.r-! 2'-'-a aFýr.1 <> :rz'f Th DY.. -'- P ~>. Ti nt.z n -'h«' ?..- r -~ .- -unhFi,%~..j- ru rv -y -.. '-.v:tr'-- . d'à';'r"-d . h Ký'c'-h P1, -h Pb "'-.,- - the're wui e a one-hnour service in uth- tion, ¶hItg9 wUil ý-;tk ý î "1 t- ' riJ t T .14'U iryer, 121 -t- t'rt '~"-' '~tiisrie usiclrioý- church at 8 o'clock. The singing will b-: i7',-d<Are- W,-... - ro-ad, 'Kcnilworth. w . 'iii be: le by th Church s-hool vested choir' " -pÀ1ue.~r..eaNtr and there'will be a short address. Tbr. rh'ret- Chun -1r b'.ard- ,vill mee-, Th,--Wo-ma.n's Home Miss'ionary Dame" - - Bo)elîi,.ann -la. jin!y ~'ndy' --r he 2hU'.C rityw IlImeet 'Thursdiay; February ' i-X'nithem-"'Mv R,:dteemer and'.-MY CVr.ltfinat2 oclok at thechch D;otn: Ltd'.'DueyBk E-very Friday mrigr I)e-ufc t'icêok o m~ra~ UIMrs. J. T. Edwardsi Tople :'"red Ofrty o-.SughMr'JlLa cept. on Good FridaY, there wil be a flP5s. ,,' il;Spca Prm pa er: Mrs. 'to"Father-, Lead Me By ThylLa Celebration of thé Ioly C&>mmunion ' j G< Sprgial Fau!keakr:of riýnsip H)"atr L-and" ie. Bu tterl especlailly fer the w4,men 4of tire'parish. 'OC)n Tur-dayiý, F-raW[1, ftr.fOilW- Hoae; Pogram ')f F3!rt r t hpostld-"Alle-ro rom rg T'he Womnen' ' Guild' wtll meet ever3- iing 1Spoke-s of tire Womancs . .ier PIIZipr i . - ' Concerto' Org ffldaey durrin# Lenit at il a. M., With met r -,Spo)kp I with. M.'H. -J. PBrandI. t.----Camidige richonat nooni.There. la nmuch t10 d'o 15.14)Washineton vn<,rt co': Tht'p'.k'rrtte udyEvnn OrCucrýho 1' et h A ý , ý-, -ý , - r ', , 1