Opposition to 'the bill is engineered . ~ dethroned the :Ne-. Iby the Mortgage Bankers Associa- gro ch amnpion, tion of America, throughi its pres - . Jack Johunson, and ident, Hirani S.. Cody of Chicago, it *. t hl e n eventually is stated. -M.Cody mnaintains thiat ls h aet thie mortgage, bankers are at the prés- Jac Dese1 cnt tiime taking. care of ail ýproper Tont 0 ' H a r a. homne boan reqilireîlients, accor(ling who ,is living at te NtUr. Lee. 327 Cumnnor road, -If thlat bc so,"7 says M r. L.eeti claîiiis l 'ie is the wliv arc so rnany nxiortgages in deV-oe h sa't fanlIt 110t only ini Cook. cotitv w herec' possibilîttes iin big. hc hae l)adlv inesse( l Uptaation. 11jess. hn i ap.- luit iii other colinunilities %Vliere cer- Tom O'.Hara plied for, a ia >bor- taiil txaio cnnt c lanmed er's job on a rail- ta)ils", taxatio csailo licteo road -con st uction. gang, out iin Idaho «bîuy t.er *saThe nrtage l, 19,12. Mr. O'Hara., , lic) - as a ftlnds for.refiinaincîng. 'Fi otaeclever boxer in-his. early days, took bankers arc evidelntly leekingý out for lie big .f ellow -ii haidý and taug ht thieir owil intercsts under thîe gýuise imi the nmanly art oi self defense. ef j~bl~ încrct."Mr. O'Hara who is now over sixNt% Tlhéc passage of the 1-leevur -cIWvars of ag e, is a wonderfti sî)ecinen I xeaî Batnk Bill, according, te, Nl r. _(f preserved 'physique. His muscles ,ce. wl ell> grcatly tor-rebisl- as liard as those of a votuth and ptibli.e confidencc, iii i)iiiC ..>"W11"lo lie- k-s as active as a mani ef fortv. Ite rec.omimeilds urging a lavorahle T1i bes 1 i this vicinity wvill hiave the * report by the Senate Sub-Conmmit1h c Iolpportuiiity of learning tlie a .rt of mi 1Bankiîg and Currency of x\licli bhoxing, as Mr. O'Hara lias arratiged Senator, Watson is chiairmati, and o ecuct clses-eiin'gt suggsts tht hoe oner, patici- aturday at 2 e'cloc.k., Applicalnts larlv those %lîo, are finding the pres- ora course niav get ini toucl wvitlx ent borne. ban svsteni un4aI)Ie to re- I.iîim .now. Boys fromn 10 te 16 years finap.ce their mnortgages, to wvrite to ivill engage., classes'being divideil itîto. the Illinois Senators and -direct tô thiree divisions. according to weighit Senator Watson, 1èxpressing their ~îîîage. wishes for the present eniactmcnt eof Mr. O'Haras instruction Nvill be tîxis systeni.of home financiug 'ueriséd bv Harr%,,Gilmorte. jr,. o f j Cicao.-ho s vs oi o I)Xingý: It isi Junior Sehool Branch to Hear of Romantic Poets T'Ihe North. Eiid ibrandh, jriendIs et the Chilcago Juniiior scîxool, "Nill Ileet at thec Sovereign lhotel, Tuesdav Fei)- rmary .16.. at 8 ;:15 cl)ck ini flic. ev- ing. Dr. Frederický H. Hicidhriiik is to l>c thel, lecturer for, the cvcnîiiig. Dr. H.eidhrtk '010 is proefessor et aid .a àspecialist .ini tlîc RIoinaîtie period. will talk oti "T'he Romanitic Pocts iiRaiv" M iss Grayc*c Brand %vils iîg a grouip ef old- fas.hioixed smngs Ini costtuie. "lic meeting is open te aixyoc eiitercstcdl, coinmittee announices. New basketball leagiues have been organized by boys in the gymnasiuni classes. at the Joseph Sears school ini Kenilworth, and new captains have beén selected to lead the various teams. In the class for boys 13 .alnd N years old; the names of the teainýs and their captains -are: la Sallez. Jack Mervis; Cobras. Rd Taylor; Austins, To»y- Tortterellel:. Peanulis, Pauil Corneli:, Buicks, Arthiur Carlson, anîd Nertz, Billy Wlife. The 10, il. and 12 year old boys iin the second gymnasium, class have se- lected the following teain captains: Notre Dame, Franký O'Reilly; Pur- due, LeRoy Eggert, Northwvcsterin. Billv Taylor; Army. Fielding 'Mer- ce;Na1 George Simon, and Wis- consin,' Donald Stillmaiî., In an overtirne gaine Nleîîdav niýIlt the Enieralds defated thle Agates. 5 te 4, to win the chiaip'ioiîislip eofthe ".precious Stone". basketball league Ii the gymnasium class for b)oys th.ir- teen and fourteen vears 'old. 'l'le1 teams finishied the league season iii a tie, and a plavoff gaine was nece- sary. Captain Granstrom of tlwi- Effierale, scored the winning:basket, iii the last minute ofý play* in the over- timneI period. he championship of the "annial" basketball league. in the gynasiumi class for ten, eleven and twelve-year- old boys ivas won by the Lions. -Tli Jaguars were irunners-up. Dedicated tE, BETTER prînting A modem. and fully. equipped plant ini the Heart o' the North with yopr PROBLBMS- MODERNIZED WARDROBE CASES and HAT BOXES #ai* lml EST 109 CS i MEATý specials t/ais week Fancy Longq Island DUCKUINGS Lb. 22c Choice BEEF POT ROAST Lb.. 14c Genuine Spring LEC 0F LAMB Lb. 18c PQRK LOIN ROAST 4-1b. average Lb. lc Fancy MiIk Fed ROASTI NO CHICKENS Lb. 28c conclude on June 13. It is a tourna- ment of progressive bridge with partners, and held on thie second Monday afternoon of each nxonth. Tt is preceded by luncheon. Mrs. John. Cobb andi M.rs. Percival Hunter of Winnetka are chairmien- of the tournament, LLOYD LIOLLISTIER INC. 1232-36 CENTR~AL AVENUE - WILMETTE T/he North Shore's Most Com plete Pri nting Plant PRINTERS AND PUBLIS.HERS 1109 CENTRAL AVENUE WILMETTE THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TUA CO. MIddle Western.Diviii Shore to h.e1p youl