Stats 7p.m Baturday Matinee1P.riees 10 0:09 P.m. Aduits, 38e; Chldren A waym 1ne Doors Open 1--30 Show Starti ac 2 P. m., Continuons TONIGHT'S >ICTURES COLIN CLIVE, and BORIS KARLOFF 1Starts7:;201 CLIVE RO Starts 8:30 Taxi TafnoreI }'I'ermanàs Paradi..e Plictorial 'News FRIDAY, & SATU RDAY, FEBRLJARY 12-13-TWIN, FEATURES "TIME TIP Offlum" EDDIEQUILLAN, and ROBERT ARMSTRONG .Starts Fr!,7:*2S; I:-Starts Sat.. e:2S; 5: 15; S: 04; 10:4%s 6"B]EAU HUNKS" LAUREL and HARD>Y s ,taris Fri. 9: 10--Starts Sat. 4:0,t;,65 9: 42 1 nrfnte"-in ( rosby ."The Blaek, Spider'*-tartoo.n spotlhight Nw SUNDAY,. MONDAY& TUESDAY, FEBRtJARY 14-15-16--TWIN FEATURES "PRIVATE LIVS" NORMA SHEARER and JOHN MONTGOMERY %trt~u.,3:40); 6:15; 1:0-Starts M1on.. Tues. e.:10: 10:0.; ""NICE WOt4EffN" SIDNEY FOX and FRANCIS DEE ,%tarts Sun.. :O 51;3:q-tat on.. Tues. 85 Sport> Champion - Voie of Hollywood News WEDNESDAY& THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17-18-TWI N FEATURES "THE CHEimAT"ý TALLULAH BANKHEAD and. IRVING PICHEL %t4art's both eve' T7:20. 10:1; "THE SECýRET WINESS" UNA MERKEL and WILLIAM COLLIER, JR., Starts both eves. 8:50O **Close Iarmo4ny'"-Rosiel Sisters "'lde of the Sun**-Travelogue N ew s "HEAýVEN ON EARTH' .... Lew Ayres 46MA'NHATTA'< PARADE" Wlînnie Llghtner k Chas.' Butterworth "MAKER 0F ME-N" ... .. ... .,aek Roit &-John Wayne "FORBIODEN" ..........._Barbara Stanwyek UR. JEXYLL AND -3R. HYDE" ......... ... Fredjlc March ..E. ..... ..... Marie Bressler *MAT] Evenings ~utes * rsitv M-n Carvings Grace ryl 18 Set inBankhead Movje ro de] Lago A layouit of carvinigs insured for tro de] Lago S0,Oanid representative of fifteen Alcvon Oriental couintries and deenenes. ular radio artists in California, be- Joan Crawford and Clarke Gable are in,- the master of cerernonjes withi the stars of "Possessed" at the Wil- "BiH,1 Sharples and, His Gang." mette theater on Tuesday and Wednes-, * TH SE IRL ST R jday, February 16 and 17. Sidn ey' Fox. and Frances Dee are Ralph Bellanxy of Witxnette is caste stars In the dramna, "Nice Womeni," as the sterm commander of the 'prison .to'be shown at the Teatro de] Lagô camnp. in "Surrender, to be shown atý .on Sunday, Monday. and Tuesday, the Wilmette* theater on, Sund andoc February, 14-I6.' Monday, February 1 and 15. Week Doors Open 6:> o- ArJ.IW '..iursBill"cvo Attractions at the Wýilmette thea- "AmassdorBi" Xdmet~ter this iweek certainly "hit the spot." "The Rainbow Trail s. ar sitv, Take .-The Champ," for example. I'TeSecret Witness- Mars ity, Jacki*e Cooper and Wallacé Beerv *Friday, February 12 are teamed for the first titue. and tlic "The Tip Off" . Teatro de] Lago: film is a knock- "Beau Hunks** Teatro de] Lagoj out, -nc matter "Mne-Business." what critic isthe M. Communitv Huuse~ eee. Wlae.:~. s **The Cuardsman" Alcyon Beery, is an ex- "College Nights"* (stage) A lCyonh. e a. v y. we ight. "Ambassador BiH" Wilmette c h a'm p, 'whos "The Rainbow.% Trail" Varsitv sld down, the FVý -'The Secret Wýitness" X'Varsity t o b o .gga n* via Saturay.F iay1 booze and gam- "The Tip Off" Teatro de] Lago; bling, until he's **Beau FIunksý>* Teatro> del Lagoî just a Tia Juana *Monex' usinss' Com. House, bum. Jackie Coo- "Consolation 'Marriage" Alcyon' per. is his- son ceopr "Snow ril .Alcvon and the, love between themi, TackWsý "Ambassador Bill" \ilrnette supreme faith in his dad. is a thing "The Rainbow Tradl" \aritV beautifully plaved by these two art- "The' Secret'XX :tness Vr-t ists. Direction by lKing Vidor, storv, Sunday, February 14 diaiog and -photography are al gjrand. riteLives Terod]ag Dont. miss "TheChamp." it is urgecl. -Niée Women" . Teatro del La-,-,at the XýVilmnette thea ter on Thursda-, TeFrankenburg .Revuç"- Friday and Sattfrday, February 18-20. itae> j ' Aicvoil Then there's another t reat righ-t 0'ec ' Reno" AlCx-1n now. \Vill Rogers is the woeo2 "Gr~About Town-" Wihùlette Oklahomnan in the midst of roy'al, ir- S&redr". WilmrStte trigues' of' a mi-thical, kingdorn in Monday, .Febnzary 15 *'AmbassadorBi, to be sho%,,,n ,a, "Private Lives" Teatro de], Lago the Wilmette on Thursdav. Friday "Niîce XVýom en" .Teatrod] aoand Saturday', February 11-13. "Peach O' Reno" -Aie_-cn Ralp' Bellamv' of Wýilmnette pias "-Girls About Town Wilrnc-tte the stern commander of a GermaIP Surrenrter" . . \let priso1,n carrip in ' Surrender" on Sun- '"rondthe la-t and _Mondax'., Februarv 14 and le. Eightv Minuite s"-Va iv arier PBaxter and Leila H-asart, '"Unc-ier Eighteen" . amionig th.e stars. The other pictture cf7 Tuesday, February .16 the dntib]e feature program wý,iIl bte 'ri tLI'ves" . leatro de! Lago . "Girls About Town,- featu ing Ka.- "Nice Uomen"' Teatro d&I Lago Franris. Lilvani Tashirùan, Joel 'Mc- "Private LiVes" . A1cvon, Rea and Eugen.e Pallette ini sma?t "The Sea Ghost" . Alcy.on cornedy dIrama., "Psssed .\ilmettc 0On Tuesdav and Wednesdav. !Fel:- "oudthe World in' ruarx'.16 and 17, Joan %Crawford ai Eightv- Mtinutes" Varsitx- Clark GOahlebi>l hri-1 in "Possesse> *'Under Eighteen" Varsiv, the, st.orv*',i a factorv girl -ho im- Wednesday, February 17 é om es the toast of Parkavenue. The -The Cheat" Teatro de]l ago rpictýt:rtcivasz direc.ted .byClarence -Th e Secret WitnIess"Teatro ,de]L,,ýago Broi n.. 'ho a 1 rspnible for the. "Private Lives'7 . Alcvon success> of most of- Greta Garfio's ve- "The Sea Ghost" . Alcyocn hicles and who recently, scored vt "Poszsessed" 1Vi]mette' Nra Shearer's "A Free Sotil.- Aondthe World in j