Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Feb 1932, p. 54

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YFRE SH EGGS N! THE COUNTRY TO ýs dozen. Winnetka 1687. 88LTN41-ltp PING PONG TABLES$, MADE TO order. Very reasonable. P~h. Giericoe 176e.884-t .89 wANTED ioTOUuyi-MIUC. WANTED - CLEAN WHITE RAGS. Se Der lb 1232 Central Ave., WII- mette. 89LTN38-tfp POItTRAIT ARTIST WILL -PAINT portrait for baby gr'and of i'eputable matke. Write A-123,- Box 40, ýWiI- mette. Ill. 9OLTN41-tc N OTICE TO BIDDEILS FOR ELECTRIC LAMPS FOR, STREET LIGUTS By order of the Village Board of :the Village of Wllmette, sealed bids Nriliý be received by the Village Manager at bis office ln- thé Village Hall, until 10 :00 o'clock A. M., February 25th., 1932. forr -~.furnlshlng the lamps for fthe Eleetrie Street Llght Systemn of the Village of1 Wilmette, for one -year, startlng Marchit lst. 1932. .r For the -past year the Village, bas uised approkimately $2000.00, worth of lamps. AUI bids subnitted must*-be made on, the Manufactuter's Standard'Form. or Contract. illiage manager.p L40-2te "Sixty Best" Novels at Our< i Publie Library Prof. Williami H. E.. Laniont of Rutgers college bas drawn up a list tl of what he cousiders to be the best, s axty :novels of ail time. The list in- cludes books by authors froin eight a countries-England, Russia, France, Norway, United. States, Gerrnany, di Italy and Sweden. 'Prof essor La-, mont's seIection includes the -follow.. ig volumes that cati be borrowNedat. is the Wilmnette Public ibrary. [ outh b h master of coreyIti STRICT] *DIRECT FR( door. 25 CEi 1 Jean Christophe - Rolland. Tbhe life story of a musical genius. 1Nostromo - Conradj. A romnantc tale Of politics, adventure and in-, * tigue in a South American republic. Qld Wive's, Tale-Bennett. Jennie .Gerhrdt-Dreiser. Swann's WàY-Proust. The gre .at modern French novel begins with the Volume. sons and Lovers-.Lawrence. 0f Muman Bondage-.Maughamý. Pelle the Conqutror--Nexo. jurgen.-.Cabell. XVorlcj's IllU;sio-Wasserman. *Growth of.the Soil-Hramsun. Kristin Lavransdaiter-Lyndset Forsy.te Saga-Galsworth3. Barren Ground-Glasgo. C'.e of Sergea,,t GrishaZeg I e:reation LeaueGamles of Lake Comno are the scenes. Fui of insight. into human nature. Notr 'e Dame-Hugo.The cathedra is the r.eal center of this great ro- inatitic narrative. LeIs Miserables-,Hugo. Que of the inost powerfut and absorbing ré- matices in literature. Pere Goriot-Balzac. A. wealthy and doting father secures brilliat marriages, for bisAgughters who ex- haust him bv their, ingratitude and extravagance. Cousin Bette-Balzac.'-Thé poor peasant relative meanly re.senting lows to ber vanity. Rouge and Noir - Beyle. A book that ýis comniffiinto, its own. Thee M usketeers-Dum.as. A per- ennial, favorite of adventure, and ini- trigue. Jane Eyre-Broute. The first hero- ine -with a 'plain face.aud strong and original character. uneý of the great' novels inspired byv the theneof self- realization. Wuthering Heights-B ronte. A -wiId tale ôf~ terror and liatred amnong thée rough. people of the Yorkshire moors. Vanity Fair-Thackeray., A keen, tilusparing satire exposing, the inean- ness in humnan nature.: Henrv, Esmond. - Thackeray. Un- .urpassecl story. of Engiand in the period' of ' Queen Anne., .David Copperfield - Dickens. Dick,- ens' masterpiece. containing autob)io- Great lExpectations - Dickens. The rhanes inarshes formi the back- ground lo f, this excellent .story. Scai-let Letter -HUawtborne. The uost imaginative American novel and hé author's greatest creation. MIobv Dick-Melville. The great %Vlîalîng storY conveving. the magic and beauty of the sea. Débit and- Credit-Freytag. The in-, tustrial revolution in Sil esia. ,Madame Bovar37-Fa.ubert. Per- aps the miost perfect work ofreal- stic art'lu any language. ,Salarnmbo-Flaubert. The life of Iannib.al's sister.gorgeously created. .jolriui '.Neil Joatk Bfarrî,, Dinit-k 4 i.)eksuîir ('hales Willazn. . Albert nles, J'omeardHebnteeKl ShielrloilFo Tanning, standings 1eague: -Vlc~t~(29) Warî"en Younmg j~ne'Young- .Jack Al'rî i egillaidj4te E'sSidq S'lilhoui >1 :CI!latus Ro[ùcks 1 tos it s L itgtm ""BASKETBALL Results of ae in *'A"~ basketball league: Shanmrox,, (23) State Bank (15) Winfleld RgesJack. Higbee Joe Berol Dave Evans Carl Nord ber.g Tony N'arniey Vernon Wyle Bal Robinson Claude Hill Todd, retere Presbyterjan ( -39) Ralph Whit.sett Winfield 'P.ogers Ilarry Stone CharIej,ïRot-h Todd. referee H-awvks (20) Methodist (19) .Joseph Lawton hartes Varn ev (leorge Stone Itobert pence Lloyd Onion .Jgsepll einhold Robert Bjork Fred WVaidner L:twrene La ngdoil Fred Lundberz Johin MoeMit Boyajian Eliier Berol Todd, refei'ee, Irish(7 *Ted Buck Robert Miles Willard Uttenreuther Blaekawks(37) (leorge Joule.s Rtussell Horio Bol1) Bernidttsoi Te, tn stalndings ila A Icague, ftate Bat................. J>rebyteian............. K. of C......... Metilodist..... K. of C. (28) Jack Heitman Williall Melbye Jatck lharrison Vinc.nt. Mleter Toma Obermieie.r liarry sierefn 'Paskevtb4 l, W. L. 2 1 pet., .917 . 50 .636 .414 .167 VO4LLEY.,ALL Itesijits ot' '.ollev i I"fTnuau .I;çtuies IIot'fuuî,î. Fil Phillips .iake liotTmnan [ici) Thaln)a lin SO1.000j Art Ga'ns V N .. ... 4, .556 Wtarreùn Fifer ers.............5 .50f) -Boyue Platt 4 6.;:.400). Ted I-Iaberkohi .....4 0) .49)o> Ed Phillip>s * . .. ..... . lot) rees -oad P., T. A.,(. " S" li E -LLMartin Lynch >4 gnie~lu "" baketbll Ry Robinson Art Seddon. l1 idge John Bautghmau.ii t ~~Pharmacy (19.) Leslie H.anniawa,ýýlt JOhn Jordan . -Stone, vr enk;efldul'f BobRr Artilai-er Vilfii Wlliâmson Art Hacker walter Doose Stan Peter .son CalGeppert l'Eail Carîson Walter Haas AI Heerens AI A Gruhn Teanistnigin'olyhlle W.L. [offilai l pi) I10 3apthet 10 1 feth.odist ..10 1 '14BLAICE Co senAv.,, Chicgo 1--Western Av#eanrante 4 1161 ]Pro. ýbookiet voodàe i Mt 1Hope ont. 228 N. LaSali, st.: trai r nir cn naVrnJi CIUcodies. rîatoîd $chleuter, Return of the Native-Hardy. Na- - Walter Hawkinson ture's influence on character. - Todd, Tess of the,. D'Urb)ervilles=7Hardy. Elites (25) Austerèlv beautiful story of a womai- l)trayed.JeKaf Egoist - Meredith. A A brilliaut l istevi, Kenl comedy o'f wvit. . 1arol ,d Schleuter Crime of 'S lvestre Bonnard %V.iWltetr ' Hawklnson Horne. CaeeSteBer i'eferee Pori st101I1 (21 wlw Johnso Ray offna 'Chester Stel Joe Hoffmna Bob Evari referee enYork on. a business trip. ris C. W. Meredith, 616 Abbottsford 1)> road, Kenilworth is in N.,ew York on 'l business. )n in in Allen E. Býuilley,333,Richmor.d.road, Kenilwortbp has gone to Florida for a short vacation. JU-NIOf itSEJ.lI 'k A E hi ALFtIjD 0

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