Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 11

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To determiie %%ho is. cligihie for (ic. hûonor roil at Stolp' sehlool a point sys- lenm is ulsed. "ie hionor roll puplil mnust have ai) average of 3.25 or aboVe. The pupil wio, receives honorable mention' ba-s an aver'age betwveen 3.0<1 andi13.25. Under the grading schemcie » exý- cellent) counts' four points, "VG"P (verv good) 'counits, three points. ..(;P twvo andl "F" one. The subjjects a puipil , akes 'are ciassifiedl as maiýjor and1 inior. If a i>uiil receives, *I- In a In inor subject ýhe is givenl t wo o itsinstead of four., as al crefit in. the iinoiýr.,sui)jects are dividcd )v' tW() 12~ at the. Austin h W all, 5010 W/. f,ake street, Chîicago, Mrs. May l)nckett, Cook eointy j uior Auxxli- ary chairman, is sponsoring tis pro- grain anîd shie lopes f.or a large at- tendlance. 'l'lie program xW'ill begin at 1 :30 o'clock. Thl*.uncélie6lngiven'.iast Saturday for Mrs. I.ouise W. Wýiliiams -of Tu- chahoe, N. Y., wvas a great success. Gertrude johnson an d Natn Cochran attended -fromn our unit, and'bring us the, report tha t a trucý Americani smý ,spirit'l)revailed. , Mrs. Carl H. BarI.- iing, state president, )resided and in-, troduced the notables presenit, to- gether with the state officers and the chiaifmen of commriittees. Thle Stoip. honor -pup'lils for the sec-i Mrs.1J. Doyle, past national chaw- ond . quarter of-the schôOI 'year are:1. lain, spoke very earnestly on11 ho,. Eighth rae rud, sue fet 10 ear .the ,Auxiiiar%' liloîor rol Betty NIcColliiiîîi, >ib adge. . Stover remiarked in her H art, \larliss, Sinith, Raiph, El*,soni, [ taik that the Auxiiiary is -the largesiý * Iaiîî Ricks, Ruth M1eusel, 'Hele;i Pe*- 'andinîost influential oansorgani- crsýoîl, 1IXiru-thy Stràuss, Janice Gross-1 zation ithe w'orid, iast y ear 'having miaîî, Helen Shane, josephine lay- had a membell)rshlip 14 more thani uine, Naiicy Durkin, Sue 'hîî 4>,0,ànd lso ar tbi!ý, year on its 1,*,1e211Torre\, Betty Clieets, Mar - wav l tue half imillion mark Ms garet Barrows, Jean (iuier V , lover iîrged ftieAuxiiiary members ~cîpirHe'nStc, u pînytô b patrîotic iii . lîêlping unemploy-1 iîîd Ruth Durham. nent, l elpi sponsor larger py, Honorable miention-Naàtalie Y a tesi sales and(l to spread patriotic spirit Rodger Veneki asen, Lu1cilie Fle.schi. ! werever possiie;"l'li Cook countyl Catherine Revnoldls, Rosèhleleit Sue- counlcil (GIce club-> fur,îished music koif, Jack, Dicterich- an(l' Frank Raini- an(1, ini compflimient b N[rs. Williams. dall. sang *'Sidewa-ýiks of N'1ew York." Seventh Grade .I 1 lonor roi-Janies LI.amh, Ruii DOWDS HAVE NEW DAUGHTER Wetzei, Ashton Taylor, Philii> Rog- .A tlatighter, Carol Catherine, wvas crs,. Marian Co, ; .or!,a '[idemnai, ])>ri on Thursday, FebrtîaryI., * Jane Solomnon, Nancy Pickýurd, jack -Mr. and M Nrs. Frank John Dowd, Randail, Helen Pruscott, j canne 140,5 Forest avenue, at the Evaniston *O'Br'en, Ruth Ebelliig, J-,lie.iBooz,7 hospital. MNrs. Dowd and( the babyl Gîeorgia I3ttinghaus,, 1Betty .Fierniaii rettrnied b th eir lhome Thursdlay of1 and. Imiogenie Kauifmia. iast eek., Honorable mention - Geraidine - Kempnîick, Charles.,,Kerni'er. Isabel liai (Icastle. , oiuîs Nieic1îoiir,Celia Seiden M\axiiîîc Scliîneiiler. Van M\c- (ud.Geraldinie [,ewis, lward IHetss Mammy Doli from Georgia1 on Display at Library a schediile of LOWERED PRICES inRour EARLY- .AMERICAN TA ROOM' Luncheons ........... 55o lEvening Dinnes.-..85c SSunday,,D,.»::t:ers .,.$1.00 ENJOY theesaie fine:q:ality the, restf ni, refreshing atmos- phere of oui Early American, Tea Rooni at these Jowerod prices!l 1625 Hinman Ave. a feu> paces morth of Davis St. EasoII Telephone Greenleaf 3300 'rue Évery MualIi'aPleasaos 9Me m Ory 1- -#Wl -this is'a real value! J9odB o FANCY W DRY PICKED TU RKEYS 1.0 F ancy Dry Picked CAPONS-* S.291C * * e 43ABY BONNETS and DRESSES Prlces 3Most Reasonable SPUROCKHAT SHoiP 716 Véruois Ave. Clencoe 197 ThéEIlCHORN COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison St. Chicago >U>uler the supervision. of Misa jafte iMat THE GREAT ATLANTIC&a PACJFIC TEA CO. Middle ;Western Divisi on'

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