to Help Playmate * Revover Scooter The 8C ciass hatl visitors on Wed- nesda y afternoou làst period.I We were studying. as usual wlhen, we, heard: a commotion' outI in the hall. W~e, didn't pay much 'attention to it and went op ith our work. 'The door opened and a smnall child walked into the oo.She went np to Mrs. Clark and whispered something. in bier ear. Then Mrs. Clark' announced that she had someth ing to tell us. .The child began. "Did either of ýyou thiidren find a red. and green scooter? This littie girl," and she went outin the hall and- brought a smialler child into the room, "elost it."9 Mrs. Clark asked bier wlien she lost à and slue said, "Before. Christmas.", The other child corrected lier by say- ing, "You got it on Christmas day, so you had to lose it after Christmas'." The children Went out -of the room and we again went on with our study- ù.g.-Marion Pidrard, Hloward 8C. Class in Social Science Numnbers Britain's.Lands. In social science -we are workirrg out a. list ýof Great Britaii'-s colonies. Some of the large ones are Canada, * udia, Australia, Union of South, Af rica, Iraq, and many other sniall places. There are about sixty différent coun- tr ies in the six continents of the world. The total area of the British Empire is estim.ated at 13,707,857 square miles and the total population is estimated att 469,357,746. We are inaking, maps and0 coloring al . the British Empire Pink1 and red..- Priscîia Pollock, H-owardt 7A., Howard Science Pupils >Arc. Now,Studying Air- Iiscience we are. studyiug a' very in- te r esting subject, air. Air is composed of several gases, oxygen, nitrogen, and cari4gp dioxide. There is also a little lit mrnon, argon, krypton, and xenon in air.. Oxygen is very important to ire. Pire cannot humn withotit oxygen. Th e Battie Rages DEFENDS GIRLS' EFFORTS' ln response to an article written by Frank Collier and published in last, week's edition of JUNIOR I,1E, I wish. t< state the girls of lC- Stolp have-nfot as vet giveh their program to compeéte \vitih the boys. The, one programi we have, given - was made on the date the challenge wvas, read and rio intention w~as'held that it would be considered for. conîptition.,Helen Peterson, Stolp BOYS ARE WINNING Ini 8A we are having a spelliing. con- test betweeni the girls and boys. At the end of the first haif the 'girls wvon. Now the boys are winning hy a score of 59 to 56. I think the-girls must be getting careless but. they are now hear- ing down so they ill win at last. Weý hardly ever miss ýmore than three words .1 time per person'. Shirley Garnjss, Howard RA. WRITERS ARE STRIVING in the JuNioR LrrE for February 25, Stolp pupils noticeçi that there were1 more articles in f romf Stolp school than1 f rom Howard. Well, the challenge isi (11. We intend to have more than How- ard every week. GoPod luck. H-oward! Rut you'd better w4tch %four 'step.- Ellen Torrcy, Stolp IR. MORE AUTHORS STRUGGLE Miss Madsen told us about 8C's get- ting so many stories in the JUiNIaR Lîrr and she wanted tis to get bus v. Pail, Kellogg said he -wýould write one and then nearly. everyone in the room had hig pencil and paper and started to Write a story. -Marjorie MacMi1lan, Hloward 7B.1 General Science Class Seeks Weather Reports In general Science work w~e are hav- ing a very1 interesting tinie. This week and the preceding week, wve havé been collecting weather reports anq record- ing the important information in 8A WEEKLY REPORT Not enough money brought in. We are starting a new newspaper an(] know it wi11 be a successs. The boys are <caming down a little and' do, flot bave to stay after school any more. We have started to 'draw f riezes in art now under the 'direction of Miss Wilharm. Miss Davisà,' the literature .teacher, and Miss Madsen, the grammar. teach- er, have been getting after us. Thie first wants a, book report. and, the sec- ond, a biography. ,That's al for, this week. l'Il be with you againsoon.-Gerald 'Spinner, How- ard 8A. Fine ProgramI Based on Washington, Lincoln On last Priday' afternoon. our room gave a program for ourselves., The program was, based. on Washington and Lincoln. Dick Periberthy and Dick Dewvar gave the boybood oif Washigton. Lorrainie Beecher and Beatrice Herrmann gave Washington as a president. Jimnmie Burbott and Frankiin Kulp gave the boyhood of Lincoln. Costa - Lulias and, Gene Donaldson g ave Lincoln as presi- dent. Frederic Strauich recited poems of Lincoln and Washington. We ail' left school thinkinig of t hese two people and of ,,hat they did for iis.-Rnith Baker, Howard 5C. Cagers of Stolp School Take 1, Lose 2 Contests The pewees, lightweights, and heavy- weights had our first game laqt Fn-ý day night witlî Des Plaines. The pewees had the flrst ganie and Wvon. The ightweights had second game and lost. TPhe heavý eights lia(' the third game and lost. The heavies ,aýid lightsf haost because of the, fact that they hadt not had muchepactice. The next gamer that ail three teanis*piav. isý March '2 at H-oward school.against Forest Park., -Arthur Flood, Stolp school. PUPILS -PLEDG'E GIFTS y -Most of the rooms at, Howard are t First Haif , Then Triumph, 8 to 2 j B-1 played, B-2 .in ,basketball ,0on February 24.. ln the first bal f. Heleni Shan e -scored two points for. B-2 aiii although É-1 played, quite liard. no score wvas made for themn., At the end of tlhe fiist bial f. -B-2 wvas wvinning, 2 to 0. XVhéeî the secînd lialf began both teamis were playing very hard.* B-2 got the jumpj andl after quite a bit' of comipetitiotn the 13-1 forwards had possession of. thelhall. The first score. for B-1 vas .n-iade by' Helenl Stiles.. The -,all vas passéd frofu oîîe side to the 6ther, and 'tiotugb B-2 tried for baskets none were nmade. Jeanne Cutler thon scnred two more points for B-1. *uakiii- thc score .4 to 2. 'l'lic last fwîiiwîîîtte,. ,were neft :very cx.citing. 1 1-1 scored four more points nmakinig the Score 8 te 2.-jeaîiîc. Clutlér, Stolp, B-i. Band Woùld Welcfome a Little More Privacv. In our baud practice lTue',day we hiad onilv the brass instrumnents. XVe tried several nexv piece..' but xý c 4diInt- gct along very well. AUllwe n2ed* is a little tuilng, up. WCe expect to pla N be a ful a 7liad rehcar sal -Fridav. l wa > told to Say tlîat therc wcre eut irelv toi)i mauly people in thie-roni \vhicre we practice. 'PleIase stav eu(miessYOI are In thie hnd-fn c i uia, H-ow- ard 6A. Many to Be Disappointed When Letters, Arc (3ivetn The V's-ounue- fou7itirtl.ias -maîîv as before-will bc awvarded aboutthe first of April to the' girls vho bave wolu, them.ý They are given for, the highest nuimberof .points received in. gym for beiug in uni form . and playing in a f ter- sichool games. and for throwing. anid kiclking tests. Mapy tof the, childten who have received letters iii'pein years will be disappointed and aIl of them are tryipg to \vin a letter for the Second semestc.-Rth Durhalm, st i p 2B. Replogie bias taken Miss 'Stevens, place. BOYS TO SING AT CLUB Missj Geiman and Mr. Harper. have Last Thurpday Mrs. Clark told the changed places in Miss Chase's ab- gice club boys to learn five songs toý sence. We miss our two teachers very sing at the Woman's club. The date much and hope thicy vil l e back with is Mardi 9.-Vincent Weis, Howard us soon. - CÇharlotte Anderson, Stolp 8AC. GIRLS ENJOY SKATING My two girl fniends and I just love skating. We go skating almost every afternoon. The names of my two girl frienids are Harriet Armstrong and Mary Iloward.-Xorma Ley, -Howard 4th grâde, LEARN 0F RUG WEAVINC The g iris and boys of Mrs. Mever's rnom, 5B, were studying ini history about how to weave rugs. Everyonc decided to make a rug. The boys made most of the Iooms 'on which the rugs, were Woven. - 'Carol Specht, Hoýward nom *1