Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 21

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son . urge, Avuiel W aters, MV. Mocklar, Stanton Schuman. THAT BOOING QUESTION It liasn't been very liard to conitrol 1 tlie hissing and booing' this year at the basketball games because we've, been winningnMost of *the time. Hôw- ever, ôn Friday, came the test Of .New,Trier's spirit. Wlen every pointi inigit m'ean the cliampionsliip, w-e (lîdflt enjoy iouls.being called on our players, we didn't like to w-it while the officiaIs made their decisions. and wve dicln*t stand the.test î-ei-ý well. Audible boos sprang1 up. here an d ihiere. and a few -hisses were emitted.1 <fcourse tlie boys get Most of the blamie for this. because the%- have the s tronges't voices., StilI1, one wvonders if a lot of girls don't boo just because thce- don't understand the decisios-_' girls.whdo don't know the rules thati gov.ern boys"basket ball. (hie advisor. rooin lias alreadyv takeni ii- a topic for discussion the rules- of. the l)asketl)all %-hIch gIrls plav. It is ý'1ugg-sted that next winmter .whien the progran i chairmen are searching for interesting imaterial the\' mighit have a Coach .or: player gîve them' -somne pointer on the rules of the gamie. An intelligent audience is not ap't to boo. FORM.ULA FOR HAPPINESS Many say the best four years of one's lifeý are the four years of high scliool. Wli'e.n we are older and look, hack upon the past;' our higliho davs will stand out. The many, Whio say that their higl1i schooi days were the liappiest, worked1 and plaved, gave and receîved. Al miork makes Jack a tiresom1e, and uninteresting boy, but ail play will do,,the samie. Balance is wliat vce -ie.ed. Wlien we're working, we must Work îitli aIl our hearti, and.wlien ýve. play, give the best.. New Trier offers so mucli o itsst- (lents that it is so easy to take and continue taking. We go0 out for bas- kethall one night and swimmring the next and, perliaps, participate in club actîvities. «New Trier.h.as sucli a wide .Icnep of autsi.de activities thiat there 'ago, a debate on fraternities -,vas pre- 'sented. One .good point "Cam" Brown left out ivas that if a man is drunk and is. stili a gentleman, lie belongs to a 'fraternity. 1Tom Sinding: "Xhat ,did you say to that new - girl your saw last. night? "ýRomnance" Bud .Howard: "Er,I asked lier 1If I couid see ber~ornie and she said, that she would send me, a Bý.' H.: »"Gee. every time I puit some- thing in this côlumn about. Nicky Borino, it is censored. 1*11 get back at s-ou yet, Nick, fôr putting sand in my "Slorty" Hamilton: "Are 3-ou doing anything this evening?"' She: "No, Inothing 'atai. "Sliortv": "ý'What a terrible. iaste ox ,time." Stan Schuman:. "Whiat makes voU so small? *Freshinan: My mother fed me on cantied milk, and l'ni condenised." In ethe Claasroom Mir. Reiie«v: "Yes. and froihi the %ihere-abouts ofl Chicago, Father. Marquette .went upto MIilwauke.e.", 1Nýancy Fisher: ."Did lie,take '^the "Nort1h -Shorceï' M-\r. H-utchilis, -Raven?' Helen Jzoltonl: ter wvith him.?" "Do you knlow Poe's "No.. wha's the mat- Mis.5 Ulrick: "Wliv ias the Ulited States so backward in 'entering the Tohu Ealieng.er: "Not prepared." Mi ss Uilriick: "Exac'tly." I wa.s talking to Mrs. Warhle just vesterday, and she told me that CINyde is having, a terrible time beating off the girls witli a'ten-f.oot' pole. 0.. K., Clyde, you ouglit to be able to pole Vault -.vlen you get back. Mr. Frisýbie asked me wlio ever hieard of Warhle chasing women1 away f rom himn but then,.wliýo can tell? sittng on the sneli, take 'em uown, dust 'cm off and band 'em in to anv of the following at New Tri- er now! Bob Hess, Janet McNul- tv, Ed Doyle,. Judith Fox, Fred WVeterer or Loretta Anderson Yoùu never can. tell, they miglit even pick yours. Fiery Rebuttal IS Fe ature of. Debate About Fraternities Members of the senior class,-dur- ing advisory period recently, listened to a -debate which. concerned a, prob.- lem encountered by students when.se- lecting 'a college. Aithougli the de- baters were cliosen f rom the public speaking classes, the work.they did in no way affected their grades. AUl work on thieir part Was'voluntary. The s ubject of the debate.was: "Re- solved that with the exception of lionorary societies, fraternities and 'sororities should bc abolished' fr'om Am5uerican colleges. and universities."' Margaret Eberling and Cameron Rrown were affirmative, while Flora Bollman and Dé Fresse Holmes were their opponents. Harry Kinne was. chairman. The debate ivas ciosely contested throughout, 'but the neg-a- tiVes side seemed to bave, a slight edge, chiefly because of. De Fresse Holmes' well delivered second nega- tive speech, when the time for re- buttai came. In the last rebuttal, Cameron Brown arose and said about the following: "Now that tùy opponent has miade such a fine speech, Il hate to destroy it. Looking over a book 1 have here by Gavit, 1 discovered that mny op-, ponent bas made a rather bad ins- take. He told 3,ou that Gavit Said.1 'Fraternities. are breeders and hot-, beds of snobber3-," That is not the case at aIl. Gavit says, that sonxeone else libas expressed as an opiniion that 'fraternities are breieders and, hotbeds of snobbery.' "Now, how% do -e, the affirmative side, 'know that ail of my opponent's authorities aren't of sucli trivial con- sequence, and haven't been misinter- ý, - - Xl- . ý retur il in re'- tooiç the decision from the New 1Trier ponies in a close one, the score being 22-21. The heaies played perhaps their worst game of the -vear. Sinding 'didn't seemto t be able to get bis pass away fast enough - -and Joslin's eve was-"f, while Williams and, Church . didn't corne through wi.th the1 necessary -scoring punch. Wolff plaved a great gameat guard but lie couldn't be- in enough places at once to stop Greensiade 'and Wood- from .5coriniz. Evanston'led at every quarter a nd' seemed. to -be the superior teamn in every departmnent. Their gýuarding. sêemed to be especially good,. but perliaps 1 too good, as.the final count revealed, that there 'were fourteen personals. called, on them to only 17 for New Trier. Tliree, of *their men, \Vo.Stewart and Frank, had three personals each. Joslin was higli scorer for the New Trier sciuad witl tliree baskets and four 'free throws for 10 points but' lie also took a good many more shots than, the rest of the tearn. Wolff camie in for bis share of the scoring to- niake- two baskets and a cliarity* toss to total five markers. This defeat leaves New Trier one. Lgau2e ahead of lihe second-place Oak Park-6.ï,v. New Trier must beat Mor- ton on Fridav to have the undisputed title. Aniother defeat will probablv leave tliem in a tie, -s Oak Park will prohablv take Proviso Friday of this m-eek. Thie liglits put. up 'their best gaine of- the vear but feil just short of wvinning. EvanstQn was lield to two' free tlirows in the last quarter white the Green-Gray forces gatliered five points. Murphy w-as the' home team's higlih scorere witli six points, whule Hlaiglit and. Flyn-n came riglit behind Iwah five apiece. I.Hea'iyweIgimt* Lineip' _Neiv Trier (t4) Evanston (28) B FT B FT Chureh,f ...2 2 Greenslade,f,,.3 2 Josiin,f. 4 Brinkerf . . ..1 'l Sinding,c ....1i 1 Wood,f.....4 1i Miliiis,g . .0 0O Stewa.rt,c .. .. 3 0 1 ffg - 2iFrank,g .... Rogers,g , 04 Totals. 8 S Totals ....11 6. slip, and- show the boys we tion of Miss Olive' L. urover. nead of cliampionships,. too.' Anv- the Nem- Trier art department. «Meni- k how nice those little gold bers of the 'stagecraft class 'are jun- Is will look on your cesks. iors and seniors. The New Trier art" the silver basketbalis the (lepartment will have'1 an, exhibit atý of tlie consolation, tournev- the Wilrnettè, Vomnan's club rnart on Mardi. 16, 17 and 18. is "mv good mnaji." hrst N'car of teaching was spent in a To return to the subject. a biogra--: high scliool at Edgérton, Wis; 'Last phical sketch of Miss >Hall: It lias !vear she did practice teaching and been discovered that she' attended' substituting liere and is now a ful-' and tauglit scliool in Salina and Grin - tinie teacher. Slie combined borse- 'neli, Kan. That isn't the only place hack riding and econom.ics in Boulder,' she lias been to,-scliool. thougli. Witli Colo., last suimmer .and liopes to, go a niaster's ýdegree as lier goal. she lias to California this sumner. somle tinle lef tI 'New Trier (21) Uaiglit. B ,.i. can how, or -even .winersg receive.

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