Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 27

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signed by several naines iiew to the league's exhibits, as wi as a good nimber of new pieces by the oi faith fui" contingent. It is quite fitting that Rudolph, Nedved of Glencoe, -whIio assisted in designing. the studio,.,shiopid be. as ,.iveiI, one. of the group of' new~ exhil>i- tors. His ivife,, Elizabeth Kiýnbal Nedvcd, ight also be -con sidered new to the league shows, since she has hung nothing ii themn for sev- erai years. The finte tchings of NMr. Nedved *and the cexquisite water É0- lors painted by, his %vife -were, for the: inost part. donc ili', Venice. She has' ene brilliant Nvitlî the, oranges an'1 vèeilo-tvs of the boat sails. remniniscent of a Venetian painting of. Fredcrick G;rant.. Slie shows, tee, a quieter lit, a Iovec1 . water color of a boat, ','The Orphanage." Aside, from those she painted in V\enice, .\Mrs. Nedved lias a nice life study, donc in wvter color and untouched b,% pencil. Welcome LandîcaLpists Ne%-*aise, te tliè league's -Shows. and adding _'greatlv te the:Prese!nt one, are three landscapists. Grachene Brodt. Dennison B. Huitl, and E. Her- ]an. Huing in the lounge ou,,tside th£ stud(iO .'s RudolpJh Ingerle's iovely share ini the exhihit, 'Mfist and Dah- lias." and' also a beautiful, sunset painting, by Frank Pevraud. Cota (;ouid, Davies showvs a nice "Spring on -the, Des Plàines." ,'FoPin «Wildèr- and. Max Gundlach each have -two of th eir glorieusý Iandscapès, Uintali K. Shippen, Eýdna M. S. Johiansen, and Irma Roenail are shewing ini this group, tee, and Hazel Crow.- Eweil has ini.it two harbor scenes Allen Philbrick, wh.o will bold classes ini the new studio as soon as th'e expo- s ition leaves, is -repres.ente(lbvaglo- nOùus landscape, hung with fine effect. ini the lounige, and ýy àa large. group of. etchings, inciding, both' pprtraiti and studies..ocf Ncwv Orleans and. other spots. Another large group of etcbings are the ever enchanitin.g child studies. cf Elizabeth Enigelhaýrd. F. R. Harper, using. red-crayon for the portrait lie exhibits, gains an un-I coee Mrs. MacNeîiles nerself is present with a nice flower painting and two amusing stuldies of kittens. The sanie animal, peacefuily asleep, is painted by 'Susan Rich Patten ini 'Grandma and Our Kitten." Mrs.. Patten b las also a pastel sketch of a view. frein the steps of the Art, institute. Grachenie Brodt, besides bier land- scape, shows a fruit piece, bnrilliant and îiice ini celer. Elizabeth Bolden- weck's 'LI, which won second prize ini the spring exhibit tbreeyears age, is shown 'again.. The tustiailNy fine background providcd by the soit- IN, paintcd walls ef, the .ncew' studio niav Make this show"s flower studies, always. a large group, stand eut more gorgeously. than ever. The artist1s exhibiting in this g -u are. Sybe!I Vennema,. Edna «M. S. johansen Myrtie Sidbcrg.ý Grace Haskins. Alice 1 ,Mac Jackson,. Tom Wilder, Lillian Tanner, Who ýaiso has a fine scascap e, i and Elizabeth> K. Peyraud, os hcaviuv and nicelv donce. Mra. Davies in Charge Mrs. J. \N. F. Davies is chiairmiaii and M-\rs., Lilliani Tanner is co-chair' man i -fthé, committce in, charge cf the -exhibit. Srigwihteiarec Mrs. Kate Bacon Bond' and -\11«.. George, Engelhiard, in Charge -cf ýsil- houettes and ithograph st.udics. M1isý CLaroline Eckstorm, .Mrs., E. G~. 'roN- bridge, 'Mrs. Feuix Boldenweck. .mrs George Haskins, Mrs. joseph P. Gal- laghcr, Mrs. jutllin Ciav Risk,, ail ofi Wý'innctka. Mrs., Carol Hanson. o4 Chicago, ;ý.nd Mrs. A. F. -Heoper ()T' Elizabeth Engelhard and Kate Ba- con Rond are makiig portraits iiM lithography iii the studio, throtughQuit1 the exp>osition.ý CI-RISTAN,-SCIENCE. SERVICE.S. "'MNan" w.ill lie the subject at tlhe services iii. First Churchi of Christ, Scientist, in W\ilniétte.Snd morui-. ing, March 6. agt 11 'clock,. S.uidav, scbootill c-il coneneý at 9-,45 (ok I LT ÉIN WEEKLYef AND Up SINGLE W ooumi19Q IOJLY $150 ANDUP, SINGL le oum&r42" Garage in. direct conneetà-- NmW modem offes4.p servh4 won derulno a odewte p-cei DIEAND _ ENTERTAIN HERE Large Parties find it conv.nient The ORRINGION., todine et Theyi know from pleasant. experience that the- attention they receive adds zest and enjoyment to their dinner; tMen, too-during. the present s eason there are many. delectabte Lonten Specialties on the menu. SPECIA L SUNDAY DINNER $1.25 FIRSI CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCI 0F GLENCOE, ILLINOIS THE PUBLIC Is CORDIALLY INVITED1 TO AT TEND PA TRONIZE OURADVERTISERS FREE LEËCTURE on lerr'î A 'hT Qc,%ri

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