Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 38

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ond annual chess tournament wbicb completes its play this evening, will meet the North Shore Ches club's team at Winnetka Commutiitv- House tuesday evening, March 8. Membersof the Wilmette team 'wilI play for positions ýon the. team to- morrow evening at the Stolp library af ter the. finish. of the final match between Eugene Hildebrand; Jr., and. Montgomery. Major f0 decide the Wilffette championship., The wïinner of the tournament wilIlbe nùamed cap- tain of the Wilmette team in addition to receiving the gold medal for fin-, ishing the, tournament undefeated. Other members of the teani who will represent Wilmette in Tuesday e.ve-. ning's match are H. L. Beach, George Lusk. Lawrence Skew.es, C. H. May- er,, George Stone, Walte . H. Hilde- brand, C. Herbert Jones, and S. V. Morr*is. The runner-up. in the Wilmette tournament willreceive.a silver medal as award and the winner of the ladder tournament conduct ed for losers in the preliminary matches of the elinii- ination tournament, will receive ,a bronze medal. Tom McCann now1 occupies the top rung of the ladder.À Tomorrow evening will witness;,thei latnight of.play., Blackhawks Win Championship in "A" Cage Leag Po- Eay evening wnen tfley ceteated tne .Hawks 29 f0 25, giving them a clear» tif le to ftle league championshiip. The team lost only one gaine fhrougliout the ent ire season of play and totaled thirteen victories fo its credif. Only two gamtes were Ieft on the "A" league. schedule at the beginning of last week's play andi after thie Wed- nesclay night play, the fourteen weeks' schedule, in whichi two "round robins" were played, was fiished. two divisions, one for mother5, and one for fathers, although the fathers will flot be barred fromn the girl' demonstra.tion and vice versa. They, will be held March 25 and April 1. respectively, at -the Hom-ard gym- nasium. Types of physical education work. the a.thletic training tests, the endur- ance tests, the rhythm*c workc, folk dances, formai gymnastics, and the athletic competitive games, will al be demonstrated to thée parents. In the last groupý of gamnes, the. new svstein of classification, which bas ,beeii judged. the fairest.: basis of conipe- tition discovered ,and which was 'ii-' stalled. in the Wilmette schools this year, wilI be demonstrated. Parents will get ýto see their sons. and daughters takce part in an a ctual physical training lesson whereirt-the various phases of the' physical edua- cation program will be explaitied and dernonsfrated. A climax to each- demonstrat ion will be, the awarding of letters to boys and.girls who have earned thrn in athletic.. competition and ini the g9Vmnasium work. ' Sports CalendarJ Friday, Ma re h. 4 7 p. rm. Finals i luce'sq tou rnamtili Stolp school library. 7 p. mi. Chekers. Stolp school library. 7 p. m. Ba-sketball practIce for. men and make Up gamle. 'H1oward gyrn- flasium. 8 p. mu. Basketball p'ractice men. How- ard g-ynnaslium. 8 :15 p. mu. Basketball practice for girls. LSteûip gyrnnasiunm. 9 p.inm. Basketball prýaetice, for men and make up garnes.. }Howard gym- na5ium. Satiirday, March à 9a. nm. Grammar scho-o , basketball gaines. Wiimette pewees, lightweights, heavyweights vs. Niles Center. How- ard gymnasium. 15. Teamns desiring to enter the tourna- ment must have a list of the names and addresses of players together with the one dollar entry fee at the récreation office by 9 o'clock, Wed-, nesday nîorning, March 9>or they meill, flot be considered in the tournamnent. .Any, north shore girls basketball feam playing girls' rufles rnay enter the tournament providing they ad- here f0 the eligibility rule which. pro- ihits1 the playing of professional players on the 'teami. 13 Teams Register for! Cage Tourne y Thirteen paid registrations have been received to date for the "!iird annual men's l)agket bail t04à nevý which is f0 begin play next Wednes day eveninig at the Sfolp and How- ard gymnasiums. Any superstitions mayv be allayed regarding the un- tuckv nuinher, however, since thle three vacancies lef t have already beeni bespoken. but the enfry fee and roster of team miembers have not beeni received by the Playground and Rec2 reation board staff. Hence, the staff ineinbers conducf-, ing the tournanient have given m-arin- ing that the said entry fee and rosters must be fortlhcomting right awav or the first basketball feanis making ap- Iplicatiotn.. or of the original nuniher imvited to participafe, wiIl be givenl thle vacan t place. Applications malie made before Tuesday evening woti Glen W. Gathiercoal. or Dudlev C. Stone. 1The teains aiready regisftered are: Lynam Texacoes 1, Lynam Texacoes il. Statè Bank, K. of C., Shanirtox. Methodist, Ridge Ave. Phiarmacv. H-offnman Florist IL. Junior A. . Sophoniores. Termiînal A. C... Hoff - mnan Florist Il. The .gaines w ill be o pen to the pub)lic. Wetilesday, iarh9 iris' gymnaeiIunI. lase. Higli - year and is announced, for 9 o'cock Saturday morning, Match 12, at the Wilmette Village Green. For the first finie the two marbie tournamients will be hield on the saine dateý and will be conducted as one large tournament.with boys and girls competing in separate divisions. Heretofore the, girl s' tournamient bas been more of an experiment and not, until this >3ear bas if. been recognized as a pecial acfivity on the Play- groufid and Recreation board's cal- enldar. Both boys and girls will compete in fwo; groups; juniors including boys anîd girls in the third, fourth, and, fifth. grades,. and seniors, comprised oi children in. the sixth, seventh, and eiglf h. grades., Champions in bothi divisions, Nadine Brown, junior girls; Eric Samuelson, junior boys; Shirley' Garniss, senior girls; Don Herman- son., senior boys, .will defend their tif les in this year's mieet. In addition to the .last year's champions there will be strong contenders for theý 'Imibs" tifle in each dlivision. Ade- laide Koenlen, runner-up ini the Jun- ior div ision lait year, will be one oi the Contestants in the same 'division this year and some of the boys who, will give thée defending champions stronig compefition are Harold. iWhitey" Borre, one-tinie junior champion; James Anderson, runner- up Iast N-ear, in tlhe senior division: James Thale, and other slharks in the junior division. The public wvill be admnitted free of charge to witiness the matches andl both men and women inembers of the Recreaf ion board staff wvill lie Ii charge of the various contesf s. Sehool .Basketballers to Play Niles Center The'giammar school heavyweight and lightwcighit basketball teams .will meet Niles Cenfer Safurday morning at 1 o'clock af the'Howvard gynnas- ium. The games will be open to the publie, Friday evening, March 1l, thie Wilmette Pewees, lighfweiglits various recreation activities tirouui- ouf the' year. The Girls' Basbetball and Men's Volley Balil leagues have not been corapleted to date, althoughi the last gamnes ini the girls basketball, league will be played next week. Hloward gymnasium. nament. Howayd gyrnnastum. Leininger tearn of the Interfraternity 8 p. m. Basketbail for girls. Wlld In- 9 P. m. Gaines ln men's basketball tour- cu.TeWlet en ~a e dians vs. XYZ. StoIp gymnaslum. namnext. fHoward v'xnaslum. club.The or i tte bteron a d 8 p. mn. Che." Match. Wllmette team vs. -etdfrfrtplc iro n rWinnetka. team. Winnetka Communlty Saturda>', Matceh 12 Lwsbucareaaycpsalte bouse. lb p. m. Si.'xth annual boys' marble Lefisruter-u ition. Mcps1ore da 8:.50 p. in. Basketball fo'r girls. Schultz ffournarment and thîrd annualgil,%*e playners f rOm elevn staetes om and Nord vsâ. Brownles. Stoip gym- inarbie, fournarnent. Wilmette . paes200eevnsaesct- nazium. Gren. peted for the hi'gh bonô,rs. 4 i

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