Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 41

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~eodfloor of î'esidenee. -May be :rented single or together. All con- veniencos, and near stations. %vin - netka 415. 51LTN44-Itc L<#E. COMFOIITAflLE RM., REASON- able. Apiartiiienit 203, 733 Elmi St., Wýinnetkat, 111. P1h. Winnetka'.2634. 51LTN44-lp T'WO ATTRAOTIVE ROOMTS, EAST îd.convenient location, board and: iarage optional. Ph. Wilinette 1938 2NiîE C0MFOItTAB u FRONT RO near transp., 437 Chesitut St., WVi- netka. Phone Winnetk-a 18.12. 51LTN44-ltl> . ý1 Rl lit IGIIT ROOM IN PEIVATE hoine,, near ail1 tra n p. 514 0reory Tel, Wilmeitte 2133. 51LT.N44-lte NICELY' FURNISHED RO0IM WITH private lavato-YY. NKear -trans. Phione Winnetkat 2791. 51L44-4te 33 BOARD AND ROOM BA(CK. TO IIEALTH THE NATL'RAL m, ay, on farný,nurse in charge. Ph. Greenleaf 5335 or write W. E. Ware, Ev-an,nvlle, Wisconsin. .53LTN43-2tp !55-13 REAL ESTATE N ,o r t h- S h o r elI a. i REAL'roRS HJOUSES FOR.RENT11 WA TEDAT ONCE' Two 5 rooim, one 6 roomn, andl one 7 rooni house, in Wil imette, Winnetka, Glencoe. We haive Chicagoans waitlnig for tbein at 19:12 rentaIs. HOUSES FOR SALE WANTED AT' ONCE! O0ne 5 roonii, two 6 ror and twov 8 roomn houses. close' in aln d as .far notfth, as Ravinia. Several C1bhicago, Buyers with the noney are ,%-.,aiting forý such properties o~n a 1932 Basis. ACTION OUR MOTTO! Rý . BWIITAKER CO. ~Viîiiet«t ' Phone 3250 55B-LTN.44-ltc Corner'Elm St. and Arbor Vitae.- 1 Four room (1 bedrnt). 1 Five room (2 bedrms.). REASONABLE RENTALS SMITlH & GOSS, INC,. 7M5 Elin St. Winnetka 142 56IsTN44-ltc 4 and 5 roons ila LINDEN MAINOR 1095-1099 Merrill 'st. IIU1BBAID WOODS- MI. H. CLARIS 480 Linden Avenue 56LTN.444 tc 1ARG1(E 2 RM. APARTMENT, FACINO 1park, close to transp, and schools. Bedroomn and eleétrié icing, at very reasonabie rentaI.. Cal! Winn. 1800. 56LT44-lte FOR RENT-4 RM. APARTMENT ON Happ and Harding Rd.' Northfield. See tenant upstairs for. key. 56L44-Itp FOR RENT TWO'ROOM KITC HEN- ette apartment near transportation. stearn heat,' electnical refrigeration. Caîl Wilmette' 1800. 56LTN31-tfc 4 1-100M APT WITH ENCLOSED porchi, lheated. Available April 1. RIeasonaible. 893 Elmn St. \Vlnn. 1719. 56LTN44-lte 4 ROOM APARTMENT. CENTRALLY located, south and east front. Ph. Wllmnette 2399 or 2427. 56LTN37-tfc O N E 3-RM. KITCHENETTE APT. Humphrey Building. Winnetka 98 or 1129. 56LTlN20-tfc 56.A APARTMENTU T SHARE COUPLE WILL SHARE EAST SIDE home -with couple or 3 aduits. Tel. Wiltnetté 965-Rt. 56A-LTN44-Ilp 57 ýFOR ffENT-9-URNIOHED A"19. BEïAUTIFULLY IFURNIS11ED à R M% . atpt. it 'Northwestern universitv. Veryý desirable bldg. Imm-iiediate pseso. Phlone Gre. 7156. 57LTN44-Ite FIURNISHED 1 AND 2 BOOM APT$.. convenlently located. Ph. WiImette 2399 or Wllmette 24t7. 57LTN30-fc 0 §FOR RENT-HOUSES Eva nsLon, 6 rnis,, tie bath, garaige $115ý MWiimette. à rinis., 2 b., 011 ht., gar. $12,5 Owvner, Wilmnette 5172, officee, Uni.,8SUS. iiOL44-1 te onti is'wilî be enijny a hous ors the roost. 's it wnîcn the out-ot'- A-I newv Engllish brick bouse. witil 11-1-- 1-111 diii. rm., brkfst. nook, kitcheil, 3 bdm. 2 tiled baths With' showers, recréation rm. iin basenieniin Wimette, is .offer+ed In a section 0of fine houses is ibis fine. English brick and timibered stueco house of 10 rms., 7 bedrmns., 4 baths; a beautiful yard and rock garclen, in Gle4coe, at .... $225 At prices fronm $10C to $350 we have > many other houses fron! Evans- ton to Highland Park. M. M. ORNDORFF Uni. 0531 Wilmette 16-16 TO RENT-14 ItM. ENGLISH TYPE; country home on 40 acres, finest loca- tion on Wau kegan Rd., Lake Forest, iiidway, between Onwentsia, and Knollwood clubs, imined. access to, 50 miles bridle paths, sunsýet viewV acroSs IEiglish landscape. 5* master bedrms., 5 bathrms., enclosed sleeping Porch, equtipped. billiard rooni, mpusic rooni, anid lïbrary,' vomiplétely, furn!sbed, city water, gas and electriciiy, 4-c ar garage, ehauffeur's' apartinent, roomny cottage for other hielp,' fine -gardens, riding horses, coiva and chlckens available if desired. C. G. Strieder, 100 N. LaSalle St.', phone. Franklin '50. 60LTN44-ltpb CHOICE RENTAL Beautiful new brick Colonial with spaclous rooms charmlitgly dlecorated, modern in every way. with frigidaire, incinerator, oul heat, ait. 2-car hea ted garage, fenced-in back yard. House bas library; attractive' breakfastri, lst floor lav., 5 bedrms., 3 baths. Ca rpets and first floor drapes in- cluded in. rentai of $275 a month. Frances J. .XXTnsc4étt EXCUSIVE AGENT 902 Spruce St.. Winnetka 1267 60LTN44-1 tc 3 bedrmns.,- 2-car garage, H., W. i.. $90 3 bedrms., ou hi., perf. cond,ý......$115à 4bedrms., al large, 3-.baths...... $150 4bedrms., 4 b.," 1 i i., perlf. cond.. $200 5bedrms.:,5 batbs, oil ht ..... . $2 lNuin erous otîter choice 'rentaIs and several extraordi.nary buys. I FREDK B., THOIMAS & CO. 743 Elmn St. WlInn. 2850 Georgian Colonial, :perfect ln detail, 7 bedrms., 4 baths, beautifully land- scaped. $200, MNany more interesting furnished and uinfurnished houses in Winnetka, Glen- coe and I-ighiland Park. DOROTHY K. ROSS 66àl- Vernion A-'ve. Giencoe 986-305 6S1LTN44-ltp ON A .2-ACRE 'WOODED HILL W1TH. magnific ent vlew of Sheridan Road stands this memorial home- of 6 'bed- rms. and 3 baths, for only *200 a inonth. Fine ,tennis court. Other homeès from $100 up for Mýy lst oc-, eupancy. Furn. summer rentais. $150 up. BILLS REALTY, INC. 1619 Sheridan Rd. Wllmette ;740. 60LTN44-ltc FOR REINT BIick and trame Colonial, 4 bed- inina, 2 .baths, screened-iporch. Located on quiet street. 011 heat, *electrical refrigeration. Rentai $175 per' month. Others from $125 té $300 per rnonth. QUINLAN & TYSON, 'mc.. 1571 Sherman Ave. University 2600 60LTN44-Ite 6 rmi. house, 3 bedrms., 1 bath, extra lavatory, garage. $90. Colonial, 5 bedrmis, sleeping porch, 3 baths, garage. $150. Lovelyý 13 rm. home on lake. $500. Many good values, furn. and unfurn. $75, to $1,000. Mes. Lanrge, Winn. 1194 -60LTN44-ltp H'AVE ANU MBER 0F WELL LO- cated 6 to 9 nm. homes, 3'to à bedrniu., tule bathis, . il ht., 2-car garages. Close to transp. 'and schools. Rentais from $115 to $160.' Caîl Winnetka 1800. 60LTN44-1tc FOR RE.NT-1ST FLR.' 0F DUPLEX' bouse, resîdential street, S. Evanstoii, nice yard, 5 rnis. and bath, heat furn., electnic. refrlgeration. $80. R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 68 60L44-ltc 6 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, 2 BATHSý, lav., attached garage. Fine location., 2 bloeks to transp.. or schools. Renit reasonable. Location,"71 Church Rd., Indian Hill. See oWner,'458. Winnetka A !. Pt. 304. 6OLTN44-ltp 5 RnOOMLS AND BATH, STOVE HT., la rge, a ttic, garage, Rent reasonable. 1730 Walnut Av'e.,, Wilmette., Ph. Longbeach 5322.I . 6OLTN44-1tP ad WIL ETTE LITE "for more than 20 yeara the HOME PAPER of thé community' $ 'PHONE WILMETTE 4300

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