Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 44

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response on the part of 'the pianist to the *ood of the composer w1hose work shie' plays;, satis faction Ili technique so skilled tlîat it coîiveys with -siimplicitN, and facility the de- *mands of the forin iin which the comm poser speaks: satisfaction~ in the mu- siclil% intelligence. beauty of toile and cleani-cut plhrasing tlîat can i nter- pret accuratelv and undclrstatidingly the composr s design. M rs. D. P. Scott, of Kankakec was the piaujst,. wbio with cordial graciousiiess, play- edi very delightfulvy and arrestinglyv and imjpressively a guest artist for the afternoon prograin on President's da. Her Program A "*Pastorale" by Scarlatti, with an apparent simlicity that was decep-7 t1ve, (lew out* to its greatest .beauty berý clear. riniging, liquid, nîellow toile. Itçsruijcwj- sugge.stive of peace aul'd sçfeeity and happiness', with its inter- %%eaving Y.thienics, displayed ini contrast the, surencss and (lelicacv of lier ,stac- cato toutch, the %varietv .of shiadiiganld brilliance of lier legato. In the '*Etuide'» y Chopin. rip)pliiug.ý wvith a dîifhictlt rtiniing accotuplanii- mient and srngvaecented inelodv and tiienle. Mrs. Scott sblowed'.teclh- Ilical skill more than adéquate for. th e qikndtemipq.and tlje diffi- e.ult arpeggio passages. Ili the I(ilpul"Scierzo.*. moore spirited, demanding ilmore strength anîd crispîiness*pf toile, %%itil its p)rul- cipal recuirrent thenic which ýAva-s. 'seenîs tg) lis to (vuestio iimperativiv and enphflaticaliv. and theu to an- swér, she supplied al that was needed tgive a finiisled performnance.. She liad the power and tonal claritv and ease with which- to give a finished performnance. Ill response to the in- sistent and mnost appreciative ap- plause shie plaved an encore in whicW an au dsplaYed delicate, flute-like :toueý au vaiwngîng rhythm. M4rs. Scott, thé sister of Mrs. Har- eyA. s, is,,an experience d co n-f- cert artist, a distinctive pianiist-.I la Speaker John 'Iellifle Graves, 11, in givinig the reinainder, of the I),'081ain, a talk on "ANewspap)ers Rsnsblt to the dretn." Mr. Washburine is to ciscuiss "Training for -Citizenship)." .The confer.ence. prograili lias becc' annouunced as folloms: 'rE'N.TRJIRTY '~CLOCIÇ ('h h-nnC'. F..Huth, Dean -Univ'ersity College. The Univursity of. Chteago..' Hnw ('an Etliieal Attitudés Be Devel- olied? HugIl Hartshorne, the Divin ity St-hool, l'aI(e uriver$Ity. ('hild Tra ining f'or International luî- tellige-n.e. ý Harry Elmepr B.t'tnt-i. Sn- viologist, Histinriai and Authu'rity on nrdPolities. Ro'mî A-Chairjnan, Curtis W. Rteese TIraining for Ratcial.lligotry. Melville .1. Herxkovits, Departient of oilg and Anthrop6ony, .North wetern uni- versit.. l'lie Effect- 1or 'Motion Pictures on the Soeial Attitudes of Children-L. L. l'hurstone, Departinent of Pxychology. TIht' tTrnivermity of ('hieàgo., Chai r*inati, Anne S. ai I )vê'opig Ioca tinnia I Attltudes-ROb- ert t. Wn.llnr.Board of ýVovatlinal Guidanve and Plarernent, The U7niver- sit.y ol'f 0hiago. Boom D C ha irinianS. .. na-(Ir 'a rentai Influence Inu('rea ting ]Religlous Attitudes in Children-Rev. 'Morris L.1 Ti hhet ts, F vde, Park Ba ptimt Church. Rooni E. I'ha i rnian, Laura Hughes Lunde Train in11g foi. ('itizenship - Carleton Wi.shburne, Superiitendent MWinnetka i Roomu F-ýChairnian, i4ater Attitudes ou Internat ionalI Relations- I-arry <.ideonst-, Tepartnment of Eeo 'l'lie htUiver-isitN <of (Chic-ago. 'I'w() O'CLotIK ('ha lrÉnan, Sb Sn . Imeehlof, Rabbi K. A. M. Congregation 'IIwionftiht lBetween 8ehoarhonitg and sociffliz.ing t1t- Studenit-(#lenn 14Frankç, 111resid'n t, univers ity of fWisvonsin. William C. Connor Is Legisiature Candidate XVi lhai' C Connor, ani attornev re- siding at 522 G(reentleaf .avenute, %'Vil- Mette, unounces bis candidacv for thie Detmocratic nominiation for State- Representative for the ýSev'.enth Sen- atontal district. Mr. -Çonnor is a graduate of New,% Trier Toivuslîip Higli school, studied ontI LFL wiiÇ.1 wili ue the prehinary plans for Memorial Day. Another is the Post's part in the sale. of tax an- ticipation warrants to aid ini keeping the schools and Village functioning., Several mnembers of the Post already. have clone good work iii tbis cue This crisis. should caîl forth the best efforts of everyone as did tbe, crisis of 1917-18. We can't let George do it"' now.auynj.re than we could then. The Drum and Bugle, corps w.ill ,prob7 ably miake pulic appearanc es to aid iii this work. Commnder George Leal reports that lie can s ecure work in a certain Ue for any miember.of the Post. ýHe willfladly. telI you about thisý if you will cal but at. Wilmette 1088. About fifteen. men from Minette Post attended tbe last nmeeting of the, Sevenlt district and brought home a flue little cup given as flrst prize 'for membersbip efforts amiong the me- diuni sized posts of the district. At the. meeting inembers of Vaukegani Post, in f ull Légion uniforin, exempli- fled the regular initiation ritual, after whicb Square Post put on its "wreck" wbich was gréatly enjoved by the spectators and somnewhat by. the can- didates. Comrade M. J. Walshî rep- resented Wilmette Post as their can- dlidate. Among those from Wilmnette Post who atteîîded were H. Bridwell, E. Drewes, Dr. Hawkins, H. Hopp, H. Molir, Sý Van Inwagen, and M. J. Walsh. r wenty nmemibers of \Vihnete . Druin and Bugle Corps, under the leader- ship of Druni Major H. A. Gould, acted as a guard of bonior for Con- rade Fred Coxon. state advisor of .the True >C'indred at Wilinette '.,a,- soui.c.temple.last Tuesday evening. -S. Van Iuwagmi New Trier Graduate Now Soloist in Church Choir Katherine Ellis, who was graduated fironi New Trier IJigh school in 1930, pletion. New workcrs are being adJd- ed daily and additional prospective cards furniished to them. The drive will uîot be discontinuied until every- osie In Wilmnette finasicially able to' coutribute bas been approacbéd. it, 15 stated. *A. partial list of cointribu- tors follows., Additional coit ributors will be 'listcd froui week 'to week. 1Couitribuitors reported this Week are: S J. T. U-dwarid.-,, MN. L. (orneli <eorge H. B. Burkei G. R. H. arbaugh, C. L4. Haye, W:1). Lawrencee, ErlMeir, L) LJ Cnyné ilr., R. Potter, C'. W. Triggee, P. learnie , F. Ilinder, Williani ,H'Inies, Jlary )a~isF.J. Scheidenhielim. P. A. WVilson, W. B., Robinson, NN. H.1 Andrews, L. L. Ferry, H. C inMs .1. H., Birlauf, 1. Horween ,1.). Mis Mre. G. iR. Reddjng,C PC. E tnmnF B. -Bockius, A. Schuber, .Mrs. M. Il. Borre, George Ambuehl,- C.. Johuson,, T. 0. 't-oulding, J. D. Roth. L. L. Per 'ry, Henry I>r.-ser, Il. I. Nevins, Anthonly Nosek, J. IL Brutn- hbaugh, 1*Henry Brandt, Joseplh (). (n. %vt-rse, (Ieorgtý Knepper, IW. S. (lt B. Fi'. Platt, B. Brown, ilJ. t. aliman. Taylor 1). Ward, E. F.Hs...F~o A. Xi. ndersoin, ,Theodor*e Stasemu, DIla . Ir. Berscli, F'rftnes G. B)ush, vrm.mI %V. P. Sommners, iJ. H.IL 'et-her'. C'. Miles cDîalIl. C., Ort401, Il. %VIgg, R. W. I.uernian,i . F. rd. Kairt D. Ki ng, HenryFol, ams ' I).'nalhu«. iUnert Stç.ddard, 14. A. 1,,itii- don, t'. i..Weaa,..B lmt.lnc .1. B. Marslhall, S. . MCAllIiter,ý M. . Greigg, 0. iE..(eper W. ~eîvn IV;îIuarA. Borner, l. ageA. F. Biser, Ilorace Siiith, .J. Il. J)yon, C. .1. X~knNormian, Kraft, 11. .1, Befillett, Mirs. A. W. Bermeb, AI. .1. Nlick, A. H., Fueý-sif- A. Il. Barry. F.'. Aniderso,,,, ing, E. il. Freeinan, B. 1_ ichelM. 1.Millen, Olfis b. Beck, ('ur1tis Ciele- Frve . IL Colegrove, !Max E P_ 1~r IL. L F'erndreau, Fi. A. Bon I'yd 1. Silttil, Bertrai C(olvin, 1.. MeCure DIan G(. . CtIe ui'hrles Pur~- lingaine',JIlarry Warnihill, :ie . Morey, * .1. t('ito, M'. i]a rling, Warre'n (l iy, .0. Rtler, W. eIy William M. Young, I LMiePu ..La Sig. J. WV. For-(, j a nwts 3;.>W.t t. flueth,, V.'.E. .Jarchow, 'William Ilar- ri(lge. Higherest; TeaMs lose DoubIeheader, to Niles 'l'le Higlicrest school losI a double-' Ieader basketball bill1N%,vilth the Niles school last Fridav in tthe Iiglicrest gymmiasitini. llie Nules girls were victoriotîs, 12 to 4.. Ho%%,eirer,' the fliglîcrest b)oys .el<l the Ni1les teain without; enthusia&snîi, the kind which street, is visitnmg rltie for severalidge were Mrs. ThoII4b E. Sulli-Ib 411Q tices O bullds cities;- leisure, and a .high en- weeks ini Glidden, loma.' van, Mrs. A. W. Boylston, and Mrs. ployînen.t for themn. Such was his ah- - Arthur R. Wilson. Ms yi abowobsbe stract und ideaiistic. hope for the re-MisLda atrp 'oh be sponsibllity of the flewftpaper of the tives o)f Tenth district clubs were pres-- spending several months' with ber future. ent and to which- Mrs. Ivor Jeffrey.s, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Knudsou, 211 cousin, Mrs. J. Melville Brown, 99 Pre idemts Are Gue ts district presdent, sent her greetlngs as A biugd oi v n e e i w r h i h R bs r o d e i w r h w l e M rs. Mtyron West,, program chairnian. she was unale to ho present because of g aeuKnlrhwtRostradJenwoh, ilrturn. was In eharge of the plrgram aIt whieh Illînessa. Past preidents of the hostens .tbéii daughter, Dorothea, left last, Fri- the later part of this weeék to her home, twenty-one pregidents and, representa- c-lub also were guestii for the occasion. da fora motor tnip tlirough the south.1 in -Canterbury, Conn. ~jI * 4

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