Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Mar 1932, p. 4

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Best eut&sor: nul*w beef .H lOth 2 b:-. 53c -- - - - - .- .--.-', -. - - OX, TONGUES lb. 23c For r stf 22c LAMB SHOULDER For roant S ARpare, cane 'aIttulàt ý 10 lbs. .49c FLOUR KiWtt., esed18 bl.69C HOINEY Whte eover cmb1c COFFFIE lb. 39c C ~vaeumum uaeked CLKLAL ~~~or~5 CEREAL p~~~ure wliea t--os,-bi carton.--2 4i CAVIAR OrloftlImported3 <.9 GELATINE :. 2 for 35c OVALTINE each.69c, CAKE FLOUR 40 atnecdi2kc MAYONNAISE Afn4 pt. 43c qt. 79c PANCAE FLO R 1eatwo? 100% 2 PANCAY£ FLOUR ure wlicat-20-oz. 2 for25 SHELE W LNTSFitielest Imported lb. 59C LLED W LNUTSBordeaiux halves MII.ANI'S ITALIAN DINNERS. A new group of .geanine Italian. food& paclsed in R-oz. glass jars. Carefully Prepared by native chefs, of liaghçst quality materials. Chicken Ravioli, Macaroni Italian *Style, or Spghtt it cicè cbitsauce ......Ca.. J Eggf noodle with. chieken ........ .....ea.3 9 V) SA TURDA Y ONL ï§ounlg pîg, bloni r i b ...lb. ,Choice roasts .l... .I thUIIZedVill age rresident iC..r Dubbs and Village Manager C. M. Osborn to furnish the necessary data to Village Attorney Willis D. Nance so that Mr. Nance can prepare and present to the county clerk an amnended tax levy ordinance for \Vil- mette. The present tax levy ordifiance for the year ending April 30, 1932. pro- vides for ýa levy. of approxiniate1% $265,OOO.ý It ishoped to. reduice this ï amount by at least $65,000. Village President Dub.bs, in ad- dressing the trustées at the regular meeting of the Village board Tues-ý day niglit,. stated, that theý. Village. is not bo*ke" and that the depletion of the Village treasury is due to the fact tiiat taxes for the past tvo years have nt otbeen paid. If the taxes lîad been païd. MIr. D)ubbs ýsaid, all bonds outstanding could be paid, and the fui! budget adlopted for th is year could be met. ,Mr. Dubbs eml)hasized that the Vil- lage lias 'not squandered. moirey, but bas taken precautions to save where- ever possible. Drastic reductions bave been iiadý- in ail departmnent s-sala ries have been cut, Village employees hiae been laid off and services which the Village gives to its citizens have been curtailed. President Dubbs ïintimated( that if present coniditions do not irui- prove further reductions wvill «have to be made. Dance Saturday Night at Higherest Sehool A bard times party anddance wili be held at the Higbcrest school Sat- urday night, Marcb 5, for the benefit. of ýthe school fund. Armour and compariy, is donating. an eleven-piece orchestra for the occasion'. ,The party and dance will be belId inAthe school auditorium. A nominal ad- mission 'will be charged, it is an- nounced. M r. and Mrs. Bruce Williams, 156 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, baye sold their borne $o Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Green of 85 Abbotsfôrd road, Ken- ilworth. Mr. Green is a partner in the Cpton Close, one of the foremost authorities in Asia, who bas recently returned from China and Manchuria. iliaddress tbe Wilmette Sunday' Evening club on Mardi 6 on the subject, "Behind the News Froni Asia.7 The lecture will be illuitratedý witb three reels of motion pictures and numerous stereopticon sldes. much of which give emphasis fo Manchuria, a country now ini the [forefront of 'public interest in viewV of the Sno -Japanese situation. This Sunday Evening club prograni promises to be, one, of the most im- portant from the stanidpoint of timelv interest of the. entire current season and *an overflow.crowd is anticipated. Hutortan of Asia Mr Close has been termed pr- ablyý the greatest, and certainily the Most -sympathetic historian of con-. temporary Asia" and ý"the Amèrica-i formulator of opinion in affairls Asi- atic." His life'is as romantic as.bis sub- ject. 1-is mother was a Frenchi lady. a niusician and atist, reared in the court of the l3ernadottes ; bis father., a Yankee pioneer of the Americani northwest. Knows His China A comment reads: ."He was 'educated -by -th e Siwasli indians, the San F'rancisco earthquake, a college ln Washington, D, C., and 'poor-white'. feudists i, the, South, and Went to China as a mhissio'Éaýyjor nalist. Hle was sent frorn thé, Yarigtzt 'River to Mongolia to make collections; lived with the Chinese; perforce learn- ed their language. The World war came .and he was asked. to conduet in- telligence w-ork in invade-d Shantung province for the LUnited States govern- ment, ln the course of .whlch he, re- ceived his nom de guerre "Upton ,Close," evolved by fellow newspaper- -men Ërom. the words '"up close" which he used as, acode signature. A Japanese general sent hlmn out *huùnting for himself' With, an offer of' 3,000 yen reward. !lo was a 'participant In the Student Revolution of 1 919 whichi marked' the' beginning of Nationalist C'hina, was., Secretary of, Foreign At'- rairs to China's patilotie Dictator, Wu Pel-Fu,, went through several Chinese wars, retu'rned br7okeýh in, body and purse to become a member .of the facul- ty of the Unlver.slty of W'ashington at Seattle. Here ho founded. the. first American universit>' courses on* con- ternporary Pacifie Asiani civilization. Rteal Globe Trotter "n1926 ho returned to Asia. to en- in He )edi- 0of. old and *1 5 GROCERY and MARKET PHONE 510 PHONE 514 CENTRAL and TWELFTH ..., WILMETTE. Absolufely no electricify. 7. Large or srmail natural 1No p.ds. wave. No tubes. 8. Absolut. satisfaction .r No cheap supplies. guaranf.eel. For yoar next permanent phone ALBRIGHT BEAUTY. SHOP 1 167, WiImtte Avenu. Wilmett. 44S.17 Swiftts Prelnluni earetully slced ROAST 'I j] -ffl ÎZ t

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