WIt4NETICA 796 Ehu Street phones: -3 HURBARD WOODS. 9101/ Linden Av., Wuiue"ka417--418 WI.EK-END SPECIALS Pork Loins Whole or Raif Roasting Chickens Faney, Fresh ]Dressed te B%-Ib. average Hams rlIt t' or peaeoek - Whole lb1/2C Lib Roast Itb and ?th IIbsa Ibo, 23e Bacon Sliced 3 bs. 59e il The ptirchasers. of'the property were represented by KroII and Smith, and the sellers .by R. R. jenness, manager of the real estate boan departuient of the First National Bank of Wil- mette. The 'Washington WV. Winbergs have sold their property at 905 Greéenleaf avenue, wilmette, to the Norman C. Denos: The Denos , expect to tak.e up. the, occupancy ini their new resi- dence about-May 1L Both the sellers and the purchasers were represented. bv R. R. Jenness of the First National *Bank of ý.Wilmeçtte. Construction, has started on a 'new building at 807 Ridge road, Wilmette. to be occupied by the National Tea company about May 1. The neW store will be of the latest design and lie 4, j ieciuipped with the Most, up to date Ifixtures.: A several-year lease lias S been negotiated between the National: '4- Tea: company and the Central >Re- public Bank and Trust company as, trustée for an undisclosed owner by Cokitribuitiiip rchlv to services in i R. R. Jenness, manager of the. real the Loyalty'Crusade m;ovei;enjt1 estàte boan department. of the. Fi.rst te,o being condiicted by every de- Nýational, Bank of Wilmette. Partnment of thé First Presb 'teriani VISITS N. S. SCHOOLS ch urch of IIilmzete,ý is .Edwrd ý Villard Beatty,- former superintend- Otis (abôve),: baritoite soloist of Ileut.of. the Winnetka ýpublic schools, has, the church. been spending the past two weeks in Winnetka visiting New Trier High school, the Winnetka Public schools Mr. Otis lias been sit-ging at thleiand the North Shore Countr3- Day First Pr.eshyterian churcli of Wilrrnette 1sehool in connection wïtli a sùrvey lie for *more than tliree year s,. lEs rcareer i's making for the General Education as achuch o .lois ha ben 1 board., Mr. Beatty is superintendent as. chrchsolist as eena lng oýf sclîools at Bronxville, Neu, York. "n&~ Lui JJUi5 a2 -tuin.. ý4A L;ni n 1. M adison, Wis., while he att ended the university there, and continuîng in Chi-- cago for several years before te.camne to Wilmette. 'He~ has. returned to the Good Friday services, NNihicli are a city-wide institution, as ýwielI as for concert engagements.ý M r. Otfis' does. an ever-i ncreasing, amoéunt of singing-- besides his work at thé First Preshyterian church; both .as- soloist and in ensemble. I-e is the bass in the Carolers quartet, which sang on the Christmas programn given by the churcli at the Wilmette Won- ah's club. IfHe bas iust made his fourth MOTHER STRICKEN -Nirs. Edith Cotnam, teacher at the Avoca school, received word last Thurs- day that ber mother had suffered a paralyti.c stroké. Mrs. Cotnam lef t Thursday niglit for lier mothér's home in Ohio.' Duriniglier absence ]%1i'ss Evelyn, G",rant took charge- of ber rooru. The Chicago Arden Shore group. oftwenty-five members xvas enter- tained at luncheon on Wýýednesday, 1,ast at the residence of «Mrs. King-. sley B. Coltonl, 354 Kenilwortli ave- nue. Kenilworth. Tliey met to (lis- cuss plans for further m-ork. Ail Telepihone, and C. 0. D. GCare fully and Quickly Delivered. Accounts.Solicited from Reliable Orders Charge PeoPde. I 4 filiated with Suider-i Ridge and Lake, Aves. rag Co.-J. B. Seyler, Mgr.* Phone Wilnette 316 WILM~EI 1145 Wilntt. Av. Phass: 2814-731 T *0 I e' le