Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 10

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Our fineat ces of meat are xnarked at apecmal low prices for: Easter week.. Visit A & p markets and see for yourself the hlgh quality meats on. display., BRO0*ILEIRS der youD« broilers ar so ale for Easter celebrýa- tions. Serve a eliicken d in ne r next Sunêay. lb.27e Powk Butt Roast.....lbli Long Island Dueklings b... L22o Frësth Cut Pork1 Loin WJrole or Hitflb. 13e Roa.tinp Vhiolkens 'I> b. 28e b-[awu Jd q u . .. .. .......... .. .. .. ..... ..w - - THE GREAT ATLANTIC,& PACIFIC TEA CO. Mddlewester Dvision George Leal, attended thie district meneting at thîe Sheridan Plaza. ho-I tel, Chicago, last Wednesday evening. N-orth Shiore Post wvas host and a group of b)oys frorn Sen High sehool fuirnished a pleasing musical program. In-teresft iqng disussions on Commun- isin. Poppy Day and Emplovmient problemns were the, niaiji features of the meetîIng. Past CommranderS. NVan Inwvagen., inade the \Vilmette Boy Scout awvards at .thme Court of Honor at Howard sellool ati(itoritltii SaturdaY even ing. Wilmette Post furnishies tlhese menit badges to the Scouts. Four ýbuglers froin the Wilrnette Post I)ruin and Bugle -corps 'partici-i îiated In the ceremionies. for thme re- dedication of thme rebuilt Winnetka CornmnunitY House .Sundav, MNardli 20., STliose taking part froni- Wilmette were. Norman C. Deno. Fr.ed V. Lip- pen. Marshall O'Connell, and S. Vani Imvagen.11( jThe corps tof)k a proninent part a week ago Saturday ini a parad advertising' the sale of tax antici pa- tion warrants to keep the 'schiools and tlic Village ini operation. Woldwar veterans who purchased termn insurance l)olîcies froin the gov'- erniment -ili thespriing of 1927, areý ivarned to couivert these into other! forms- before the expiration date.1 julv 2. Sorne policie., expire l)efore thiat date. A g-igantic American Legiori radio prog-ramî, a "Victory. Memberslip Broadcast," Miii whiclitthe Legion pos-)ts of \Vilinette and surrouinding cotn-. nînnities, sinînîtaneous . vith. alilthe iostss f 1 1i1oi ( an1 othe .r states and'l depaý,rtmne it s througbout .the world, will have a (lefinite part, will be hel April 18, aÈccrding to an annoiu.nce- nie nt: of p relinî?n'iary ,arrangements just complilleted. by niati onal hecad- quarters of the Legion ini Indian- ap)olis. S"le prograin will be in celebration of the successful vork done on mem- The Bible and V Christian Science Reading Room. in1, OOKJt .UI1Y cuiiuesud.,7 igni&.. He closed a successful dowvnstate' tour last week and predicts that lie will caiýry the dowvnstate counties by a sub- stantial plurality. over his principal op- ponient, former Governor Len Srnaill. "I1 notice one of the' political writers for a Chicago nevspaper the other. day .said that my, campaign is colorless be- cause of1 my refusai to resort to the drarnatic -in my endeavors to get the voters to think, rather than he influ- enccd bY . banner waving," said Mr; Custer. "I consider that one of the greatest compliments that any observer couid pay me.", I ami NO'T a banner %va ver. l arn NO hand at al at buncombe. I arn NO ýgood at pronfiising to restore .prosperity, - to repeal national laws, or to settie international questions ..1, S"If- von bélieve in bunk of that bort. then, of course,, there is NO hope of interesting yoi iii my campaigh. .I am trying to get the voters to tliink. It's a tirne for thinkingà. And I wvan t to say to yvou'f rankly that unless the vot- er-s do-soine thinking and take some sensibleactioni, we are hecaded for dis- aster. "\Ve are face to face with a 'crisis. the like of which this generation lias, NOT seen.. Dernocratic government is, on trial. If ve are, going to be influ- enced b-v buincotnbe and heswayed by prejudice. at a tine-like this whecn sober thought an.d ise decisions ar e neces- sarv,,I (lislikë. to tlïink atwill be- corne of it. "I arn a lbusiness mani and I amn proposing to give the people a business adinis±ratïon. Perhaps that is color- less. It doesin't have the glaniou.r of mnanv glittening promises mnade by i-ny opponents, but 1 arn willi.ng to let the voerbe the judge of, its sinceritv." NI Mr. anrid NMrfs. Ciçorge 1H. Rigier., recentlv.r retturned fron a short trip to Iowa Citv., wle.re. thev visited \frs Riger'sparent,,. mtanders, national, state or départ-- ment, and post, in whiclione week has been set aside for eachi particý ular administration named in lhonor of the past national commander in inverse order. Baker Eddy and ail other authorized be read, borrowed or pùirchased at the THE PUBLIC IS CQRDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHIURCH SERVICES AND, VISIT THE READING IROOM t

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