sixLfl,, se, .titmIai t gintin 5fl cs arcOOi listed as .miemibers of the honor so- ciay a..ts tL(joi, 4vLarcn irom a : O .0 Ç The choicest of Blooming SPlantsg-and Cut Flowers, grown in our own green- Shouses-also Easter Cor- sages. We Deliver ciety, whiile, a rnuch larger numnber 1 LU ' uoucio ii in hestudio ot the Art froni the third to. the eighth -grades.!leg n Winta Cmuiv inclusive, *iirnde" the honor roll.. o1 e To e animbe ofth hoor Q- They Nvill explain briefly the wvork' ciet at osep *Sars pupl 1nsclone and outtine the plans, for the next ternim which begins Saturday have an average of "E" (excellent.) mring,, April 2. fornt ail bis s-ects Ony st. There are classes for high school seveth nd ith- graders. arecstudenits. under Mrs. Peyrd, ho eligible. The honor roll list is coli- lltechth rain oth ace andw posed of pupils -%N-ho have a grade ofi "E" ii efort.figure froin the live model. Mrs. johansen and Mrs. Degen- olo uilsar: heiaîis fth iardt will teach the yugr cliiren onrpîs color, drawing anddei. Thir rde rîisc1 lit Colvin, Martha Teecassaehl ~eySt Fisher, Joanne Hiathawavy Caroline Teecassaehl vr-'à--- Johnson, Glenn Andersen, Jimmy Black- i rday, morning in the Studio of the Nell, Louis Brenner, Carol Briggs, Bert league. Anyone interested in having Buehier, Ellen Coale, Muie iig'. ihildreii study art in these classsi Grant, Ellis, Nancy Fox, Frederic KIlI s~ie h latet ted the ner,«. Buddy Streed., Barbara Wakeley. niedbthlag o tedte! Esther Sager, Marilyn Frederick, vii'- lea and( hear about this cours.e of in- gifla'Grahan-, Bob Johnson. Joan Ross. I striuction.L Chuckie Stilînian, Patricia Van Ars-- dale, Suzanne -Wýleese, Charlotte Wilds,j % A.ÀLA.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A Tommy Wright and Kathleen Kelly. Frourth grades - Barbara Buehier.! Wendell Cla rk, Kenneth Crocker,,David' iD aW ker eg Mrh BraBell.S d i aleChaes de La Chapelle,Bet Faulsi4ick, Dorothy Hendrick.Z<>n, Mary ;T1ohn, Connor,. Edward Claffey, Glenn Eggert, Cynthia Fay, Charlotte fiutch. N~o c rr Virg[nia Huck, Nancy McCloud, Robert Mon tanero, Robert Ostermnann, George, Ilbothermel.' Elizabeth. Simion, Ralph F O Starrett, V1.ar1 Toops, NancyWeisaa, .orothy- Wieland, Lois Betty Jordan, I'aul Kelly. Joan Kilner, Isobel Mathie- FR S EG ! YO, ,oMimi Streed, Corine Tortorello and F E H E ! Y I Dick Vanhalanger. ooigegfrEatThnt Fifth grades - Denise Armnstrong. Clrn gsfrEseTo Betty Becker, WVinston Frederick, Suz- guarauted atrictly fresh. Such el anne H-1azelet, Myrtie 1-lloway, Bail chickens that are scientifically raite Barr,. Barbara Burch, Betsy Davis, Jean ~ hyaeIwrl rc hnt Dickerson, Tommy. Elliq, Martha 1Hale-,. nwte r oe nirc ni Dorothy Henderson,, Madeline Jergensen, Bud Stilîman, Bob Landon, Shirley ,Scarrett, John Seerley, Ruth Stree(. . Liittle Swlsa Phyllis Wheelock, Richard Krause, Jack Cruyere Cheese Lawson, Nelson Me-ClI.Ir, Tommie Mert- dith, Jimmy Robertson, 'Elaine Rother- 6 one ounce portionsz mial, Natalie Smith and flalph Starr. -Ail wraimed for in- Genuine F 'Sixth grd ul ,M rurt dividual 25C with tartai Boozer, Hellen Coîgrove, Janet Colvin. ~ I~. lb. ý... Suanne Fisher, Patricia Grover, Luey o 7 I-Iuck, Mary Wolf,, Warren Knauer. __________ Seeley Lo.dwick, Jonathan Noyes, Jame.s Freah Gre Olin, -Betti e Schrei, Ruth 'Sprenger an(la cêç'k sud i June Toops.. olsa Seventh grade-Mary. Barrett, Zo. de Ripe La, Chapelle,, Chanl ene Driver, Edith The luscious, mneaty, Gillett, Arend Knoop, Jane Krause.. variety thàt is sp pigL * ornlia Noyes. Patty Raab, Jeanette goodà foi-9 saonw Robertson, BilliSalisbury, 'Mary Jane îa9Ctiea, lits. Symith and Donald Stilîman. mte ps Eiglith grade - Rtsseli1 Baker,May3fr7eac LMuise Connor, Lucie Dix, Ruth Forster,!i Jeanne Geither, Doris Heaton, Shirley I !~w n.. Armoiar'a .EATS, FISH AND POULTRY Fil1,t of Sole, fry a golden brown and serve arsauce or cole slaw,3 c ýen Shri mp,. one of the finest fish delicacies, use in cocktails or as an entree, 23 amb', forequarter, for -a Mostdeliciona flavor iti Ien on jui c e, 1.75 ,fould's Spagheitti- Macaroni 2for15 M& CSpaghetti Dinner- A Il ready to, heat aiid serve-A liandy ,pacekage .to have on ,.the emer-gency 21C sheif Student nist tor the past semester, ac- cording to a ist as given out by Pres. E. C. Eiliott. * MUrs. John K. Bvrne, 150 Oxford road,-Kenilworth entertained à, four-, so nie at luncheon and bridge, oui Wed- nesdayý, March .23.L This Sale L asts fro m Marck 247-30, 1932 - v ~ v V V ~V ~V ~V V V V V V ~V v v V. V V ~ V V V V V V V v V~ V V V V V~ .West Efnd. Florist PHONE WiLMETTE 1943 'ing to do-ue deliver to yeu 1[THE LOOP TO GLENCOE J'RE SURE 0F GETTING THEM HERE! roU want them an 0w whit, iiform in size and most important of ail eggs can only be produced under the most sanitary conditîons-by ed, scientifically f ed, that's the kind you get here at ail times. Riglit iiey have been for many years. Place your ordeirs now.