Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 12

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E ASTER PLANTS W e carry a fulll une of Lilies, IJya- cinths, Tulips, Rose' Bushes, etc. We, invite -you to visit- our stý)re and. make. a- personal selection, of any plant you desire, Plants are so low priced that you ýwill certainly regret it uf you mhiss this opportunity. Tender,:Green No. 1 Asparagus, large ....... 9 FIoricda More Juice Oranges. 39e sii89c dozu........I 31 sze, 69 C Fresh Artichokes, 2 Texas, Seediess 9 Grapefruit, doze,..4 Strawberry Rhubarb, 19c, Extra F nyWinsa Apples, S 25c Young White Celery, Lun.-ch.. 15. C. dzen ...19 FreslîiSweet Green 29 ILarge Seediess Grape-69 fruit, 4 for 25c; dozen wilI also finie trawberries and rnammy other articles nt sj>eclaii redmlee4l PHONE WILME'ITE 311 gave interesting talks. B. F. jones re- Mart, gaining in volume for the din- Iated his experiences during the World, uer and evening hours. war when lie spent rnuch time wanue- In the large auditorium spring was ing through Russia. C.ý E. Neeld was suggested by the gracefully arranged the other artist who spoke. Mrs. W.. booths and tables decorated in dark ngWich v wnerof inerestin.ra.green with orange scalloped edginig. In- in$Welch ae ane of hier otin d- s.formality and hospitality gave .atmos- Cochran. and Mrs. W. Berschi attended phèée to the Mart as members. and. this meeting. f triends. and otber visitors discovered those whom they knew and stopped. for Seventh district regular, luncheon and f riendly comffment and coniversation. meeting takes place at 12:ý30 on March The stage becanie a garden arranged 30 . at the. Holy : rrinity~ Lutheran for tea under a gay1 marquee with its churcli, 1218 Addison street, ;Chicago.1 trellises,, its little tables with. pink Trowel unit. are. hostesses this, tfme. geraniutns, and its flowers.. Fromn it - and seen in vista, was the gay awning Regular Cook County council' meet- covering- the large ,fiower stand at the in on Apr il1 at the, Great Nôrthern 'end of the, auditoriu-m, ith its color-' hoe.This is the Child Wretf are ful and Âinteresfing club, and commier- monh program. cial displays. Trhe "Cafe de Mart," as the smaller AttendAichievernent. auditorium was named, was the happy mecca for those in search of -lunch- Clubs' Conference c.ons 'and dinners served by club-menx- Both the- Highcrest and Avoca.- ber waitresses at long tables made at- schools were represented at the Cooki tractive with their bowls of spring ebtitity achievement officers' conifere t 6lfowers and set against the colorful lield at Fullerton hall iii the Chicago 1 background the current art exhibit by Art institute Weclnesda-..l'lhe me et-:i'New 'rrier students afforded. ing was attended by officers of the vani-, A fortune teflcr, a grab-bag, the ous county school achievemenit chubsperiod rooms with their beautiful and and by the upper grade teachers. i \valuable antiques gathered from Wil-: Phyllis Scherer, presidenit, Iorothy mette homes and with those in charge Dittmar, secretary, and Evelyn Borre, in. quaint gowns of by-gone days, pro- treasurer of the Highicrest Achieve- voked further interest f rom the throng. ment club, and L. Raymuts Murphy,! A" fashion show, not of modern modes,' principal, represented the. Highcrest Iý but of. those of many, many years ago, school. Avoca wvas represented by Bill, vas picturesquely staged by club mem- Anhalt, president of the. school's bers and, daughters, and included un- Achieveinent club.,-Mariati Kartssécre- usuial inodels of truly "early American" Cmbo «jngtette>. and eighth grade rooni wvas dismissed \M'e'nesday because of the conference. The samne procedure. applied . to the fupper grade room at the Avoca school. In connection with the conferenceý the finals of >the counlty declamatory and healthi poster .contests were held. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES 'Realitv" wiIl be the subject at the services in First Church (-,f Christ, Scientist, in Wilnette Svin<av on With the mart over, the miaj or ac- tivities of the ways and means commit- tee to raise maoney for the Womnan's club of Wilmette building f und thi.s season corne to an end. Mrs., Luther W. Benson is chairman of the wvays and means. Mr&~ Clif ton I.. Darling was head of the Mart. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Virginia Let Brock. daughter of Mr. P1a Carita Salon In Rear ofW ,R' Drug Store ,417 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 4501 Golf witkQut ass essments, ai an exclusive North Shore private club may b. had ai ibis mod.rate fixed cost for the. season wifhoul *ny restriction in privileges. On. of the menibersbip cZommifte. wiIl cai on r.qust. WiIm.tfe hfeA-176 ýf' w- I + i

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