Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 13

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performance is expected. iTne pres; w\ilU e servei. iTne entire purpose o entation is sponsored by the. United the affair is to promote sociabilit>y Spanish \Var Veteranis, Evanston aanon- members and niew members. :1 Camp, No. 57, as a part of the north MNrs. F. E. Meter is chairman of thée shore participation in the observance arrang.ements 7comrmittee, assisted by oi the George Washington bicenten- Mrs. A. F. May. Affairs of this kind niai. gilvenl previously. have proved very suc- T'e film is produced by Eastian- cessful, it. is, ann0unced. TIeachinlg FilIms, Inc., with the appro- 'he floig meso h o val andcooperation of the bicenteni- çiety who are assistiiig.are: Mesdames niaI commission. Histôrians -,Who are Ijohin Fischer, j J.. Weber, H. C. Ledig, authorities on George 'Vashington A. E._ MeDaiels. WX. R . Barron, G. have àided ini the preparation of the \V. May.hercyv. F. Krammen . B.J. scenario and leading dramnatists have 1He. J . -af .M.P4Bre assisted in the production. Man3ý of H. llerrmnannl. and the' Misses A. l the, scelles have been filnied in locali. Biratigain and ,R_. Koehde.. ties whert the ori.,.ginal action tooki Officers 'to lie instaleéd for, the, sea- place, among thein Frederickshurg 1 son of 1932 are as follows-: Mrs' John and Philadelphia. Othier pictures liae' Fischer,. presidel't, M\rs. J. J. Weber, been mnade 'at Mt. Vernioti, the fir-st vice-president: Mrs. H. C.Ldg tinie,' it_ is said, that this niational secretarN ; 'Mrs. A. E. McDaniels, shrine. las beenl openledl to the ino- treasurer; Mrs. F. A. Meter and Mrs.' tion picture cailera n il. 'u cu A. 'M. M0ay, arrangement committee; ra~-ofÉstme, ies sttns.an rs. G. W.Mayhercy, sick commit- properties lias been assuredh e tee. Mrs. J. McDéaniels and Mrs. W sea-ch conducted I1w lt Rcnmsso . lBarrii, custodian. anid the producers. George Washington himiseli j-,! Wins Lieutenant Rank strikingly portrayed by Ellsworth atSJhnsSho Xod.an, experienced actor and a ,a t onsSho descendant of a colonial officer. Miss Charles R. Ford, 427 Central aVe- Fanny Washington, a direct descen-ne, inetreivdhsc - dlant of 'the original Washington fani- mission as a second lieutenant in' the ily, plays the part of Washington's corps of cadets at St. Johns Military niother. The cast is augmented 1,, academy, Delafield, Xis., Friday, iniits of the U. S. Army. ' February -96. Heelias been trans- ferred to Co.mpany "D" f rom Coni- GIVE SPRNG BOK TLKS pany "A," in which he held the rank GIVE SPRNe BOK TLK of, first sergeant. Ford, who is now M.!iss Irma Dupre is comtnenciig. the in his foutrtb year at the academy, or Kolinsky. Prices b.gin $3950 ut- Hais, md'Accessories fo complets. the Costume N.A. HANNA, INC. 952 Spanish Court Wilmttq467 Iast sprîng, aa wil-undoi publication. The reviews ýwill -be giveni a member >of that organization apain, eac Thrsdy norning at 10 :30 o*clock' this vear. The crew was undefeated fdomi Mardi 3-May 5, at the Georgian diring. the 1931 season. hotel in EvNanston. ONP. T. A. PROGRAMý WIN CAETL On Friday afternoon of Ilast ,week The bovs' basketball team of the <urng, the musicale given as patrt of .Highicrest' school defeated thé College the prog!7am given for thé St. Francis Hill School, 11 to 9, last Friday. The Parent-Teacher association, Eugeni4 --aie xwas plaved in the gymnasium of1 Sherry playe AdrtiQll" by Borow- the Cleveland school in Nules Center. skyv. 4EXPERUENCE FOR E<ONOMY In your Spr.ng Rug Cleanîing and Repairing, you wiIfm nd THE ROYAL TAILORS IN~ 1641 ORRINOTON AVENUE EVANSTON Open TuesdaiyThursdaySaturdaiy Eves. ~'c. 11I07 Greenleaf Avenue, Wilmette I. 1*I** Élie: Wil l iscuss, chiefll bok$,s of. 1932

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