runnïng continuously ail day. The Chicago company will provid( i te mornng, back and forth Water Transit service from Ridge and Lake Aves. reurn to Mrs. going back to New Y orkc. --o-- Mary, dauglhter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Huck, entertained tmelve friends at a luncheon ont Saturday at lier hiomne, 605, Essex:road, Keniil- wortli. M\rs., Raymbind Roth of the Ken- ilwortb Inni was ýho5tess, to the mcm- bers of lier bridge iclub at luncheon on Monday of this ek Phone Wilmette 316, chestra. Corne be charged..Mus- ider and bis or- enjôy yourself! It was amnouniced at the last meet- ing that an "Old Fasbioned Dance?' wili. be 1 eld at North. Chicago hos- pital on. April 18. Waltzes and two-, steps ivili be feature.d. The Seventh district of the Ane.r- ican Legion auxiliary will hold its, regular business meeting on Wednes- day, Marcb 30, at the, Holy Trinity Lutheran church, 1218-Addison street, Chicago" M *rs. Peter Gebel, Seventh district director, troivel untit, is hostess. for the -day, and Mrs. Marcia Raber, president of the Cook County coun- cil, W'ill. be gùest of ho .nor. Luncheon will' be served at 12 :30 océlock. Pers.ons. desiring luncheon reserva- tions are asked to, cahl7 Mrs. Helen Fi.scher, Wilmette 3457. W ilder. i:nere wïII De onl ix lctre thi s spring as an introduction. to the subi ect ini order that' it -may have . its place f roui the beginnings in the activi- ties of the studio. The lectures will discuss the nature and aims of ýart, and the scope and ideals of criticis *ni,' with reference to ancient and modern art. ýThev ,vil sometirnes- be illustrated and will include discussions' and suggestions for read- ifig an.d study., Mrs. Wilder bas s{ ý_cialized in the study-of aesthetics in -relation to the history of art at .Smith college and ini Europe. This is a significant example. (if. the aim of the North Shore Art league to develop an1 art center arotind wvhich the artistic, hf e ofý the suburbs mlay circle. Aniyonle interested' is in- vite(l by the league to, attend the first meeting of the. class, which will be held Tilesdav. Mfarch 29, at 3 o'clock, ini the studio at Winnetka Cc, mmunity, homse. Mir. and XMrs. rEdward Potthiolî oi ICliampaign, 111. announice the birtil On Thursday, NkMarch .24, Mfrs. 1 of a son. Thnrsday, March 17. 'Fich \Vissman, the Seventh District Re- h aby blas been namied. Richard F-redl- habilitation chairman, is asking niemi- erick. 'Mrs. Potthoff is the daughiter bers to distribute cigarettesl to the of Mm.r and Mrg. Clarence E. Dravý'er patients in the veteràns' hospitals at, of 1034 Elmwood avenue, N\ilxiette., North: Chicg n tGra ,ks Mrs., Drayer is now in Chanmpa igt wibthe Potth.offs On1 Monday,' February 29, a son, Ai- -o0 Iani Fletchier Mamshi, Jr., wvas bonri at Jean: Marx, 522 Essex oad, Ken- the Evanston hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ilwortb, entertainied tbe Keni.lw~orth Allan Fletcher Marsh, 645 HfilI oad, Riding* club at tea on Sundayv even- Winnetka. . iug Economy is the, Orde.r of the, Dayý A IGVAUE Eeononi'y A11-Prest, 10 pounds .$10 5 Ibs. apparel, 5 lbs. flatwork. Minimum charge $1.50 Additional flatwork, IOc-Wearing appaftl, 20e for shirf s, wchicb are beautifullv starched atid hand, 1150 Central Aven.u.e inished. lrgrat XNnrtIern r. Iaîn r~ Phone' Wilnmette 704 or 3710 CARPENTER, BUILDER ND. JOBBER WLiLIAM E. W"ILON Stormn sahes, acreen work, porches,, garages, roofing aitera- tions, repira, cernent work. Phone Keiill*orth 1140 SNIDERmCAZE DRUG -COUPA"Y Ser-viàg North -Shore Residejuts for, more than 28 yeors Wilmette and Central1 Aves., Phones: Wil. 400.401 Free Delivery in Wilmette ansd Kenilwo,'th Open Sundays untill10 P. M. RIDR-ÀVENUE PHKAMACY A4ffiiaed with Sider-Cazel Drtug Co.-J. B. Seyler, Mgr. No extra charge llý