'OUi 1" PLATFORM: No- Cancellation of War-ýDébts Due Amen.ca. Limitation of Armament Throughout the Worl., Etonomy-Peace-ModifC'ation. E conomy in Ail Affairs of. Govern- -ment. Peace by Arbitration-FriendlyWith Ail' Nations - Entangling Alliances With None. Modification of 1lth Amendment. Illinois farni. A r<iiet of Wh neU ixteipn ea rs ctve. Ilir4iv1f. ALL PULLMAN NON -STOP' min MIDNIGHT SPECIAL The book, "Good' Earth," write' or the 'Tle irst matches are schedulled for - .omparatively small publication of the 10 o'clock, Saturday montiing, when the rGirl Scouts ? fer answer to the in.- boys. under 16 w~ill get under way. The Vitation of Miss Margaret Mochrie, boys' 'tournainent is to be split so that the editor, gives the answer and also5 the youniger onles will have a chance the ue t herown harater. to play in their ov age class. Bill -1 shaI. be glad to try, a story for Cn fW'ilmette is the outstaniding Our magazine, " Mrs. Buck wrote, 'favorite, but Tommy Nelson of Highi- simply and humbly. "I have lot, had .land Park. who met Billy in the finals muh xprlnc1n7un1e ition, o 1 the Suburban, ma%- gîve himr quite -an but I arn interested in girls."' argument And because she is Interesed in, t :15 i i the afternoon the fair girsshe~vs bletocrateth 'ex swving irnto, action headed by Mrs. cuaracter of Lan Ying inMT*!he Good Stockebraiîd- and Miss Herr vhô :have ;River" in the March issue of -the hecu cortng npn on1ora .Xmricn irl ients ior sonie titne. Mýlrs. .Reiser of. Mrs. Bùck'is a peculiarly important .Ravinia, Mrs. Foley and Mrs; Athony, writer *jul'st noi, bec ause, as the, of, Wimîietka, ýas ivelI as Mrs. Kitter- daught.er Of an. American missionary' master anîd Mrs. Hanimond of Highland andwife of 'a professor iin Nanking, Park, are figuired. to be- among, those she knows Chiina as very few foreigni- jî)resenttowards fthe end of the tourna- ers knoiv it. And as a novelist with nt th kenisit and imaginative force M'In WIII Play at 2:1.5 of lier kind she cah brinigto life for At -1) h ie ilsar lyn 'occidentals these inhiabitatits- of. the lie first round of singles and wvhile t d oriental empire whose troubles'j Colemnat Clark, esterni chamnpion, wi.I %4 ith their neig4hbors -are fl' W11? be the top1-lieavv -favorite thiere' are, a setting the civilized earth. There is mnrner who sh'ould prov-ide sone, eti- iio greater force for peace', nmost tertainnient for hi'm. s-tatesmen vl tell you, than an un- Jawrence Scudde 1r of Lake. Forest dersta'nding of one's neighibor's pintk- thehest enitry f roinithat town.i. DA. of-1view. M\rs. Buck gives that oi th'Ktterlaster. Highland . Park chaim ip, inani-ini-fhe-street or 'on-the-farm , au Rbet . lak.r1.e-u?'orth China. thus helping' tô forge anothler! iunkiiithe hai of ndestaningpast tvo, years iii the North Shore, -b~at somnetimie perhiaps im uite the Iodsupvtelaigc ptiii Lpeoples of thi1s' globe. GI rolé ethateno. tu, ntuu.hn Another such link, as ev-eryone ad- (eiceeehaeootrenrha Coýlemiaii Clark. so iv- pass on to 'iî iniits.'no.w, is the Girl Scout movemenit ç fwhich iin America cmnr oae its 'uuetka here Ralph Foley1 has been mak- ternatonal rlatios durig tue n nîg pong players ish the\- had n'm9'th of'Nlarch.' In this ,saine issue 4ae hîe iOf thé Anerican Girl 'the Finuis and' imte~paso tr thé Letts, the Czecho-Slvk adte Wilinettc vill depend on 'Ha'r\e, Canadians, ail members of the moe u>îsi' FeîdihaiBlvCny m nent which now includes thirty£oun- t ing home thehors tries, 'exchange iiews and pictures lvito as' etterc(l a l.arge number 'wîth their Aincirican sisters. And 4) crack pIaMe1rs including Oliv-er Jalin, Ane ' Green, the wty eî ovi otwsteriiu uiversitý, and 1,vanston feels to, grow up- in Paris., vhij.e 'chainlpioù, Fred Stone. rumer-up1 to Eunice Tietjens describes life ini the J;ibi.. George Little, member o>f the ShS ea.' ' Iiiter*fràterniitv club team nd ruiiner- TRANSLAE1' )Pini>the Sul)urbaui. TRANSLATbyCAR MEN .'ttractive prizes k> the inner'sand A tanlatonbyjohn Gaswrth Irller-11p il' eech (liv-ision 'will 'be.. and( his wif e of the libretto for BIýzet's awarded. ûpera, 'amn'will_ be publishied ni 'Entries. togeIther witlh entry fees, Latest Paris SyeI.1iltoYif ea.BABY IBONNETS AH ho-ad gRIms.an ALTO N PETER VAN, BREE Il DRSEJ * 318% Century BIdg. Prices Most Reasonable 202S.Stae t. Chicg SPURLOCK HAT SHOP' 7'19__ Verinon Ave. Glenecoe 1973 a~u