Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 24

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Brilliant'V ictories. in Recent Contests A mile medley relay team coin- posed of Quinlan, ýWariger, Newton, and P 'avlicek ran away with the high school relay at" the Bankers meet' l1ast Fniday at the 124tb armory. Maine of Des Plaines came in. sec- ond about 30 yards behind the Gray- Green team wbose winning time was 3 :4M,. The race was nieyer in doubt afteIr Pavlicek took, thebaton, the rest, of the team having piled up a substanial lead. Quinlan, lead-off. man, ran a :52, quarter mile which was followed ýby two :24 furlongs l>y Waniger and Newton. The New Trier Juniiors defeated LaGrange and 'University High last Friday afternoon in a triangular meet in. the New, Trier Field H ouse. Thirty-nline and one baîfpoints.were piled u p by the Gray-Green aggrega- tion, while LaGrange gathered 19½' ~for second, and University picked l 16 nmarkers To corne in third. Cordon of LaGrange wvas the in- dividual star, collecting 121', points of the 192 earned by his squa d. He won the l0W burdles, tied for first in bigh juin' placed second in the, pole vault,.and:ran on the relay teami whicb, placed tliird. The New T rier points,'- were eve nly' divided, no one gettilpg moretha n 5. -Four iiew inen,' Brown, Varney' Nanzig, and Muhilkêè * -the hast tbree are freshinan-were« uncovered in this meet. They won1 the relay in impressive style, while 'Brown placed second in the 50-yardi dash.1 The' New Trierities took three1 firsts and one tie for first.. Faymon- ville won the shot put, Kingsley placed-fiÈe--ili the pohe Nvault,. .Boheni- sen hopped bis wAy inlto the tie i. the bigh jump, and tbe relay ýteam outran the opposition. 660-yd. run--Won by Tryon '(Tit); §ny-t der (NT) second; Hess (NT) third;- Enianuel (La) fourth., Time-1 :39.li 50-yd, 10w hurdles--Won by Gordon (La> ; Maxwell (NT) second; Martin *(NT) third; Tryon (Uri) fourthi. -Time- :07.0.- by, Sobho more Girls An assembly of ail the sophomore girls was held in the auditorium, Fni- day, March 18, during advisor period. A play, "Six Who Passed While the Lentils Boil," by Stuart Walker was, presented by a cast made. up' entirelfy of sophomore girls. This system wvas organized at 'the request of the girls, as- they, said* there was nlot, much chance for girls to make the big pro-' ductions sponsored by the, Dramatic club. As the faculty coaching staff does.fpot have time to coach any more dramatic productions, students, have volunteered to :perform this work. For this play, Bob Merriman and Clara Orvis. coached. with Florence, Carey of the properties crew assisting. MNiss St anwood was at band with sugges- tions, whenever* she was needed. 'Violet Lance gave the prolog. The cast. conisisted, of: device bearer, Nora Hagadorn,; boy, Aune Lupean; qucen,. Dorotby Shields; mime, Betty. Halli- day;I milkmaid, Louise Varney; blind man, 'Marie Dodds, bal'lad singer, Geraldine Sprague, and hierdsman, Carolyn Weller. New Trier to Feature .,Dance Recital April 71, At last the date for the dance re- citaI, towards which the girls in Miss> Smitb's classes have been working, has been set as April 7. It will be held in the auditorium as an invitational affair, ail those who are really in- terested being cordially iuvited. .The program bias been carefully worked by the students who, headed' by Agnes Fraser, have also designed the costumes. Twenty-nine girls willi ta.ke part in the eighit numbers, which( will include lyrical, cômedy, and dramatic interpretations. Amoug those( numbers will be "The Kiug's Break- fast" by Mlihe, readby. Sally Romnig, and initerpreted by the dancers.-Miss H4ubsch will be. the accompanist for the dancers. Echoes Group Pictures tBe Taken I., The Fourth Annual Spring Frolic will be held Friday, April 8. Start your vacation right 'by at- tending; you won't regre-it. Mrs. Paul Gilbert ýSings at German Club Session Vie German, club, sponsored by, Miss E. Karst~, met in the. Girl's club room on the afternoon 'of Marcli.9, for ai! unusua lly' fine prograni. Ail, those present enjoyed the singing of Mrs. Paul Gilbert, of Kenilworth, guest artist for the meeting. Mrs. Gilbert, a true m.u.siiaxi, iinterpreted througli her, lovely voice songs o 'f Brahms, .Schumann, and 'Mozart. Mis§ Mickey, in the role of accomn- panist, gave a distinctive I)erforill- ance. The singer wvas pressed. for an encore, to, which shue consented, and ail ivere 'very genierouis in -their ex- pressions of gratitude and apprecia- fjon for Mrs. Gilb)ert'.skind, appear'- ance on their programi. There was also a display of d e- cided talent' aniong the,-neiiilers of the club. Jacinta Kamplmeierplayed a violin solo, acconlpipaied by Vir- ginia Lang, -Who rendered two very lovely piano solos.,. During the business inceting it waý 1 voted to invest $25 in tax anticipa- tion warrant s. Critic Warmly Lauds Frosh-Sopbh Dramas The freshnian-sophomore plays that ivere given in the auditorium last Sat-1 ur.day evening proved to be excellent entertainment. How that dumb wif e,,Alice Ebeling, could talk! And o-o-o-hw, Whàt a'bene- fit to niankinci was that great, doctor,- Ted Hosking! We hope that Bob Guthrie i over the effect of* bis. co- pliosis.' "The Gbost Story" was a bit spookçy and ought to have been a good warn- ing to some y-oung Romneos. even though this is leap year. However, El-t Wood Glass did well enoughi for bis. firsi Is Made SoIely by Student. Vote On Wednesday -and Thursday of this week, the: boys advisory groups discussed and voted on the recipient of the Tri-Ship award 'for this Year. The Tri-iShip award is. unique., As far as we know it is 'the only bonor- ary award of its kind Made' by Stu- dents of a bigh schQol *ithout fa- culty supervision. Thenature of :thi.s award is two- fold. First, there is the satisfaction of achieving the highest possible honor for.a New Trier boy.. eSecond, there is a cup that goes to, thie vin- ner -as his permanent possession. anid a name plate is added to the plaqune in the. club room. In the selection, ail the possiil- ities are. discussed. and voted upon in the advisor roorns. The list of. namfes is t urned. in to a cominittee who sort them over picking ont the* most frequently appearing naines. The advisor rooms again vote on a ballot containing, the selectced iew.v The result of thisballot is îlot an-, nounced until the award is m'ade.ý In mak-ing. this choice, the'tliree essentials of *theTri-Ship Club, pro- gram- are kept in. min(I: ctznh sportsmanship, and. fellowislipl. Last year Guy Robb ins won the awardl: the year before, George Eatonii; and the first year, John Borncamnp. The 'committee in charge oi selec'- tion consists. of John Balleniger',Bo Seiler, Stanton Sch'uman, ,Charles Dostal, and Phil' Ogan. Many Cheer Finlayson 's Gallant Fight for Health Many inquiries have been nmade. about the condition of Coke Finlav.. son, wvho is1 in the hospita1 rec uperat- ing from an accident in whichli he vas injured during mid-semiester vacationï., We have been told by .go.od authorityý t-hat he hiad a very serious set-back recently, but is recovering once again in a slow, but steady way. Of course, piaiut -I *1%*mu .l V l.. I.. i iiic t -) i e s i s t se 'I me actv ere .' .r.s . V. AZ~JI~ i ne LIIV , C aL Uy She hopes to be back next wee'k to who bas the largest vàriety of United the' Echoes pictures 'are taken.' The If the French club meeting for settie severai problems of scholarship States'stamps iu his album; who bas club adjourned at 3 :30 o'cIock. March is not a success,' it will be no applications and T. N. T. elections. the largest collection of aIl countries fatilt of Miss Donham. She bias She has been following the progress and who the greatest number of coun- SEE PUN4CH AND JUDY thougit 'up the novel idea of. siuging of the Newv Trierites through the tries represented iu bis album. At a recent meeting of the Gave] French songs. They are, popular News Notes and through frequent re- This souinds. like a very interestiug club the members were regaled with songs, too; not classical. This idea ports of ber callers and wili be .as proiect and the reports to be given a performance of Punch and Judy. should prove very popular and .shouid glad to get back as we ýshall be to at the next meeting are beinglooked Their eutertainment was provided by give' somne. very informai jollity T set her. forward to witb pleasure.. Billy Katz and Théodore Robertsou.Ithe mneetiings.. -I

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