Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 25

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ginia auçConneu, Jeromne 5trats, Virginia Loth, Barbara Clark. NOW'S' THE TIME TO BUY ýVe rellfiarnding ways e of sen- We, crey are qu.itecle way f-senl, ing money. But, you müst admit. yout get your mntey's worth an(l then somne. ,By the way, 1if you SIl want to invest somne money we'1l SOIl y - arait -gratefully. Here's an, investnient thlat's v'er% Nworth wvhile. Yes, you'vc, guessed it -The Echoes. Cap you think.of a. sch0 0l year en(ling, especially such an exciting one, Nvithout, an, 1cost recali i.t? * Tlî.ere's. no, depression ini schoý-ol s pirit.> We've stili Thle New Trier spirit and let's show it hv h)oo>tin>g- *The Echoes.. Wýe've donc it be- fore kand wve'll do it aga.. IHere and ThereI I)ick " si Say. dad. have u SoUle -rkvodlike nie to. (10?" Mr, joslin (ov-ercomie) \h- I)ielk 'lThen would vou lle to pUt! nie on the dole.1' Isoar(l iotor boat "I-lorses*'Eniriglît: I' wijth atlete's plt !" is anl out- a now.boat Nik"Borillo sits Ilext to Ie. 11 stucdv hall. The' other day lie wvas iuniblintg witli a coin, so 1 asked imi what lie was doinig. He answxered, "If it's hedl'Il wri1te a letter;, if it's tails, l'Il read a magazine; if it stands e1 - e(Ige l'il do- my English: if it- doesni't core doNvu at aIl .1'11. do Ray Kinîble "How%, would yoçu'like to be up there in> thbat :îcw mono-ý planle - arry Gilogly: "I'd rather be up tiiere ini it than not Ini it." Omar was taking à trot across. the desert whIeni is beast stalled on himl. XXei'~sighed Omar, "here's -where 1 wval, .a mile for a camnel."- or on the beach. Mr. Pifer discussed the' Williams Lite rary contest and explained the various divisions. Al mneiniers w-,ere encouraged, to submait entries. Intramu ral Sp orts * Ti'ack, The finals iii the relays wreoff last week. The' best performance was turned ini by the seniors'of 'Rei- ley's advisor. roomn, running the shut- tie relay ini :25.8. Funkhouser's Seniors defeated Jones.' juniors 'n the one-lap e .vent. Reiley's .room again came to the. front ini defeating Per*silig's freshmen ini the, two-lap race.In, the three-lap ev ent Reamn defeated Oaks. This winds up a very successful year for these, relays. The swimming season' got under wav las t wee~k with four rneets. In thbe freslhnien class division Qaton easily defeated Carpenter, 7 to 2. Brown defeated Duckles, 8 to 1 ; Condon's juniors won 1f rom Chlri 1sfensen, 7 to 2; and 'Funiklousger's seniors defeated Arami, 8 to'1. Ping-pong Thlis is the last wveek in- hiht6 lay the first and second rounds. Basketball" Uýp to last M-vonday only one class chamipionship. had- been decided- Edwards' in the senior lightweight division. Withi six games being play- ed every afternoon, the remainder wil be decided within the next week. Free Throwing Entries wvere -sent-out this week for the annual tourney. The.cham- pionship' will be decided on the basis ofý twenty-five shots, per mani, Medals will be awarded to the winner and runner-up in thec inter-class chamn- pionship, and ribbons to the class, champs., cnosen sport. .The resuits of the games follow: March '9-favid B over Bredin B, 26-6; Waltz B over Thorne B, 4-3; L. Hamiilton A over. Hall A, 18-16; Bredin A. over Walker A, '22-2; Walker B over L. Hamilton B, 39-8; .Waltz A over Thorne A, 3-22. SMarch 11-Brady 4A overDavid A, 8-7; Bredin A, over .L.. Hamilton, A, 33- 15;, David A over Waltz A, 26-25; Walker-B overBrady 1,>21-8. ýMaréh- 14-Sentney Aý over Hamil- ton A, 32-14; Sentney B over Mun- del, 17-2; HanmiltonB. over Payton, 38.29; Cook oveër---Burchard,, 35-18; Breidenbach over Paul, 26m-5, Marchi 15-Donham over Hadde, 46-26; Moschel over Mfurphy, 31-30; Evans over Wilson, 52-15. IM;rch 16-Wehr over.Cole., 35-34; Karst.. over Walkup, .23-20; Fulton. over Banker, 48-12., \Iarch'17-Hall A ovýer Walke- A, 29-16; Brady B.over Bredin B, 16-13; Bredin A over Thorne A, 27-18 Waltz B ove .r L. Hamilton B, 18-6; Walker B over Thorne A, 16-5. MIarch 18-Waltz A over Walker A, 24-9'; Bredin B over L,. Hamilton B, 38-30; David A over Hall A, 18-10;. David B over Waltz B, 8"6; Brady A over L. Hamilton A, 11-9; Waltz A over Walker A, 24-.9. SThe referees, aIl of whoni seemed to enjoy the games -as much as the players cid, were Betty Weston, Doro-, thy \Tollman, Lauretta Anderson, Jane Erickson, Mary Lauer, Jane Moore, Prances Ellis, Jane Waidner, Lois Tucker, 1-elen Shepard, Jane Gourlay, Florence Sellery,, MurfIl"aters, Olive Brower, -ne ?etr-ie, Jane Hor- ton, Jeanne Stout, Jean Weber, Pris- cilla Wheelock, Virginia Smith, Mar- garet Ebeling, Jane Knowles, and Edith ,Hirsch. Tryouts Are Being HeId for Class Swim Teamn Tryouts are now being held for the class swimmning teams, on both Tues- Cday and Friday. Girls tried to qualify ini, the 20-yard crawl and side stroke for form. Altogether, twenty-seven passed. thé crawl test (20 yards-13 11627 Sherman Ave. DAVIS 2400 Do You- Beliýe Signea of psp.rity ? Signe that Signe that care 13- needed for that falling, haiir and'to stimu- late that scalp to a new crop. Havé a acientific massageaid Le conviâced. Cali: Madame Marguerite,.for an~appoifttment. Winnetka 1121. Go*ing Of f usness Only a Short Turne Left, To Buy at These Prices Here are a few of the. amaz- ing values sf111 availabi.- Hundreds of beautiful Kanne and Besant Period Designed Lamps and Shuds. In Pewtfer, Toip and Bronze. 50% to 60% off. You wilI be amuazed ut their beatfy and pries. Every customi-made piece of Furni- ture on the floor is belng, sacrificed S..e these Bargains of Decorators' Pieces. Regular $125.00 Club Chair. Down seat and back, covered in rust Fr$54.50 Special at ....... 4 G r een and ftun Tapestry Wing Chair. Down cushion, b.uautiful chair thai sold $5 5 for $105.00. Now,.5 .5 I football it's grit; In spihiach it's' terrible. "Get ready to die. 1 angoing to' Shoot .ý,ou2' 1I always said I'd.shoot anyone.that, looked - like me.'7 Miss Wilson :. -Whiat. di'd you study gregational cnurch, naster Siiday about ?" morning. Thie group of thirty 'girls,. Jane Lundahl: "AÀbout the social under the direction of Mrs. Marion custois ; it was crazy. - Cotton, and accompanied by Miss Miss Wilson: "And what did you Winifred Mickey >and inenibers of study about, Harmiona?"'thie.school orchestra, will sing .'The Harmoia' Clark:' "About the black Lord *is My Shepherd,".by Peter plague; it 'wâs killing."' Christian Lutkin. 1522 Sherman Avenu. Evansfon i Block South of Fountain Square Open Saturday Evesings

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