Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 1

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Cash Coming In to Keep Newý Triert High Sebool Opený Until End of Term Cash began coming ini at New Trier High school this week' as a result of the studcnts' sUccessful cannpaign ,tc seli cnough tax, anticipation warrants to keep the, school opent for the re- niainder of thc present, term. AI- though the campaign closed% officially last -weck, pledge.s arc -stili being ac- ccpted. New Trier students took the initia- tive in inauigurating an intensive tax warrant selling camipaign when the board of education of ithe school an- nounced carly this nionth that because of, lackof f unds with which to oper- 4e,. a condition resultinjg f rom. the miuddled tax situation ini Cook couinty, the school would have to close its dloors April 1. The students' efforts wcrc so- suc- cessful. that the New Trier board of 'ecducation ainounced last w.eek that the school wouId continue to operate until, Jüne. *Howvcver, therc are no inunedi- Rte prospects of rcopcning ini the faîl. $120,000 Pledged About $120,00 of th'e $160,000 liecd- cd to ke ep the. highi school open for the reniainder of the present term was subscribed as a resuit of the student drive. The students themnsclvcs raised about $75,000, nmany of thetu purchas' ing warrants with monley in their own savings accounits. The faculty pledgcd. about $40,00, and the school janitors and other emnploy-ets .boughit about five thousand dollars' orth of.'.the .war- ranits. Amounits yet due the. high school frorn the various villages-ii their tax anticipation warrant drives will bring the total to $160,0O or above, insuring' continuance of- the schooi for the re- mnainder of the present tcrm. Partly because of their efforts to keep the school open New Trier stu- dents will be given a haif holiday Frim- 'day af ternooni of, this: week. The Parent-Teacher association of the Hfighcrcst school will give a diii- ner ini the school auditorium Sunday evcning, Api'il 3, at 6 o'clock. Enter- tainment will be provided, it is an- nounced. Reservations may be. made by telephoning1Mrs. Etta Reagan, Wil- mette. 2275. Wanted: Jobs for Jobless Edtrs l'Ote: WILMETrE LIFra18, happyr to~uIs the attached mes- sàge to Kenilworth househoiders ln the interest of securing jobs. for un- einpioyed workers ln the village. To, Kenilworth citizens: * Thé unemployed ini Kenilworth f want. work,, flot charity. .Some of us would like to pass along our ex- i erience as a suggestion to others * Oie instanceë: Having a littie plumb- ing job, we lQokcd around to sec if wc could find enough work to miake it worth . while to give it to an un- crnployed, workman. * W c d i d. *Through'Village Manager .F. L Streed our want w~as trasmitted to, an uncmployed workmanl who had Iisted his nanie with the Village Un- e.mploynient bureau. The work donc ivas first class. We feel sure that tiiere are other Kcnilworth home owners who could ".dig. uip" sonne work that may flot bc urgent right niow, but ' could bc donc. to help the i)rescnt situation. Télephone Mr. Strecd at the Vil-, lage office-and ask for the kind of help you wvantl I We rccomntend that tcrms bc agrecd on before the worl is donc, esnecially if it is work that youi arc. findig just to givc emà, ploynient. Ii this mianner you hielp the dcscrving unemploycd, and hclp * vourséif. There ought to bc a spirit. of miutual hipfuiltess in, this tinte of stress. *The motive of this letter is' not to lower wagc scales, but tofEnd work for the unemployed who arc willing to work. Look around fr. some. odd jobs, such as carpenteriu g, wvood to he sawed, basemnents to,.be cleaned,, etc.! *-A Kenlilworth Citizen. ,Spring Vacation Starts in Wilmette on April 8 Spring vacation ini the Wilmettc pub- . ..w ..... .. .. Keecreat Society $ 330 FOR "Pioneer Meal" W( Increase. hrt Cont mette Homes HUNGRY iorkers Report Steady, itributions Prom WiI- By Rebecca Fitch 'More than $330 was coliected, in Xilmtte last weck for the "ine Meal" fund, according to the report by Miss. Bctsy Shapkcr, chairmnan of thc, "Pioncer Meal"ý pro ect in Wi- mette. Miss Shiapker, the precinct captains and the blockcqllectors ail feel very .proud of, this aniount, because: such a. suni, hile . still not large in pro- portion to the -population of Wil- mette, shows that more people than in the précvious weeks of, collecting are rcsponding to theappeal to hclp kcep nearly a. half million people of Cook county from. starvation. In spite of the very lheavy stio%%fall on Mondây six 130V Scouts arrived1 at the Village hall after school and were assigncd blocks, for collccting. On iiéxt Mônday at 3 :30 miore. Boy Scouts will meet and he assigned, blocks for collccting, which they. will do cvery Monday unti tuieý projeet ends. The Boy Scouts whvli hve already, begun working are: Hall. Clark, aàs- sisting in Precinct 1; Howard Mould- ing, jack Jacobi and Van McQuide' assigned to Precinct 2; Herbert *Meyer and Ravuond Peterson, as- sisting in Precinct 8. Suggestions to Ilite lhose\vife fo r *well-balanced "Pioncer ,M\eals" are: Clin chowder Lcottuce and tomato saiad Bread -pudding or a dinnier consisting Of Spanish rice A-ppie and carrot saiad Butterscotch pudding Coffee Janie Bisbee is convalcscing froin ý the ineasles at hier home, 323 .Cum- nior road, Kciîwlorth.. ifi rst carefully reading the, many Iadvertisements in'this paper be- fore completing your Easter shop- oang -I. BULK 0F TAXE4S STAY AT HOME Wilmette Committee Points Out That 70 Percent of Tax Remain n illage Editor's Note: Thiis article in pub-ý Ilshed for the wilmnette cominittee ef Publie Safety which'ls now engagadIin the sale of tax anticipation, warranta to vIllagers for the purposeof obtaining sufficipnt -funds to insure unlnterrupted 1o1)erat ion of th ,eVillage governMent, Wiimnette grade schools aid. New Trier Highl school. Members of the Wilnicttc Coni- mitée of Public Safety, report that the Village and *grade schools are Still far from havinig sufficient funds p ledgéd'to meet their requirements for the ne xt threc mnonths. New Trier Ijigh-school gives assurance of keep- ing opeit oni3ý_bcause it anticipates the amouint it still needs above its pledgçs will be raised by the canvass of the taxpayers niow in progrcss. Encouater Oppositioni Members of the' coinmnittée seck- ing finanicial aid for the Village and the schools in their présent emer- gency are encountering some expres- sions of disrcspect for government- a rébellion in spirit with no remedy. offered. This spirit manifests itself iii a refuisaI to pay a, tax needed to support the schools anid the police and fire departmefit and other Village services. Voters may revenge themnselves on the state. couintv, and sanitary dis. tr ict officiais. on April 12, by voting for good candidates on their party ticket., Closinig thc schools, the police and fire departmnents and, cutting off light will, -on the other hand, paraly ze thé, comimunity. Lt will flot'reformÈ officiais of the state:, county and sani- tary district. No punishmcnt is rmcted out to any but the taxpayers them- selves by refusai to buy tax warrants of the Village and of the schols. " * .L.I r.aj n Legend........... Tchakowsky Alti) Solo-AlIÀiin an April E-vening. Mr. . ILDlap Awake, Awake, Utter a Song..Case, The Choir Pueni of Easter ............... Mueler, Mrs. Jackson Hymn-"Jesus Christ Is Risen Todu.y", . . .. . . . . e.. . . ... AllelUI& --j 1 1

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