Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 28

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Inaure appe.ranc. Iln curren'tIu. , Rasolutiolia of condolence, carda cf tlianks, obitu- arles. noticea of entertainments or other affaira where an admittance charge la published, wili be charged at regular advertisIng rates.. Grade Sefparation WI1l Save Lif e Let's Hasten .the Day!, Sunlday,. MarCh 27,' is Easter day. By Christian people al over. the -orld this day is, celebrated as the anniversary of the. risinlg of jesus The Meauing froni, the dead; Resur- OfEaster' rection Day. The evan- 0fgelists tell the glad s tory of -hoiv the Lessiah,- put to death by his enemiies, came -to life again 01n Easter Day.Sndynabdnc On11 iscomning Sudy natnac of-flo-xwers Nvil1 fil the churchiesNNwith beauity and fragance. The chpirs wuill add their contribution to the spirit of happiiness. And even humian beings. wiil put on spriïng garb and >cornplete the joyful.picture. To the real Christian,- Easter lia% a pro- found meaning. To hlm, the rising of Christ means that death has been defeated,. that mnan's soul is imimortal, that though, the bpdy mnay die, the spiritshall live again. This deep meaning is the very essence of Easter dày. If the occasion does not mean immortality then it is ai- most totally Iacking in signiflcance. It is merely a special churcli servicewith a more emphatic appeal to the senises.. To talk of natures resuirrectýion and neglect .man's resurrection is to fprget etrl what happened.on that day, sony î dred years .ago. W/e cainnot; iremen, or we can workl Work With Them ail be no rth shore 'policemieni, even Village> tristees,, but wyithI themn. Most o-f us are, niot fit Isy nature or mur- Have Recreation attitude. If exist- ing condition s miake it impossible to achieve and main- tain this ideal attitude; then it is iim- perative that these çonditions be changed. We'are informed that for 25 y ea rs Ameri.cabas.in.vested annualIly in the comn- lnunitiiity.recreationi moveinent, a movemnent %vvhich bas enabled the.,people of ourgreat cities and towns to: avait themnselves of the benefits, coming froni al fornis of pi.aying,'."ike-swimnung, tenn.iis, ,baseball, music, dirâaa. That these benefits are real cannpt be dotibted by those -who have studied the activities on piaygrounds and at recreation centers, anid have witniessed the happiness of children and aduits there occupied. ln ainîing to restore. better tinies Mle may decide to spend less:nmoney- on public recreation. But it is the o pinion of those directly interested .in public heal-t ad halppmess -that this .retrenchment1 is p)eiiN ivise and ppund foolish. As hias been s() truly said.by' George V\7inicenit, presideiit- emerit-us of the Rockefeller foundatýioni, "'At a time when special'appeals are being made for emer gency relief,, it is -vitaily important n6ot to withdrawý support froin the fundamental1 a n d permnane nt, social services, To fail. them now -woid be to lower American standards, to sacrifice thle- future to the present, to underine hop)e and courage just when they need to be reinforced." Let us then resolve that in \vhatever, other fields we cuit doivn expenses we wvil1 not defeat pur owni highest Iurl->oses hy cutting down expensesý in ýthe field of rec-. reation. Depyressi 'on caxi >e puttoý fl ight bY' healthful and happy recreatin. Név'P rierIHigh school students did, a fine plece of vork whetî they pledgedl pur- chase 'of enough tax warranfts to':enable thieir school to remnain open the rernainder. of the school yea.r. 0f course one of their stronge.st incenitives was the desire to put .ni a full year of school work. But that fact does flot lessenl the credit that should l)e (iven them for their successful effort. *Tiiesday, brilliant sunshiine, followed at dusk by a glorious fuIl-rounded moon and hieavens scititillating Spring hias arrived! Budding.- blossomis? Not mutchi. There gocs a sleighing party 1 ~Niter appears to be taking the "long -ounit." But we're boping that new topcoat will appea, ,easoiiable wheù we join the Easter parade on Boul mich. Wore , Moiday-a circumstance which seemed to lend considerable encouragement to the raging eIements. Cont rasts, indeed! But w.e.si mply cani't becoie aggravàted witli dear old March. For, with it cone Unmnistakable siglis of spring. our favorite scasoni,. save autimn. ,TI'Ie \ilmnette Chaniber of Coumercc not to be outdone bY other bodies, wvbether political or civie,. lias gone ini for soine plain and fanicy .budget slash- iiîg.Al of wvhicli we wvere iinciiiied to conii<l tr un1istinitinigternis of praise until, scanning the notice, ve -observed tlhat anong the elimiiiated iteis were ciar adrefreslirnents at tiemontlv meetings."ý- Ibseconomy ,bulsiiness can lie caxrried too far.- Ili, one and the saine week e have discovered two constant readers of .Shorc' Lines. In both -Ili- stances, howvever, tie reason for such a bold displayý. of reciessness wvas ascribedto the hope of eventi - ai lv. discovyering ther ein sorneth ing genninel il funy. Like the op)tiinstîc radio aimoicer, wl otn ue to imagine tliat countfless millions are listening mi. After aIl, it's soi-ethinlg to a\wakeni curiosity. OUr- diligent friend Shena (rto vais - famie), whiiie engaged. iii trie busjIness of ex ecuting. advertising layonts (designling advertisements, if you pre fer) conducted some initensive researeb the other- lu n quest o f a historical figure who, upon being pursued, by bi,. enernies, sought refuge ini a cave, at the mnouth of. wvhiclî an 0obliging spid er promptiy hutng out a."Va cànt' sigi by tbe sipleepeint, of spînnîn.Igý a protectinig w%%eb. Be fore-be got through %vith the plunlge into the dini past, Sherman dug up at least tlbree sncli fortunate heroes. One, hie vows, wvas Mohiammned, another David of Biblical f aine, and the third-weii, peilhaps a Scotcbnian, Swiss, or. Frenichinan; Sherm~an just couldn't tbe quite certain ulpon which nationality to con fer the distinction. We'Il let you know, if and %vlen hie learns the as- premnises ana sP aecrease ure lnazards. vve can do soinething to hlm n i t ini Our ovn, neighborhoods th e spread of grass fires. We can use gasohine -ith great caution. W/e may not be ask.ed to work directly as Village tr ustees, but wve can hélp our April is On the way. In a day or two she'I1lbe lhere wii her arms full of early spring flowers, and also a choice assort-, nment of sniffles, snuffles. andsneezes. Take care of vyourseif-, Jim! qoiter: "My boy, do0 yoiI lcflo\ what becomes of littie boys \who use bad lanuage while they are playing marbies ? Sinali boy: "Yes sir; they grow up and play golf."ý The moon, aforementioned. appears. a bit hazy jus t now. March, you're a scatip: nùothing'less.y'

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