Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 32

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The culmnaion f tweeks ai ui- flagging interest on the part of coin- niittee chairmien anid Nvorkers is the gala post-Easter hbr.idige tea and fashioan s hi o w ruesday afternoon, MNardli 29. ior the benctit cf the i Alice Il. Wood station ai the infant WefaeStuciet% )f Chicago. T h e houirdesigniated for-the counineucing of the bridge ganle is 1 :30 &.clück, thé. place. the ý\oiiian%*. club. Aiter bridge is #Dver., the revue o i ',le dernier cri' iii ncwN spring faslîions for aidervoinien and 3-ouui.g matrans. debutantes andl post'debutantes. aider childreîî. and littie tots. iwill be stage(i bY Evanstan anid \\ihnete.sliops. Miannequins for the affair chasen f roiîn..adu-ilt ne esOf Society .are taoýb e ' 1r s. .1. ( josonNirs. .Har- vey A. Craig, Miss Paudiiîie\cCayO. Mrs., Lester Mice, Mrs. Pe rr v L. Smithers, M.\rs. W. J. King anid, Mrs. Wjllard B. Casterline. * Older children a.nd juniors xvho il niodel are: Jean Croxvel,1 Carol Law- renice. Banniie Lamnb, Mary Lou Geisse. Barbara W\ei>lhaar, Patcie Jane Mc- ýGrath, Daphue Craig and Jeanne Fishier. * 'l'le sinall boy andgirl mannequins are -Gene Schieîdenhielni and Raiph Scheidenhelini afEvanston. Th e Geargian hôtel, archestra is playing during the fashian show aud for everv table of bridge in play a prize w.111, be Qvn swill- others. t The chairmen of the twoa XVlnette Infant Weliare 'boards spansoring thi§s scietv event, are -Mrs. Ralph \W. Mý,oody. aof the seniors, andl Mrs. A:.E. B eirnes, of the Junior auxiliary. Mrs. Charles A. McCov, cliairmnan J of arrangemnits and entertainnment is assisted by Mrs. j. \Welton Fislier, Jr., and M-\rs. Harold B. Foster. iMrs. C. P. EvNanis, as chiairnian a. f the refreshient comiiiittee, hlia-s -Working %vith he r, Mrs. . B. Patter. Mrs. Hubert, Carlýton, Mrs. Floy-d IMcGratli and r.Harry \V. Grigsby. ANrs. Kniigit. Blanchard, chairnian 'of tickets and ai cards. lias as lier assistants, Mr. ernard C. Bo*weni Mrs.. Clarence L. Burpee, \rs. J. j..î 1ohnon. rs.Geurge Redding, M.rs Èeonard E. Starkel, Mrs. Charles N. I-Sans,~ and iMrs. Cuîîrad.Fr'kmiani. Ztrsi Chaeles N. Evans, at thec lcft, and Mrs.,Clarenice B. Bitr/er, at the righf, are tzvo of fl ic îe, bers of tle. ticket and, card coin- initte w 7orking -for the success of flic bridge; style show, 'aid fea the Iliif ie Senior board and flie Juniôr duxi-lIai~y of the Infant ltWcI: fare .ocity ar-e sponsoring flhe Tifcsdav aftnoon af fer E~aster. The locale of the charity affairî- tle. IVilinelte. Wonia,'s club. Bridge Tea and Style Show Alpha Phi Bene fit Mrs. Paul Decker ai Evajîstan. 'the former Edithi Dillon of Winnetka, is chairmian of the Alpha Phi card party ta be held at the Evanston \omiaiis. club. on April 16, at 2 o'clock. . The part y is an aniiual aff ai r given for the benefit of the Beta chapter house fund. Assisting -Mrs. Decker is Mrs. Richard Wayne of Evanston, and on hIer. comimittee are Mrs. Charles Hall, ,Mrs. Ralph. Colville, MNiss Helen Scudder ai Evaniston,*anid Miss Vir- ginia Bradford of Winniietka..,,There wiIl be table prizes'and bath contract and atîctian will be played. \Vhile refre hment's are being served, there, will be fashion rev'ievs by two Ev- anston sfops.. Mvembers ai the sor- ority îvill act as mods ta display Alle latest spring fashions in gowns, mrn* nntodTickets rnav be Models for. Junior Auxiliary Style Show Mannequins for the: large atnnual bridge tea anid fashioni show the jun - îor auXiliary af the \\omna.1î's club) (i Xilmyette is giyi ' g Saturdav, April 9, at t-he \Vonî1an's club, toris funds for the local cbiarity needs and the joint,. Eînergency Relief iund iormi an imposiîig list af society ina-. trans, ,young înarried \vonen, and north shiore girls. T1hose who will display the seasa(n's newest modes as interpretèd by north shore shops . are : Dr. . Alice Tuttle, Mrs. F. A. Cushing Smith, Mrs. Perry L. Smithers, Mrs. John C. Manneruid, Miss Florence Melbye, 'Mrs. j ean Young Cy fer, Miss Irene Baehr, Mi s*S Jane Owen; Miss Elizabeth Goss, MNrs. Kather4ne Hall Borgeî. Miss Vera Hoerber, Miss Bessie XWeiss, Milss 'Katherine ,Weiss, Mrs. Helen- Hlayes Walcott, -Mrs. George Han- niah, Miss Alvina Reichnian, M'1iss Ann Klappericli. Miss Stella Truska, Mliss Maria'n Cook, Miss V'irginia cast ofT Kenilwortli resîneûts Ir rîay evening of Iast week for members of the Kenilworth club anid* their guests, provide d an evening af pleasure and entertainmnent. The auditorium of the Jaseph Sears schiool IMemiorial gym- nasimrn was well filled for the spar- kling la .tattas: well cast, -well di- rected and ivel staged wi4th ýdelight- fui Settings. *The action ai the play cîanged fron the library of the' country home of Maitland White on a late Septemi- ber evening, ta Matey's" Attic, studio Ille following1 day, then, back tao the fariner locale the s ane evening. Dean Hale played the -raIle .of M.,,aitland White; Mrs. Lawrence E. Mitten. that af Nancy '«bite; Harry A. Allen, Raderick '«hite;Mssjn Marx, Veronica Duane;_ John H. Densan. Geaffrev NichaIos: Paul. C. Clovis. G. T. NÇVarrei;. Mrs.1 Alfred L. \.Viltberger, Etta. Mliss Nelle C. Wiley vas director, assisted by Mrs. Harry A. Olin and Nrs.,Deani Hale. Mrs. Johni H. Den- son and 'Mrs. Wendell Hî. Clark, werc stage mîanagers and lit charge ai properties, and*Boy Scouts, ai Ken- ilworth, troop Number 13'i were u Aiter, the playý the entire as.Scinb- l1age proceeded-ta thieKeiilwvortli club for refreshmcents, ta inieet thle cast, and to talk oôver informnally tht u- cessoft ai te eveYning. .Catholic Club Bridge Luncheon to Aid Charity 'l'le philanthropy dlepartinuwt of the WVoman's club of Wilinette is -sponsor- ing a luncheon and bridge Mlonday, Mardli 28, at St. Francis school hall, lit arder ta raise funds with which ta liîeet, present ceînergcn .cv deniands. Hostesses. for the affàir are ta >be MIrs . ýWilliam O . I.eary, Mrs. :Martîi l.î.ch Ms.P. J. McGurk.. The niembers ouf the Glec club nî eet every Thursday morning at 9 :45 .o?Éclock, at. the home of Mrs. Arthîur Adans,. 632 Forest avenue. On Tuesday. April .5, and again-on ,,Tuesday, April 19, the flok Studyý club is ta be in session at thec residence of Mrs; Ruissell Faa,210. Braadway, ,at 9 :30)o 'dlck. Entertain for Bride-to-B e The «Misses Edith and Florence Tideman. ai 1025 Linden avenue were hostesses at' a charming bridge partyv and hôusehold shower the evening of St. Patrick's day at their home in honor of Miss Juanita Raventas of 426 Central' aven ue who is:,ta l>e married in April. n. af hé board and Mrs. J.. L. Fix ai Evaliston, is in Luncheon Hostess Today charge of the benefit. . fiss l-eanor Lippinicott oi 1132 Frocks and coats and gowns f rom Ashland avenue, is giving a luncheon the N. A. Hanna shop in> Spanish today (Thursday) in honor of, Miss court will be exhibited and north Frances Bosworth.'ai Evanston .who. shor > chnsar otributin is taôbe, married in April. prizes for theaffair. and hostesses for the evening will be Mr rand Mrs. Ralph Long and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. WVeilbrenner of Winnl-' etka. At the regular pivot bridge 'luncheon on Monday, March 28, Mrs. C-harlotte Tydings> and 'Mrs. Ruth Jones Fassett of Chicago ivili be hast- esses.

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