Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 34

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Congregational Churcb Women I i Entertain Singers at Recent j Lenten Dinner At the Lenten dinner sponsored by tbe Wonîan's guild of the Con- gregational church Wedne.sday niglit of last week the Junior and Senior choirs, and the quartet that sings witb tbe latter were special guests for* the evenitng, during whicb. etbe junior choir- sang. Members of the quartet are Emily Roberts, organist, Beulah Cassier Edwards. Eth.el Heide, Amy Leslie Toskey, Walter 'reiney, and Joel Lay. A -ittie 'Who's' Who" of each member of the choir follows: Miss Roberts bas won, high com- ment for ber talent and ability from leading music. critics. She is. a young Chicago artist who lias made rapid strides in tbe last. few years. Her masterful performance, ber -beauty and clarity of style, have miarked ber as a finished artist. The forceful technique and excellent interpreta- tionof Miss Roberts, along with ber. personalîty as a musician and as an individual, make lier much ini demanld as a recitlist wbo . knows the art of program building and gives lber au- diences not o1ilv what tbey should hear but what thêv, want to hear, critics delare. Miss Roberts is a member of the faculty of thie Ameér- ican Conservatory of Music, and is a. recording artist for the Kîmibai Residence grgan. Shie s a meniher of the American Guild of. Qrganists, the National :Association of Organists, and the Signia Alpha Iota, national bonorary musical fraternity. t Beulah Cassler Edwards, soprano, jsang in the Ravenswood Presbyteri*a,î church before sbe came Ito Wilmnett,ý. Amy Leslie Toskey, the director. is a teachier of singing with studios in the Finchley bhouse ai, 23 East Jackson boulevrard, 'Cbicago. She lias held several positions -as soloist and director of music in many of the city's large churches, and was di - rector of the MacDowell Choral so- copal churdil blamiford, onn., Sna temple, and the Sixth Presbyterian church in Newv York City. The baritone in the. quartet is Joel' Lay. - Mr. Lay bas been soloist of some of Chicago'sleadiing churches, '*The Modern Parent" will be the subject of the talk by Edna Dean Baker, president of the National Col-. lege of, Education, at a meeting of the Wilmette League of Women Vot- ers Monday, March 28, at 2 o'clock at Weeks' dining room, 1129 Centràl avenue. Mrs. Paul Lang, chairman of education of thé Winmette league, will introduce- Miss Baker. Luncheon will be served at 1:15. Trhose wbo wish reservations, are asked to telephone .Mrs. Murdo Ross, social chairman. In the morning. tbe regular .monthly board meeting will be held ýat Il o'clock in-tbevillage ball. The presi- dent, Mrs. Clarence L. Clarke, will preside. In the evening the Wilmnette league with the Winnetka and Ken- ilworth leagues will sponsor thé cati- didates' meeting at New Trier High scbool. The- league is folloWiing its usual custom of sending questionnaires to the candidates. Mrs. Earle, D. Lyon and ber committee are getting out the qulestionnaire-s. Théi candidates' replies will be given later. Robert Coffin Guest at Wells Club Luncheon Trhe Alumfnae association of WVells ccillege À§i to hold its annual Easter luncheon for the Chîicago district at the Womnan's Athletic club of Chicago Wednesday, Mardi 30, at 1 o'clock. Mrs.. Charles Alford Bunnell of 422 Greenwood boulevard isnin charge of reservations. Robert P. Tristratu Coffin, author of "Portrait of an iAnierican," will, be the guest of bonor from Wells college. Dr. Coffin also will talk at the Col- lege Wornan's cluh iw Clîiéago on Thursday, Mardi. 31. Tickets maN bc. obtainied at, the door and. réservations for. tlîc luncheon after tlhe lecture may he. made .at the -club. Vera Meqowen on Program for Neighbors Department The departiient of home. and edu- states and nas a large nurnuer '01 concerts arranged for this season. He is a featured soloist on the radio, appearing. often on both Columbia and National, Broadcast-ing, com- panies. He is,,on the air every Mon- day evening f rom.-7 to'7:30 o'clock.' Wornan's league, is to be the next beneficiary of the philanthropy sew- ifig at the Winmette Woman's chlb Friday, April 1.' To this. sewing day, which is sponsored by the philai - thropy department of the club, ail womeft of Wilmette are invited, whether members of the club or not. Sewing commences at. 10, in the morning,. delicious, luncheons are served at noon, and, work continues in theafternooii until about 4. Those who cannot spend *the entire a sewiîg. for pbilantbropy may drop in for an bour or two as they can. Mrs.- Scott Smith is chairmnan of the work for April L . She is as-ý sisted by Mrs. J. W. Brashears, Mrs. E. B. Knudtson, M rs. F. W Struhe, Mrs. E. S.. L'awson. and Mrs. \V. B. Page. Mrs. Hans J.1 Deriei is chairmanl of the' lu,îcbeon, during which the speaker fromn the home wil descrihe its -vork-and needs. Three Ke»ilwor th Clubs Sponsor Elm Tree Planting, The Kenilwortb Neigbbors and tlîe two garden clubs, will sponsor 'the planting of a George Washington elm' Friday afternoon, April 1, at 2 :30, ôi'clock, ini the park on the West side of Kenilworth. Tlîe tree will be dedi- cated by the presidents of thé clubs, Mirs. V. K. Spicer, of the Neighibors:, Mrs. Mark Cresap of the Kenilworthi Garden club; Nîrs. AIfred R. Hodge, of the Home an-d Garden club. E.. b N\ygaard, superintendent of schiools, -Nvill give the presentation speech. The s chool children also wiil take part ini the exercises, to which ail citizeiîs are cordially invited to be present. Bake*y Sale Saturday NVilnîette chapter. mnmbr 753,' Order of 1, asterii Star. is havinc,.a bakery sale Satuirdla-v. .March'2,a the, Wilmiette Grocery. and XM arket. Dorotby b.Kuelzow is chairmain -.f the èvent, assisted b)v BessieSui. Lillie Hoffinan, and Mfinnie L.KiI zow. home. The luncheon-served wa s simple* Proceeds from the affair are for the Pioneer Meal fund. The reading circie wili meet next Mo.nday, March 28, with Mrs, Lýman. M: Drake, 933 Lake avenue, Wil- mette. Next Regular Meeting A p ii 1; Hears Budget Talk;- Elects Nominating Group 'the Northridge N\,omian*s club heidl. its regular meeting ModaMarch 14, at the home of, Mrs. Stanley, j obuson, 1125 Thornwood avenue. Mrs. George, Sclîerzer reported bav- ing attended. a meetingof the Bet- ter Films niovement at thé lhome of,*Mrs. R. Halliwell, 1133 L.ake av-e- nxue. MIrs. Scherzer will l>e glad to give niembers informat-iosî on suit-, able picture s for childrén or for thuc family. The inoniniating coumnnittee ii'as appointed as follows: MNrs. H. Ing- ersoli, Mrs. Bruce Revnolds, aiuj Mr, C. Allen. The speaker of the evening Nvas introduced by the programl chairnian. Mrs. P.. J.- Churcb. Her, talkwa verY charming, and ber subject' ýîa,; made very interesting. The spèaker. Miss Mary Wigley, discussed the( budget as "IForwvard Planniing," and the following -are a iew filles iIrot:) lier talk: "Budgetingis the conscious standl- ardizing of living." "Hcousewives are home cconionuxes experts.". "The hore canot be rioui as i1 business because buisiness. is a F1.IWo- ducîing unit and, the boule.us a con- suinin'g unît." -There can be no stanldard budgut: each , home require, an idvda planing." "The wise budget provides for gli V- 'Cooperation of the wvhoIe iamlv inècessary," At the conclusion of Miss wigley tialk, J. D.. Kinnear sang a, groujp 0fi selections, ac*ompanied at the.lianlo by Mrs. Kiànmear. Ref reshmeint. vr served. by the hostess, assisted. b y Mrs. P. J. Church and Mfrs. Berthîa Johnsonî. The next meet ing of tlîe club will h e held at the home of '\rs. liger- soîl, 2001 Thornwood avenue, April 1. NEXT SERVICE CLUB MEETING The Protestant Women's Service club will meet on Wednesday, March 30, in the Wedgwood room of Mar- shal. Field's. at 12:30 o'clock. Lunch- eon will be, followed by a program.

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