Is TFiese fro moui Representati" la Fashions, r Spring Collectio--- Days Away! Double-Dat. Froclc lf's heacl.d for s .uccBss because ifs eige, 'of friple-sýheev chiffon, because if conftrasts fa brie wif h. l ac e., and conceals its pleats., .Misses' sies. 1932 Polo:Coeat Even more popu lar fk predecessors--with a new high-placed -buttons, and ci waist. In navy or natural 11 fo I7. Fur-Cuffed Suit, Simple: elegance in a narrce lar.and ,noiched lapel, ir of flyîng squirrel, and, fabi smooth navy, woolen. Misses« ln the'p>arel Sectio-L( lanif 0Collûr, cinched 51. sites $1650 $1l6.50 iw Co. n cuffs bric of Sixes )RtYS-Second Floor $ 16.50, Jaun STRA for Ea ýty ws ster The Ea ster BunnieS Have Corne to LORD'S rP etfer Rabbif, Brer abf -~ P in ky Coffonfail and Baby C-. Bunny-fhey're ail er- in C 5 0 twfo special groups. Each one 8 cellophane wrapped. the Toy Seioti-LORD'S-Fi, st Floor, East Reern x In the Iiondbag Sectioig -LORDêS-First Floor FOUNTAIN SQU ARE Downtown Evmnsfon W.atch LOR D'S .Grow!1 * Phone Wilrn.1te 3700 Ij *A' $16.50 $25.0.0