rura, i*rý.I 'u-lrai iave- I--- of the libraries lie built. In his liberal nýfue, Wilrnette, was one of the ciglit Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan grants, lie stipulated that tile municipal- 'ien chosen to represent Company Central avenue was. hostess t ity should support the institution to at **D" in the saine competition. Ford Jbridge luncheon club Tuesday least teti percent of the cost. bas been with "D" Company only week. In Wilmette, foôr instance, Carnegie gave $11,000 for the building on con -___________________ diinthat $1,100 would hie raised an-, nua!llyý for books and the' circulation of lîooks. At.that timeithe Village asked li- a tNvo-mill tax levy. Set Up Corporation In the heginniing Andrew Cariiegie. I)ersonally supervised aill bis ..library gifts bath in An-îerica and ini the Brit- ish Isles. But ini 1911: he2 formed the Carnegie corporation. for "'tbe advance- ment and diffusion of knowlvedge 'and uindcrstanding.- Tlhe policy of. the corporation is very fluid, and it May spend the revenue of its huge capital tlîrougi 'anv sli'tal)le cbiannel. It bas ai(le(l universities, and colleges, muade large appropriations for library train- k iii', .n service, and bias caridoa pro grai inclu(ling tbe encouragement o~f a(lut educatian, fine arts, miodern languages an(l enginieerin educatian, N\ith research in la,,, ecoflonis and nliedicinie. It bias flnanced carefully de-' vised 'pioncer -experimelîîts. in promo- tion 6f cultural resouirces ini commun-' * ities ta' show the need of state and,* private aid. t Coirporation Withdraws filn 1919.. the Carnegie corporation,. 1civn that sufficient miomenitum> had been given ta library buildings, and J hat Mcil aid .worneil were ready ta ..... provide their own, witlidrew from the 1 construction prograni. It then began' a ten-výear plan of irnprovinig library ' * tàaininig,, developing adequate college11 * libraries, and strategic library projects1 in varions parts afiflic world-Brlish, Colunîhia, Soutb Africa. Louisiana. In' addition; re.searcb work ý,as ta. be pur- fil(se ,h fundarnentais of the L iV E "..advancenment and diffusion'of kn'O%-- ýcdge' are being purs'ued.:f> Sets 'New Precedent Frat MIltary AcademY! Fryears it has been thue custaii at lSt. John's Military acadeiny, Dela-f field, Ais., to; hold a complet 1tion knownvi as the "crack squad drilîs* f <uring the 'çeek just pîreceding. the a'initial spring vacation. *Each of theý six cadet cal)tains chooôses eighitmienj who liec onsuié'.rs non . h 1beti of ta NC E ù~~~~ patotdponeJ/tc/ Extension telephones I bring your telephone Pl"l coniniani4lUl , lic sL14Jaigntwa proceeded tô dol l3eing unuble ta flnd a complete squad, aIl of whorn had bélonged ta one of the companies before transferring to the band, Mc- Kay was forced to include threc "new boys", that is, students now ini tbeir first year ýat the academny. e squa.d a.nd their coiniander got down to liard work, spending con- Extension telephones.for ,your.home or, office can now bé added.ot.a' reduced cos t