o'clock. Th is great qay in the cnurcn -ji-JîM1JuImg aie, 1.0 o tiQ ,31 Ilfe of America will have its appro- The Women's Guild w-ill meet M~on- ') and 6,. by the Worn's Aid society, priate expression iu ail the features of day morning at 10 oclo)ck. The ladies will need as many articles as you can our church worship service. The music are asked to coule ini for as much time set aside for it between nov and tfiat will be specially appropriate for. Easter. as they can spare. The invitation isrtfl. The pastor will preach t4ie sermon on flot ofly to merubers of. the guild and! The . -os n Grs at -Chrlstianity a Life," whlch will teli the congregation, but to any in the Jno osa4Grswuhv of the final issue of our Christian faith. village who may be lnter'estedc in this receîed the fuit set of p)iutures for- It illbe coforing an atthes 1a it- ork ehurch attendance .during th,- eue t ill ba comfortgink, adiat e age wrk ______cor-___ Season niay secure the pastor'.- pie2ture Urll nvitcalegg e . ouag*o ep . Weo-K *n Easter Stinday at the clost of the~ dia ly n v te o u o ors ip it.us V e t h o d i s t C h u r c h .f a1e o î~ ? t i The following Easter musie has been arranged by, Miss Rounds, pianist, and Tonight, Thursday, the church willl Itr. Otiq, soloist: Prelude, "Festival observe a mémorial service of the Lasti Prelud&' (The Strîfe le O*er>, Buck ;Supper. There are those who consider Offertory Choral, "Christ thé Holy One this, as the finest church service of the le, Riqen," Bach: Postlude, "EÈa-ter entire year.. Any Who would care to Dav". (Yeý Sons and. Daughters), Loret.1 share, ln this service, whether inembers Solos, -,Recitative, Behold I Tell You of th,. church or, not, aré cordîall' n-. a Mystery" and. Aria, "The Trumpet vited. Shall Sound!' (Both.frorn The Mefssiah>, Handel: Hsan. Granier. On Friday, the, methodist church i joins, with the other churches in two j Sunday -sihool will meet at 9 :211') speëial services. Froni 12 to. 3, the: o'clock. We invite you. to spend, thi,4 Is the union service at St. Augustine.' hour of Bible $tudy xvith us.rEpsoa church. This service runs ini i twenty-fi ve.minute periods, and attend- The MeiVe Bible class meets from .9:40) ants, are free to corne and -go as they to 10 :40 and is studying the Gospel of may or must. The pastor, of this -Jc:hn. Wé invite~ the nien of the comi- church, as Weil as the )ther pasto rs nim tnity to join us. in townu-i11 give. a brief addréss at tiune of itié periods., Thé general thème The pastor Ws teaching a class of those will be "The Severi Last Wýords." who are preparing for church miembet- ship. Thé clasQ will be, réceived *on Friday .évening, therte is to be anothérý Sundav, April 2 We invite othérs to) union service at the Baptist chtzrc.h. Jlin us.. The eh oli of that church w-ill sing, andI the pastor. of, the >Presbyterian church ,Junior chureh will c.are for the chul- wiil preach the sermon.. dren while their parents are at church.. - Miss Doth Wehner is in.charge. The Christian, Endéavor > s.oc iety will meet at 5 :30 o'clock with John Bren- ner, 1330 Greeënwood. avenue,. Last Sunt- day this-group %vent over the top in théir attendance. drive, witli an at-, tendance -of 4q. IMore are expected this wveek.. . Harper Osborn wili lead the meeting. The tnpic wvill .br, '-The 'Méan- ing of Ese, *Bishop George Craig Stewart w-ihl -peak at the Sunday Evening- club on! Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'clock at tlie Congregational church. Spoke 9 of the WVomian*s societ-v wil mpeet on Tuesday with 'Mrs. Benjamlinl Ott. 1228 Lake avenue,; for lunch and *sewing. At :;Church _Night, ut the: Met hodist: Episcopal church on. Thursday evening, we w1ill h.vé dinner ut, 6 :30. After dinnér the pastor Will bring, a message on "IAn Aftér-Easter Greéting," Muis- t ratlng the address, with several pic- tures,. among, them. Von Uhde's, "Tisch- geb>et,". and Ul'~erhitte's "Supper a t Emmaus."'Réser-vations for the dinner may be made through the sp)oke chiair- Men and Me Hannahl. The Tour through Chi.natown under the auspices- of the VQman's Bible class will take Place. on Wednesday. IMembers-hips in Olivet Institute Auxt- Illamy may bé ha.d through M.%rs. W. H. Ellis, chairman, 823 Greenwood avenue., 1 ine igior oviaLt tat tlfin-*andi to bring theirw bookiletS containing the pic- tures and, the verses thë,y havxe ('oiiedi each week. St. ohn's Lutherani Aid ln a short lay, Mrs. Martin Seifert and Marguerite Peterson lu severati readings. Miss Lolita Bertling bas con - seuted to give seyerai vocal number>. She wlll be accouipanied by her mother, Mrs. A. E. Bertling. The classes for thxe Christian educat- tion of childre n wil hé giVen without interruption évéry Tuésday after.noon at 4 and Saturday morniug at' 9 o'clock. Classes for grown people -are given every Monday and Friday vening àt 8 o'clock at the pastor's study. The J unior Young. People's society and Walther league wilI meet on Fri- day, April 1. at 7:45,o'clock. The;re- is a plan, under, way to invite ail the Junior Young People'S Societies of thî- Walther league to Wilmette foi' - rally someUtime in May. rThé - other organigati oi s of the oi .9regation iih have their regular mnôntli- lymee,1tings during thé e ek ,-f Airil ONCE AGAIX ST. JOHN's k'ORD .-. AXLLY ASKS YOU TO..ATTE-ND IT-S E.ASTER SERVICES' * ~ ~*'Baptist Church ýý-im ttëard F re, tîtiutnes Bishop !Edp'A CliurcHugThateCires bishop of the Chicago area, will préach Wîî-iltte and P-ark avenute1s, WluItt..:i t.vtenz fing hureh o anyS otheiý)(k théseronEaser unay omnng Hi Hrma W.MeerMA.I)sto. isciples of Christ. are welcimre to thý appearance, méans 't hat th eue will be anF6Pr; tir îe .,avýen ue. Tfeî>hone 1:i9* Cmuin al uté niésr addd exce.-; congregComutin'tabe, Tntosennverao wsto S. nd egar ill dTose W-ho-' Chur-h telephone :"Ill service of thé Luet-.Supper. A beautifui come erly. 11 1"'pper Rôom", Candielight service, IMI c<)me arly.hO L Y Wye veK iE R H 1a our h ih w ill be long r m enibered New mnemb<'rs wilI be reeei ved hUi Muny Tutda8evnig t- îick. and cherished by'thosewhated - the church on tastrSna. led Holy Conon . esPiecially urge the you)ng people and xtér unda. teir Sermion: "Lord, Is It L? Hypocrisvy boys and girls who are members of' ti-, more than fifty have- indicate-d tero olAxey readiness to joiu ut that tinié. St ilio Su11xet. church to be preséent. othrs rp xc~e<iConfessional service for- comimunioants -- iat 7:30. Easter lil es wjll be- the appropriat- 3 Thé Good Friday Servièe. decoration for next Sunday. As in otuier :30 P. M. Conféssional sriefor years, thé flower comnittee wouid be cmul~s glad- to have the loan of Mies from ias, ' ddress: "The Peacé of Golgotha." mnany as are willing to add Wo the joy P. «M. Service and Holy Communion. d4 he astr srvie i..ti-- wSe rmon: "Thé, Pledge of MaIn's Sv- of tuwhé ather ericite in this wayd It ion fiowersý and youi cati take it at the close 0 f thé, servietý, Pieuse notify Mrs. Fike as early as possible., Thé fiowers last Suhday were given by thé boys and girls of the Primary départmént.- It was their way of Say- ing how much they. apprecliate thé un- faillnig and insplring service of thé: té- tiring superinténdent, Mrs. IrPnte Full.er.1 Aftermnany years of notable work lne this important task, she has found ht nécessary to bhé reliévéd for thé present at least. TUE EASTER: SERVICES 9 :15 A. hM. First service 'and, sermùon. 9 :30 *A. M.Sunday sehool-afld' Bibi-ý classes.. -11 A M. Second service and sermon. Sermn: .*"Thé Messéngers of thé Risen Christ." St. John's extends to everyone, but particulamly to such as havé no church affiliation at Wilmetté a :véry. cordial invitation to Its serviCes. Themesz Good Friday services will be hld fromi 12. to 3 p. mi. in St. Atigustine's,, Episcopal church, wlth Wllmette- mini- ters giving addressees--on- the "Se-ven Words from the Cross.,, Maké It a Point toý be présent ut ail or part of the service iu re memibrance of "avr. Good Friday Evéniug 'union services, w'ill be held lu -this church. with the Rev. James Tr. Véueklasen glving' the adl- dress. 'Music wi-ll be futinished bthe~ inember.ý of our senior choir. EASTER SERVICE.S At 7 o'clock Easter nxoming. thert' will beé-a prAise and prayer service at the chburch spoýPsored by the B. 'Y. P. Uýj., which ail areý welcome to, attend. «"As, it began te dawn they came, and their sorrow was turned into joy." You, too, eari havé the enriehniént lu your life that cônies through see.king thé Lord Jéesus,; and realizlug ;anew that Hé lit-es us iner sror~Jies andu puetry duca- teeîto flowéms will be di-strlhuted a sal n with that same gréat themie. Hm 1-Fte fJssCrsM This is a cUstom establlshéd nineuyalrin 1 . Lord" 1-"Fte fJs.ýCrsM iý9o ýbvMm Benhamn, andid egral The Prlendfly circlé -il meet next Postlude--HahlIeujah".....Haendel loved by théesehool. Ail mémbesof Tuesday evéning, March 29, at 8 o'clock Thé annuai speclal'offering for the re- thé Sunday school, o! thé church and 9f at thé church. This social boum will bé duction of thé debt will be received on thé comimunîty aire invited to this in the forni of an "Iri.sh Pairty." AIl faster morni.ng. -'Wé hope that al service. wOrne L of the church ar" nvtd. -ménbérs of St. Johu'e- will hear thi'; in mitid, and wil usetéevlpsds Ou Easter Sundayý, March 27, thé The Woman's Auxillary board Of tmlibuted for t h Isepaticulppseis Ordinauce o! Baptsm.,willl hé admini- Wesley hospital wil bé thé guésts 0of Those Who: do not have énvélopés and P ollowing thé sermon, thème wil aj baptr ismnal service whéu thé following gil Il accePt Jésus as . their Savior and Guidé through ]Ifeé: Marcia Jean Ariderson, fuge-nia Mai.- Church, Vir- g-mia May Dalstrom, -Bertha Juanîta Dubbs'ý, Joan Rockey, alid Evelyn' June Toops. Easqter événfing at 6 o'cloc h on People,'S 9ociety le planning ante ung