Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 42

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"Singing Picture99 Program Delights SSenior Assembly Tuiesda3-, March 15, Miss Lavonn.le- Field and ber accompaniist, Miss Irene Pearson, came to draw, sing, and play fôr the senior assembly of How- ard. M iss Field, who can sing as well as draw, first pictured, a Norwegiani .fjord w hile she sang about it. Uter that. shie' sang..a Mexicani air ï%'hile1 she drew a desert at sunset. Then she'retired and.1Miss Pearson' played two pièces, the first a gayoýne, entitled *'Butterflies,"l and- another, which was amnnsing, called -Hurdy Gurdy.". Then when Miss Field camne back she recited. a selection' f rom Hiawatha, at the saine time drawing a picture of Hiawatha iand Minne- baba.. Last butniot least shie drew a pcueof a southern river iii the moonight, singing as she illustrated .a group of familiar soutbern. songs. This coneluded the' "Slnging Pic- tures," a prograin which 1 an sure> everyone enjoyed. Betty Dodds, Hý-oward 7B. JOYOUS Exclamationsr Caused by Art Work '*Ii't this fun !" "Oh, 1 like to dot thlis 1" "Mine's ahnost finiisbed !' *These are a few of .tbe exclama- tions comiing f romi the seventh graden pupils of Howard scbool. The excla- mations refer to our art work, andp Qur teacher is Miss Wilhiarm. The 8 girls are all making purses or bags. Thëy are very attractive. Almnost every one is finisbed as we have ben.1 working on theni for quite a whie.-. Louise Schreiber, lHoard. 7C. NEW PAP]ER APPEARS Mvoniday, March 14, the. firs di- tion~~ oth oar8ANews Reel, Our. paper, camie out.* It cansisted of a féw jokes, the bistory of 8A,. sanie notices of importance, ait-article about the gaines being called off and many more things. Our editor is Ar- i Stol B eut s Howard Students' Talks Cover in Cage Tournament Wide Variety of Topies On Mond ay and Wednesday, Marchi Miss Perring g ave us an assign- 14 and 16, Hloward played Stolp girls1 ment for us to bring an object and in basketball., The teamis.were picked f to talk about it. There are nîaüy one team. from each. class. The t about miatches, p1)ins, and other srnall classes were A and B combined, C, useful tbings., One boy brougbt a Dy E, n .On aewa'lydtalk about -the' Baha'i temple which at HoWar d and one at Stolp-. was equalhy interesting. 1 braught a ta 1k a'bout a Persian city on the Cas- On Monday. at Stohp the E's vonpinsandIbogtacp or and. the F's lost. The same afternoon t e boyandImen undrtheiraptur- at*Howard the D's won, and A-B and bn hnIsoe a sdt C lost.ý On Wednesday at'Stolp the bn.Te.1sôe a sdt D's won and tbe A-B and C lost. A put under vases which their favorite M bird "Tootsie" drank from, and last Howard on Wedn.esday,-tbe. E's lost o i lsoe h eaopoi and te Fswon.In te n the a-B ,o the butterfly which I thoughtý the of Stolp won, C's of.Stolp wonl and most interesting. Lowell Stnorf, the D's of Howard Won; the E's andStp2B Fstied. -Shirley Garniss, How--__________ ard 8A. [Sehool Orchestra, Busy. Tree Plantîing Is Urged Practicing for Programî as W ashigtonMemoial The school orchestra, condncted- by "Kitty" Wagner, is practicing a nuni- Th iew Current -Science for the ber of pieces whicli we hope to playc wekof March 14 to .18 is ver3' inter- onitside in a couple of weeks. We esting. One of the articles is about are playing "Turkey in the Straw," phanting a tree for George WVashiîng- "The Irish Washerwoman," "'Alley ton. It says.that planting a tree for Tunes' and an Indian suite.. These George , Washington is the most pieces are very cleverly arraàngedam mnemorable thing anyone could do1. It thryresudprty0ehwe also tells lîow tô plant the tree and played correctly. M'e bave quite «ab take care of it. This would be a gooc.l ew ni the orchestra.. WTe feel as 1 memiorial because Washington lov.ed though i Tè have made a snccess this trees, for in bis diary, a ittie book. year. \Ve ail are waiting to play out- in which be wrote bis thoughts, he skie as soon as we caui.-P,i1llHart,i mnade constant reference to trees. li Stoîp 2C. Ve rton .--Dorot hy Nlassig, HoNard 8c. S( tl cc im ai ci 14 * TIME TO-REMEMBER Are we forgetting -the.ne faîn- ies CaVtwe Iltry.bringing food: s %we did for a ýwhile? If each peér- on brought one, only one, think of be fanîilies that conuld be fed. We an all do it,ý but We just doni't re- nemiber. Let's, all try to, remem-ber .nd bring food. The camnpaign is on. :0111e on, H1oWard.-June Sorse»ll Citzenship Club Méet at Howard Is. Outlined. Here Im angoinig to* try to s how you -hoiv 8$A pupils hiold their Citizenship club meetings-. President: "WÎih the class ple 1ase come to order. We wilh 'now bave the, secretary's minutes read."ý The minutes are then read-by thec secretary. Président: "Wil the trea:strer please read bià report?". The treasurer's report is read. President: "Is there aby aId busi- ness?" Armen jorjorian: "Yes, the HoNv- ar(I 8A News Reel, onr newspal er, viicost two cents." President: "Is there any newvbui ne.ss?" Shirle.y Garniss: "Yes, the teach- ers ought to patrol the stairways be- cause tbey are1 so crowded that vou cail bardly mové.> Mrs. Jones: "I think that is a very good, idea because the halls and stair- ways are simiply a disgrace." Elsie Edge: "Ill bring that uip il 1 our next council meeting." President: "The meeting will :nowv be adjourned." -Armex Jorjorian, HIoward 8AÀ Fhoughts Play Tag in As 1 sit hiere trying to tinkii of SCIENCE CLASS WORK soniething to write for , the JUN;IQR In sienc, 8Cclas hasbeenwor Lni any thoughits go In and out In cince 8 casslis eenwok-of my bead. 1 arn saying to im- ing on the weatber, and.'mnaking self: "Small I Write about the pro graphs on the in creasing of dayligbt and decreasing of,,night. Miss. Ste-gameadithro cu7 yen, te siene eacerhada brdno, I'd better not. . So manv vill ven, te siene tachr.,hadaatdwrite about that. Shall 1 write about: task explaining how fd make, the, the assignmient in science or miabe grabsbecusemos aithepuplsof the short stories in composition? didn't nnderstand how to, make themn. Maybe I can- talk about somne of the The next assignment is due. Monday. gmsta aebe lyd h It is oxygen, written. up in ink.-John wht i1teé tse ,I hin 111 îo Sperdes Hoard8C.* write anything this, week."' Sa you see, readers, this-is m i ia;OST AND FOUND" JU'NIOR L'Me article.- Frank Colhyer, 1 aenoticed lately that there Stolp 1C. TOURNEY Hap' came GLk.& CLUB PRAISD ROOM CLUB PROGR AMS iwrlb LETTERS ARE WRITTEN The boys' gice club directed by Every Tuesday we have .our. room VACAT ION COMING Miss Madsen, our grammiar teacher,, 'Mrs. Clark, proved to be. a success club. The first fifteen minutes we Spring vacation is to start April' had us write thirteen different friend- this vear. We sang three songs at have our businiess meeting and the 8 and end April 18. New. Trier also ly Ietters. 1 think she will start us the Womnan's club last W\edniesday7 last fifteen minutes a different row. chose this time so that it has the. on business letters and 1 hope they and last Friday we sang for the each week gives a prograrn. It is ini- same vacation as we have. It i are as interestig to learn as, the Catholic Woman's club at Howard teresting to see what the. program omning later this year but we shall friendly letters are.-MNaÎy Porth, school. Mrs. Clark said ive were veryr will eâech week.-Gora Bettin-hvnie ethr- raetpe, Hfoward, 7B.. good.-Vincent. eis, Howard 8A. hans, Stolp 21J. Stolp school.

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