*Easter wiii be celebrated at 10:45 A. M. and 4:00 and 7 :30 P. M. In the niorning service Mr. HindleywillIpreach the Easter gospel Oft "Immortai Per- sonality.Y The quartet and choir have a speciai program of music. beginning with, carols in the chancel preceding the moôrning worship. The Vesper Éerivie at 4 o'ciock wili be a service.of communion baptisnii, and reception of members. There. wifl be speclai music by.the Junior and Senior choirs and the quartet,. Andrew'Sichind-, 1er 18 guest-organist for this occasion. Easter, wilII be, appropriately observed ln the departments of the Church school, meeting as foilows: Beginners (ages 4 and 50-10-45 to 12. Primàary (ages 6, 7, and 8)-9 :30 to 12. Junior, (ages 8, 10, and 11)-9 :30* to 10:40. Intermediate (ages 12: and 13)-9 :30 te 10.40-. 1. The high sehool young people 'Wili unite ln worship with the adults In- s,.tead.of holding spécial departmenta services. A. united service under the auspices9 of thé Wilmette Sunday Evening club and the Wiimette chârches wiii be held, in this church at 7,:30 p. m. on Sunday. This will bê thé losing night of the season. BishOP George Craig Stewart "Wili. be the preacher. The North -End Cireew111,have a luncheon meeting on Monday, March 298, at the, home of Mrs. J. D. Roth, 112Ï Forest avenue. :Miàs Florence Butz, Pr.F. S. Currle,ý and Mrs. . G. Moore wili be the assisting -hostesses.. The.. Northwest Circie will meet Wed- nesday, March .30, with Mrs. Warren T. Fifer, 1506 Highland avenue. The as- sisting hostesses will be Mrs. Boyne Platt and 'Mrs. Albert Tucker. Our Lenten dinners and Chur-h Night prograin were voted a very great suc- cess. The attendance rose steadily throughout the series-., reachlng 225 at the final Choir Night and pastor's an- fliversa ry. Next WedneÈday t-he regular mi&- weekdiscussion 'period wiil be resumed, meeting in the. churceh parlor at 8 o'elock. Mr. Hindley wiil review, the book, "JÔnathan'Edwards," by ,Dr. A. C. MNî- Giffert, Jr.,. presenting a truer view.of that. much-malign ed revivalist and theologian. Oii.Friday, April 1, the Central Circlil *111l meet with Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, 601 W ashington avenue. ,mrs. .-E. P.j Fatch will be the assisting hostess. The meeting of Abracadabra at Mrs. P. R. Kiiner's hom~e, 430 14heridan road, Keniworth, h"s been pos9tponed from. Friday evening, April 1, to Friday eve- ning, April 15. I ia, and is being-assisted by -M i s Harit Street of Winnetka, 11i s s I Helen Daniels of Chicago, Miss Lor- raine Matthews of Evanston. IMiss Louise Blossom of Lake Forest, and~ Miss Betty Crilly of Winnetka. Chicago and north shore girls 'vill act as' hostesses to the many' out-of- town guests arriving from ail sections of the countrY for the occasion. REHEARsiNG IN NEW FILMS alhBellamy, son of %Mr. and Mrs Rexford Bellamy of 1214 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette, who is gaining ever more. popularity as a motion picture actor in Hollywoc, iS now working on two more pictures. 'ýYoung Anierica" and "The Woman in Roo IV13."In the latter film he, will play opposit Elissa Landi. M.hen those films are: completed he will start work immedi- ately on, "What. Price Glory"' and "Tampico.." to be produced also by Fox studios. M r. Bellamnyhad.a prominent part in the stage production of ha Price Glory." Miss M\ary I.ouise Hays. who is at- tenidingConnecticut college, will be home on eriday to pass the spring hoi-- days Nyith her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Hays, '519 Laurel avenue. BEST AND CALL A TRUCET E AL of a son. Martin Wylis,- on l sMrs. Bibbins was formerly Fouts. She is the. daughter of Mrs. George Edwin. Fouts Greenleaf avenue. youi îWI h. ~~8 I A. Pang Mrs. Si RAIN CHECK with every àplete $1.5,0 Car Wa8sh. ýA iour guarantee-if it rains ir'car Washed again FREkE. !e were the dinner ýay of Mr. and Mrs. ast, 1301 Greenwood a e is the former Mary The [L WELL lain St. at Linden Av. Phone Wihn.tte 3334 I Ib~ 7VdW~ N ENVEIR CLOSED' CAR wooct within a month. Mr. ýMenelev is a brother of Mrs. John CÙ. Man nerud. Miss Carolynu Bellamy, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs... Rexford Bellamy, 1214 Forest avenue,. will be, home f rom .Denison university earlyI in April. fo r the, spring holidaysw BATTERI S INCLAJ EVEE BRADONMAIN C . S1OWD LESSELINDýEN 721 MAIN ST. WILMETTE Phone, Wti.2600-2601 A. . Vn euis .i.- PL ý ý CN k 1 ýv