Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 3

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N\,ll tnle speakers at teM arcii ILACÇ- înig 4f thle \ilmnette Civic league scbed- . led to be held ili the HoW~ard school auditorium Friday -evening, March 25, at 8 occ Fli coininelting on the meeting Ralphi I. Durham, secretary of. the Civic .......... league, says "A rathier luique civic -and politicai prograiniba.s beeni ar.raniged for. Out ()f the Manvy candidates for, the state legý,isiatuire.wlo have iled for the coin- ing 1rimiary-there are sonie thiirty in *March' 28, at 8 ocioec, in the îNem, Trier. Highi school auditoriumi. The Xilmnette. Keniiworth and Winnetka Leagues of WVomen 'Voters are co- operating ini this presentation and froîn them hlas been forned the fol- loNving executivc coinhînttee: Mirs ýjasper King, cliairmian'; Mrs. E. >F. Snydacker, presidient of-Keliiworth. league; Mrs. Clarence Clarke, -pre si- dent of ,W\ilmüette leagite, Mrs. Ira Keller, editoré of the "Illinois Vloter," and Mrs.. R. C.' M.cNaiiara, chairmnaw :Of finance and auditing ni the \Vin- alli irom lOur ownv uîstrict aiUIIe-Q * s - -. a .dtozeil of those living lin or neares t ntka league. \lr s. fÈ. F. Ia Wiliiette, botli'Republicans and Demo .wotb vill preside at thie meetinig crats. hlave heeni invited to -cone andi It M*ould seein frothi the nînher of tell us and the general public \vhat it acceptances. to thie invitations sent is al, about. toaIl the- candidates, that they are -Aspirants, inicludîniig the preseîît rep-, eager to mieet their constituenits. And. resentative. Mrs. Anna \Vjlmarth Ickes, j .nw before casting our vote, lý tht: and ila MGeJa s of \Vilnmette, lislîoP Ed 1104oi Hughes,. head, t i m e. to inforrnt ourselves of thtý arc schiedied to give teni-nlîiitC ad- <f the Chicago .4rca of the Metlî- stands thesevs io n en take (Iresses on the legisiative sites at stake, i. dis Jpiscopcl 'ciîzîtrli, .and ca, Gub-ernatorial candidates hiave -been and to aîîsxver ail questioY nw hiek,-cideî of U'ihnette, will preach invtdadi spSi)eta re so Illliv yuzzliiig public questions are th e i çrmon cet11the E e , .ies Custer and Ju4dge.Henirv Hotier inay 1beiiig referred to -the state legisiature , 'jj. the l'iI,,zcùe Parish M1efhodisî pek Acceptances froîn thle follow- ior sojlutiop .and adjustment, is a Par- 'liz.~uîa onig jlo, u e ave been received: ticularly opportune Foetfrsc zgc eae Of tedfi or Representatives i Congres- public discussion. .Si'ssil s of thew Quaidresînial Gou,- Staté-at-Large alsoiîo th ni is a niat tr oftberescralc of t/w M_1ethodist chu rt-h, Carl Ziess, Stephen iDay, 1%d. 1-ar-. als> t te etir c nuiy te qa ~ùi tâ bl'e held imiiflantic grav e, .j ulitîs K I e i n, Epler Mill.s tïrganizations sncb. as the W\,,oniei NV0- Cf.Aina Schiaedler(alrpbca) tersleage, he- hambr o Cormerc, .For Represientativ'es in Congres. thle, Optimist and Rotarv clubs have TnhDtre 1>en invited , to ,coolierate: and thie Republian-Cari hindblo l<cal schooi -orchestra lbas agýreed [fomiateCru ier o iiit-ar hindrict Raiphi conltrihu)tte ail needed biarme'-t te Head Sc/zool Board I. Churchi, msSmsn r eo iratic-.1. Hodgins, William Cape-, eccasion. ~~~~Henry ,E. Cutier, president o lime snToa .lvcCalsV Wilmnette b;oard of education, \Vl k 12O('Gradv\ and Einar Sorenson, Presbýterian- Church a candidate for re-election att'ea-FrRpsnaiv n the an-ra 1 naiSchool. district election schiedulled FrRpeett~,h h eea Announces Services to bee held Saturdav, April 9. -Mvr. Cnit- Assembly-Seventh District FasI"ter il be celebratedi at the 1cr vas inominated to. succeed himiself îeu>aîîn Viat ce First .P.itsbvterian clhurcl inii the \\'o-! 1w a comnittele scîectçd f rom theieie- Viaik E. Foster, William McGee 111 cli) ulinTem1stet n1Icsipo teVilmnette Womaii's club lamnes, Charles O. Mensick, Theodore (;reeiileaf avenue. at il ocl)ck ue.xt and the 'enitral-Laurel and Logan-ýj- u .Morll grio' bFoes Sunay orniii 1 9 'l e. JTanIsT. F Hoîard Parenit-Teaelier associatiolist P. Cobuiru.Ajut acgo ,eo Veekasninnite o te lmrc Iisnethl)1o f1nomi'înaing canldidates critic-Eýrik G. oldleni,,Thonias 'F. VwIli .preacl t1he sermon. 1 lad s. lu accordalîce with ogetbihdMlreJmsT n O.tîs. haritone, will sinig andl wll.beclistom. Joel .S ît açcconipaiiied by Miss Enna Rounds. Noiniat cif ori- em!.ers of. the-bar Comno evc vili be lield.te-.! \werc George Leal,, who is comnnuder Ms.A R. Peterson, 227. Raleiglh' nîg,ýlit at the Wilm-lette Parisb MNeth- oilf Wilmiettci t le Post, Ameèrican Legîon. ronad, Kenilworth, %vith bher children o(ist cliircli. -fi e.Mir. ,Ven- ani Mrs. Elinor Jle Zv Craîg, president of * , is vsting bier parents in M.iarni eklaiscli vili speak, on- the -Meaingi the Cenitral-L'aurel 1"itreit-leaçher as- * [lea(li. of the Lord'sSper"i llustratîng sociatioii. bis address Nvith IDa Vinc's pi:ctureý Retiriiin minhers of the board are *ýTlc ILast ~pe. George H. Redding. and Mis. liinst Dr. George Craig Stewart, bishop of the Chicago diocese of the Fpisco- pal church, will be the Faster Sunday speaker at the Wiimette Sunday Eve- ning club March 27. The choir of St. Augustine's church wvil1 furnish the musical program. BihpStewart, who hefore becon- ing the1 Episcopal bishop ini this, area w~as for,,twenty-fve year s rector of St. Luke's church, Evaniston, is wiîde- ly, known as a clergyman and lec- titrer. Durin'g bis twenty-five year s at St., Luke's the- church property 'in- creased in value. from $1O,000i to one million dollars> and the memnbersbip? of the church, grew f roi 220 to nearly 2.000. Nôrthwestern U. Truste. In addition to.bis. dtties as Episco- p)al bishop in Chicago Dr. Stewart is called upon f requently to lecture at convocations in the 'country's ieading universities. He is a trustee of North- western university.anid of the Western Theological, serninary, as wellI as a lecturer on homi-letics at the latt:er..in- stitution. Bishop Stewart is associate editor of the Anglican Theological Re- viewv and a feliow of the American Ecclesiological Society. Author of Note He is- also an author 6f note. His works..include "Why Baptize Babies ? (1911), 'f TheColors of the Republic" (1915), "Evolution a. Witness to God'" (1921), "What Is My Life. Work?", (1925), "SpaniishSummer" (1928) and "Six Altars"l (1929). Snoed Piowes Idie; Villa gers Dig Out W\ilinette' residents receivcd no help fromn the Village in clearing the sie- ývalks in front of their homes of snow following the. stornti on *Monday. In More -prosperous times the .sidewalks wçre cieared by.snowvp1oWs operated.by th Vllge, ut not no w. This serv- ice .bi'as b)een discontinued .in accord- ance. Nvith the Village's program *of drastic. reductions in, ail, departments in order to save- money. ý Many of the utiemployed ]iited on the books at the Village hall were cm-ployed privately by Wý1ilrnette residents to remove snow f rom the sidleNva1ks. Automobiles, like *The exectitive conîmittee of the WiI- mette Sundayà Evening club will meet Thursday evening, March 24, at 8 o'clock in the chapel of the First Con- gregationai church. , Every member bas[ benurged to attend sitîce. plans for iîext year's program will be discussed. *Mrs. Hlenry Cutier, chairmani. lI conorny Shop Is condueted by the Philanthropy department of the Wo- man's Club of Wilmette. Proceeds go to ,chàrity, ICali1 Wilfmette 4300 ASKI FOR AD-.TAKER, Il - ON EASTER VACATION Pupils of the Avoca scbool, on Ash- land avenue ini the northwest - section of, Wiimette, are enjoying a five-day Easter vacation. The vacation began today (Thursday). The. school wvil1 ireopen Tuesday, Marcb 29.

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