Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 47

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%-ý%-JL%"LLý& %a Feature Program il A \vath of thritis, offered by somec of flice most entertaining pictures of Two pictures-so different from the a tile scasomi, .awvaits patrons of flhc Te- average screen f are and, yet intensely e atro (tel Lago this week., The fine bla- fascinating-ývillturc main3' patrons to ( anice aclîievcd hl fthc Teatros prograînIthe Varsity theater. Not oiily iv ilt s experts cointitnù.d lv , \vns and keeps îthese filmis itre, but they. wil mor e t f riCnds for this heaut ifut ý theater. Itlitnplease the patr on, onôce ,lie' b as sý "TJaxi" an(' "The Big Shot" are the1 arrived. at thie shôçw. le'atro attracti(onsThrav Friday,1 This enraptured 'critic is referring 41 an Studa.Madi246.jto ",Union Depot"L and "Charlié Chan's lu l.,'la xi." , :ilîih mark .s bis dehnt. as Chance,,' the doutble feature offerings n a filtl-fledgcd statr. Jailles, Cagnex' is a, at the Vars itv theatcr (oI Thursda,, iinixtnirc of seriousncess amnd fun' bear- Fridav, and( *saturday, Mardli 24-26. ijng ont the promise of coiety. quality Doiug Fairbanks, Jr., 'is the star of that lie gave iii "'The 3Miltioniairé," "Union Depot," a filin tlîat portravsc -Sin;mrt M ;in(" 1il MBonde Crazyý." hnmnianîty ina depoit-lif cas yoilsee .uretta '(ýtuig. %vlio plays flie fein- liit in siatches. Vounig Fairb'anks teap s a in ead tries to save tîte* hot-headed atong moving trains as agite as once't( C ne fr nptiiging inito, tragedv ini did his fatiier. JoatiBlondeli is great. "'laxi." DoecssIte succeed? too. WVord coînes frouîî the Fox studio Story About Auto CamptîtCariChisCace"trrg Eddie Quil stesa f"lie Warnier Oland. has the fotlowiing thritl : lig, Shot" a film storv p flaced aýgainst eWt ves that sec .ail, lips that tell ti file, color'fil backgrottnd of the great nothing, 'Chiarlie ('hailt unînasks tile American inistitutin, the auto camp, m(>ost sinister crime of tuhs career." ai decar to thé hearts. of umilions whio jLind(a _WVatkiiis, Mariaqu Nixon, H. B. chioke the nation'-, higli\%-vs ini pmrsuit N\arnier, andI Alexatider Kirklanid are 'A of business and pleasure. * other stars. Just 'as i:terecstinig il héthe 'lea- The after-.sctîool matinces, featuring V tro prograni Sutdav ,and I N[)iidavl, Rn"n-i' seriat, *'Thle Lîghtjningý arh27 and 28, offering "Mecn o Ni Warrior," are popular- witlî the, young- ri Chiance" 'ani "Wr()kinigGirls." Ricardo ýsters. This stifring ser.ial is' atso a T )Cortez, MryAstor.. anid. John Halliday Saturdav matiince Iighlight. 1 are tlic stars (if "cin Chance." iii- (-,n Mondfav. Tucesday. and \ednèés-,~ tense action story about Ie"alfi i da7, NMarcdi'28-30, c. N e7Varsity p resentg a' îhortîgîbrd Wiii'1.sliiiting from "Ilie HatchectMai n'"hsRck picturesque cap)itàis ni Finrope aiid back less Aýge." *dad G. Robinson bas ?ganli to Anîcrîca- iii a neyý\er ceasing fleic eadiing rote in ftic :nighty draina, display ofj) tiire-lie locates and -"lhe 1Hatchet -NMati," 'starring also te etaho)(rate settilngs. ' Loretta Young, Leslie Fenton,' and' "Wokig irs" eurs nany lier- Diudtev Diggës. Al' give finle ctîaracter- si soilte m asveo oivodsizatioii. Sec vour favorites iii their 4 d miost licautltil actresses. Plaul Lukas, Cieeiaeus!A F,-ran.ces I)ee. 'als 1ud Rogers, Chiarlie 'Ruiggtes, is on)le of tlie brighit- tr Jutit ,I Wood, Dorotlîv Hall. andl St-lest sp)ots in.'i'tîis ,Réckless Age." sig art it are stars. i Others \vh{)>tîlatter are Cýhartes t%' "Biuddv". Roges Frances'Dee, aidq Dolores. del 'Rio in' Film PeQ9gy' -Shanntou. Another interestiîmg 1air o 1 pictures ivîlt thrill. at the' Teatro del, Lago 0111 " THIS STAR ONLY FOUR! Tuesday ,and W'ednesday. iMarch 29 and "!'Flic Unexpecte d- Fathier," starrýig 30. 'flic ovelv Dolores,(tel Rio lasl Slii Sumniiierville and Zasti Pitts -at flie teadlingrote ini "Girl1-of the Rio"flie "eatro, del Jago (il nThursdav. Fr-ji fated to danice iii a cafe just across the tlav, andti Saturday. March 31, April border f roin the Uniited States. Téo ami 2.,xmarks thé scecen debuit of ý4- Carrillo is a gay, egotistical çabalîcro, and Norman Foster is. the yoting Aincricailo witli whloi Dolores del Rio falîs' inilove. 'llie otlier filmn is -No' One. XIai,"' ng, last action, andi a breath-taking cattle stampede are things to cheer about in "Riders of txe. Purpie Sage." excellent screen version of Zane Grey's best2selling novel, to be pre- sented at *Community House on Sa 't- urday, March 26. There will be no show Good Friday. Everyone in- the famity will enjov% "Riders of the Purpie Sage." A Coni- nuniy House preview of the film ex- claims, "A splendid cast iina. splendid picture !" * Th e previewv k right. George O'Brien, Marguerite Churchill, Noali Beery, Stanley, Fields, James Todd.' and tittie Shirley Nails are inspiréd tô "their best efforts. in ttus action- filled' picture., FLICKERS 0F A LIFEý Flickers in the if e of Stanley Fields, Miho appears iin the dramna, -Girl of te Rio," at the' Teatro, del, Lago on1 Tuesday and Wednesday, M .arcl .i29ý ind 30, are: Fias 'had the cfireer 'of -an Horatio Alger hiern . . .' Sold nivspapers iný \ew York City. his hirthplace' . . . ýVent f roin cli4-)r-Io,\- to prize-fighiter ., , His broken nose is the resuit of a: ing hattie %vith Beiîny Leonard . * Prouped in vaudeville \vith Frank Fay. lis' filin successes have incéludedl Street tof Cha;tîce,* -Little Caesar" iid. 'C.iniarroni." MYSTERY BAFFLES 'Charlie ('bau sotl'cs the rnost myýs- erîous rnurder case of his career ini 'Charlie' Chani's Chance," the picture, îowýiig at the Téeatro del Lago Thurs- lay, FridaNv, andf Saturday, Marci 3*1,, ýpriI iid 2.: Warner Oland por- rays the rote of thc great Chiniese euth %vlio( outvits the. detectives of E il latont-Phomte Unli. 8900 Itoicas Fairban:ks, Jr. 1 Dr.'Bouilo11 ilàl SUNDAY and HOIIDAYS Eveninga During Week Doors Open 6.'3 -ShowStat7 P.m-. Sqàturday Mat1nee Prices Se4890 p. m.Aduis, 8e; Elidren. Aiway 1e Doors Open 1 :30 Show Staets at 2 pý.. Contînnuus, Toniglit, Fr1., Sait.,. Mari 24-26-20, Twin Features "TAXI James Ca gney- & Loretta Younlg Starts Thar§., Fr1., 7:17; 10:,12_ startq Sat.. 2:00; 8:05; 8:00; 1 e55f Eddie Quilian Robert Armstrongi Starts Thurs., Fr1. 8:49 Starts Sait. 3:32;9 0:87; 9:82 Flp- the Frog cartoon. .Tr- elogue.. Sport Siants .. News Su::.,Mon., IMardi 27-28 Twin Features 'MliiiOF CHANCE' Ricardo Cortez & Mary Astor Starts Sun. 2:00; -4cà2l7&4; 10st0 Starts Mon., 7:25; 10:18 ""WORKINC i'o:î Lukas & Frances Dee Starts Sun. 3:13; 0:05ý; 8:57 Starts Mon. 8:38 The Ctock Store ... Walter Fut- ter's Curlosity Reel . . . News Tues., Wed., Mn'eh 29-.80 Twin Features "IR&OL OF THE Ihilores Del RIeO & Leo Carillo '."NO OU£ MAN" Carole -Lomnbard & Paul Lukas Starte hotu Eves. 8:50 * "XNniiiy" Harry Lauder ... Canine Capers . . . Sport Beel Travelogue . . . -News Tiaurs.., Fr1., Sut., 3March 81 April 1-2-Twin Features l"CHARL IE CHAN'181 CHANCE" 1Warner Oland Starts Thurs., Fr1. 7:21; 10: 19 Starts Sait. 2:00; 4:58; 7:50; 10:50 "The Unexpetd of ailmirers. In N'onming 'mnîs" nie hias a part~ that demands a fine tech- niique and a keen discernment to give' j ust the righit touch to his romamitic.' rote. Lukas, Chartes "Buddy" Rogers, and Stuart Erwin, have the masculine rotes in "Wor.king Girls,": a picture otherwise stroiigty feminine in char- acter. (No shoiv "6Plzzy Red Ridllug Hood" -Cartoon Buddy Rogers - Charles Buaggies Pegg Shnnoa -Franeis Béé uavieu

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