Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Mar 1932, p. 48

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Rats5 cents a lino 1lnoone paper.. 26 cents a. lino 1in BEy two papers Rates1, cents a lune ln ail thr. papers. MINIMUNR CEÂRO ONE DOLLAIL Average otf ive wordm gte ie No black face type used. 10%. isoaont on ail cash wîth, or4I.r advertiseu.nits whes brought te ost Mon ai 1289: Central Av*., WIImete,.et 661 LînteoînAve., WIaaetka. ,Deadin for Insertions-cIassitdavrleet ilb n WjIL.X&-TE, LIFE or al three papera; Wednesday 9 P. IL for WINNETKA TALK and Thuraday 5à P. M.. for. GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones:> Wîlmette 4300, Wigknetka 20", Greenleat 4300 or. Sheidrake 5887. a LOUT a FOUNO LOST -sINCE JAN. 1ST, FEMALE tan a.nd white collie in Kenilwortîî or Wilniette. Answers naine "Bingo."~ Reward. Ph. Deerfield .235. 2LTN47ltp LOST - SUND:AY NIGHI, GRAY striped mnaie cat, nick In car. Ph. Kenllworth 4781.> 2LTN47-ltp LOST-MARCH 17, BLACK & WHITE Boston býull terrier, male, about 2' yrs. old. Answer.s to narne "IRex" Phone Wihlfttf374. 2LT47-ltc S BUILDING £AND CONTRACTING CARL BENGSTON CAPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND REPAIRING PH. WINNETKA 2480 8LTN47-tfe 9 BUSINESS SERVICE DAVID JOHANSSON, CLOCK EX-' pert - Chime hall; antique, clock re- pairing. Learned. trade ini old coun- * try. (Fornierly withi Tiff.y.) Cal at your home., Es3tiima.tes free. Phone Diversey 204l, Chicago. 9LTN47-5tp FOR YOUR NFIXT 'BRIDGE C4MB * serve Angel Food, deliclous creamy double leing, large size $1.00, Sunshine cake, 70c. Ph. Wiln4ette 3407. 9LTN46-tfc Al Kinds of Carpenter Work Done. JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmnette 2165 9LTN35-tfe Il DRESSMAKINQ PO.VV WILL MAKE NEWý order to keep my w duiring depression. i ES *IN 1 ,n hbeyi,m b DsuItu1umiI JiA1C 148 El,» Wlnnetka 2662 41LTNS6-ttc elX PER. WHITE WOMAN WANTS housework or care cf children:by the day. Wlnnetka 2978.. 41LTN47-ltp 4%1 911. WANTED-ýFEMALEt EFFICIENT DOMESTIC HELP, CALL WINNeTKA 2662 Waànt general: Swedish girl, 25 yrs. old, 5 yrs.' ref. Xýorwegian. girl, 35 yrs.,old, 6 yrs.' ref. C'ook and second maid' want work to- gether, excellent local ref. Gernian, 30 yrs. ýold, excellent ref., cook- ing only. Finish girl, 31 yrs. old, w%%ants cooking, 3 yrs.' ref, ('olored maids, 3 with very good ref. '~eera ' COUPLES Sfvrlwith good N;orth Shore ref. Wages asked, $100 n'onth up. No Charge, to Employer. 'We P llace Experienced 1Help Only Reference on File PAULINE'MS EMP. A0ENUIES 748 EIni St. Winnetka 5 Suburban offiesý 41LTN47-ltc RELIABLE WOAIAN WISHES 'TO takze cave of children, day or night, .5c hr. Also college girl t osne Can do serving. Phi. Wilmette 4203. 411,TN47-Irnc EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS wants day work or laundry at homle. N. S. ref. Ph. Wihnctte 4411. 41IýT'N47-lnc( EX.WOMAN DESIRES DAV WORK, vvashinig. iloning, c leaning, and serv- ing lLefer. Ph. Wilmette 18!). 411LTN471ln( 1-ANTE I - DAY WORK 0l, l'ART tinue wi-*ik, cleanxng. washing, îronîng, taking caî'e of children. Rief. Reason- able. P>h, Wilniette 2785. 411,TN47-lnc OUGMATRON WL LL TAKE ('ARE .>thiir eeenings. Pice 27) cents p~.* ou~.Referencees. 1Ph. il. 1998.1 41T47-1te £'2AUJ Lu1Nl!i. ; L.%5 jMAI!;' UII!; 74$ Elm Wlnnetka 5 Suburban Offices 42LTN45-tfc vA R DE N ER AND CARETAKER, thoroughly experienceci, wishes, em- ployment. Also willing to do other Nork. E. F. Miller, 347 N. Clark St., Chicago. 42L47ltp EXPE4., FILIPINJ WANTS WORIK In private farnlly as cook, chauf- feuir, housemnan, butier, or any kind of odd work. N. S. ref. Ph. Uni.. 2086.' 42LTN47-ltp GARDEN AND LAWN -WORK, WAX- igfloors, simonizing, cars, cernent * work, odd jobs of ail kinds. Frank, Burr, Winnetka 689. 42LTN47-ltp. EXPERIENCED, NORWEGIAN chauffeur. gardener,,and houseman. Best..N. S. ref. Winnetka. 186. 42L47ltp lXPER. MAN WILL.COME TO YOUR homne-and Wash anid.sîmoniz your car for $5. Ph. Wilmette 4203. 42LTN47-n'- VIRS ' CLASS.G,&RDENER, ClIAUF-' feur and houseman. 15 yrs. on North Shore. Own uiiiform. Ph. Wil. 4619). 421TN47-Inc 1ýXPER. RELIABLE MAN WANTS garden work, housework, window washing or any odd jobs. Refs. Ph., Wilmette 2345. 42LTN46-lnc EXPER. HOUSEMAN WISHES WORK. Can also dIo upho lstering, painting and ecalcimiing. Reliable., Ph. Wilmette 4!f65, ask for Ed. 421,TN47-lne 43 SIT. WTD.-MALE & FEMALE ('OLOR1ED COIJPLE-MAN FOR tIEN- et-ai oseo lamwn, or chauffeur; %%ifv A-1I conk. Exuellenit rets. Last place 3 Ps lh. K:etilor)ith 13762. 431,TN47-1 tl) C'OUPL.E - EXPER. COOK, %rAID, chauffeur, butler and yardman. Not :tfraid of wokfeferences. Phi. Drexcll 5847, 43LTN47-1tcý 44 HELP WANTED-FEMALE POSITIOSOPEN 1"~priened Hlp: Only-XVhite Ciok, 4,,tults -W7innetka Cook, :, aults-1Lake For-est toKUîuler 30 yrs. (l... lsk1't for Wlet (ak ],> Ist io-iîek ("),ûk Ind eco4nd . .$1 .nrd2 aduit.-... 4<ceial,. 3 in fam iiy,, nolanli 4LieneraI, nust like (hildren..... Stvcond mil, 4 ini fanifly . S"cond, 3 adults .... ...... $k'cond, 4 adults ........... Practicail nurse for adult... $18 $1 R $18 $15 -$16 -$15 $18 il %ANJTEDjWIIITE MAID FOR GEN- IF YOU REQUIRE ANY CARPENTRY eral housework, plain cooking. Laun- work or cabinet making call E. Ander- dry, 4 adults. Ph. Kenlworth 3719. s-on, 833 Flfteenth St. Ph. Wilrnette 4LN7ýt 4965. Work doncetether in your home 4LT 7-t or mine. M , work and prices are W -ANTED-EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR rlght. , 42LT47-1nc general hou.9ework. Homo nlghts. Ph. WlI~ete 208.44LTN%47-ltp GERMAN HOUSEMAN, BUTLER,' cook, yard ý Work. First, class rets., WTD.-WHITEý MA ID. PROTËSTANT. local and German. Single. WiI. 4552.' Muet be n1eat. Goo~ reTs. necessary. 42LTN47-ltpý Ph.. Kenilworth, 617. 44LTN 7-Ite aftempoon, or Suuîuy, preealy evi- nings. 48LTN47-Itc L 1 N C 0 L N WILLOUGHBY LIMOU- sine, 1930, A-i condition. Has been In storage one year, run 14,000 miles, price $1.800. Ph. Sheidrake 8853.. 48L47-Ilp HUPMOB1Le. EIG.1-T, COUPE, DE. luxe. 1929, side mounts, spot light. heater, new- tires, finish> excellent. Caîl Winnetka '2958. 48L47-ltp 49 WANTIED TO BUY-AUtOS IF YOU WANT TO SEL!1 YOUR CAR SEE GLENLAKE MOTOR.SALES 6111 BROADWAY Sheidrake 7044 49LtN35-tfc CASH, FOR LATE MODEL USED cars, or sold4 on comm. Ph. WiI. 5346. 49LTN45-tfco no Au1TO SERVICE WHY PAY $2 AN %ýHI. FOR HAVING your car repaired If you ean have it donc for haIT, by an expert? Done in yýour ir îîy garage,, or over night. XiII call and cleli ver. X. S. roT. Save money and (.a i m..Krautî , enilworth 1146 or WVilmnette 53 46. 501L.TN36-tfc 1 (A' L LAEGE, SUNNY ROS ekist sie home, furn. or unfurn. , 011 lieat, î'unninig water, larjge opent lioreh -; conv. business- section anidall tr'ansportation., Couid arrange hskpg. Hteferetîces. >h. Wilmette .204. 511,47-11p EXCEPTIONAL RM., RICHIJY FURN., ln bea.ut. refined home. Board opt. Ibik., transp. Ph. Glenicoe 1492. 51 LTN4 -4-1 te NI('EY FURJN. 1->M.j IN PI4IVATE homhe, near ail transip. Young inan prefer.red Garage op)tional. Phi. XViI- mnette 1848. 51L47-ltc 1-100M ANI) ENTIR II flUSE UJVi legus, for womn nor co)uple.Res,- al.Ca1li evenings or S1unday, MWinn. TrW()BJII- PLEASANT Rms. 1N, p)rivate-tresidFint-e near trans4p. Phione Winnetka 415. 51 ITN-4 7 -1lt 1 2 NICE R2'IS. ON. TOWEII RD. NEAR trans-,p. Gentlemen preferred. Phone Winnetk-a 1580ýo.-,' 51LTN47-lt*, 55.8 RÊAL ESTAlE THE Nor th-S ho rle an d REALTORS MI.-RH Y(> TIHIS EW'î OFFEUJNG' EirNFw . lEnglanc- Colonial. home. of str1g. indlvidmillty on beaut!iul landscaedplot. 1OOIx.40 feet, in1h lieart of Lake, Foi'est'I's exeluie eu~e- tion. f,'r.t foot)r 4 i oops, maids~' qrwters. buitler"s pantry, and aq1hrooni, ,how- et and l1v 'tory, Senonà foor, 4 bet¶- mi ns, 2 ba.tlis, epacieus hall ani'd VTpecu1$boalrd 1room colonial decorations throughout ln har-' rn-omy wlth the period. Attachied and dei 'n ygaeolhIt R. B. WHITAKER CO. 841 Elrn Street Winnetka Phono 3250 55B-LTN47-1 te FOR SALE AND FOR RENT 8 rin. brick, oil ht.. 2 baths, garage. Near lake. $135.00, 6 rin. Cane Çod, oil ht. $110. Sale ýpice Wonderful 9 . .> brick, $20.000 belowý value, ut $30,000. Mrs. Lang, Winnietka'1194. 55BmLTN47-ltp

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